When it is required to simulate the transient behaviour of a semicondutor device, it is very usefull to save all the solutions at each time step of the simulation. In this way, it is possible to create movies which show the transient behaviour of the density, or of the electrostatic potential, for examples. This movies are very good in the comprehension of the transient states of a new semiconductor device. The user have not to run and stop at different time the simulation (which is a very annoying task :) ). The only thing to do is to put the following line in the input file processed by GNU Archimedes
SAVEEACHSTEPThis will save all the solution, in the choosed format, with the following convention: the file are named in increasing order, i.e., for density, density001.xyz, density002.xyz, density003.xyz, ... ,density010.xyz and so on. Instead, the last final step will be saved with the suffix '000'.