Ocrad - The GNU OCR

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GNU Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program and library based on a feature extraction method. It reads images in png or pnm formats and produces text in byte (8-bit) or UTF-8 formats. The formats pbm (bitmap), pgm (greyscale), and ppm (color) are collectively known as pnm.

Ocrad includes a layout analyser able to separate the columns and blocks of text normally found on printed pages.

Ocrad can be used as a stand-alone console application, or as a backend to other programs.


The manual is available in the info system of the GNU Operating System. Use info to access the top level info page. Use info ocrad to access the ocrad section directly.

An online manual for ocrad can be found at manual/ocrad_manual.html.


The latest released version of GNU Ocrad can be found at http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/ocrad/ or in the subdirectory /gnu/ocrad/ on your favorite GNU mirror. For other ways to obtain ocrad, please read How to get GNU Software. The latest released version will be the most recent version available at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ocrad/.

To decompress ocrad tarballs you may need lzip from http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lzip.html. Then use "tar -xf ocrad[version].tar.lz" or "lzip -cd ocrad[version].tar.lz | tar -xf -" to extract the files.

Old versions and testing versions can be found at http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/ocrad/.

How to Get Help

For general discussion of errors (bugs) in ocrad, the mailing list bug-ocrad@gnu.org is the most appropriate forum. Please send messages as plain text. Please do not send messages encoded as HTML nor encoded as base64 nor included as multiple formats. Please include a descriptive subject line with the word "ocrad" in it.

An archive of the bug report mailing list is available at http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ocrad.

How to Help

To contact the author, either to report an error (bug) or to contribute fixes or improvements, send mail to bug-ocrad@gnu.org. Please send messages as plain text. If posting patches they should be in unified diff format against the latest version. They should include a text description.

You may also help ocrad by donating money via PayPal or debit/credit card.

See also the ocrad project page at Savannah.


Ocrad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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Updated: $Date: 2024/01/18 16:12:54 $ $Author: antonio $

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