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<title>Tips on Using the GNU FDL
- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
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<h2>Tips on Using the GNU Free Documentation License</h2>
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<p>This is a brief explanation of how to place a document under the <a
href="/licenses/fdl.html">GNU Free Documentation License</a>.  For the
GNU software licenses, such as the GNU GPL, we have a <a
href="/licenses/gpl-howto.html">separate page</a>.</p>

<dt><a href="/licenses/fdl-howto-opt.html">How does one use the
optional features of the FDL?</a></dt>
We have a <a href="/licenses/fdl-howto-opt.html">separate page</a> that
discusses how to use the optional features of the FDL.</dd>

<dt>Where must one put the license notification?</dt>
It is sufficient to put the full license notice in the
“main” file of your document.  For example, with
the <cite>Emacs Lisp Reference Manual</cite>, we have many files
included by <code>elisp.texi</code>.  We keep the full notification
in <code>elisp.texi</code>, and in the other files we simply write:


<pre class="emph-box">
@c -*-texinfo-*-
@c This is part of the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
@c Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1999
@c   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@c See the file elisp.texi for copying conditions.

<dt>What do I do with scripts that are needed to render my document
We recommend you release these scripts under the GNU FDL as well.  Of
course, if these scripts are generally useful for other tasks, it is a
good idea to release them separately under the GNU GPL.</dd>

<dt>Is it required for the document to have invariant sections?</dt>
No.  It is perfectly acceptable for a document to have no invariant

<dt>Should I try to make sure the document has some invariant
Not particularly.  If a section's contents ought to be invariant, make
it invariant.</dd>

<dt>Should I try to avoid invariant sections?</dt>
Not particularly.  If a section's contents ought to be invariant, make
it invariant.</dd>

<dt>When should a section be invariant?</dt>
First of all, keep in mind that a section that treats technical
material <em>cannot</em> be invariant.  Only a secondary section can
be invariant, and a technical section is not a secondary section.
If the section is text that you're not allowed to modify, such as a
copy of the GNU GPL, then it <em>must</em> be invariant.  You can't
give permission to modify it if you don't have permission to modify
(One consequence is that you <em>cannot use</em> preexisting text
which covers technical material if you don't have permission to allow
modification of that text.)</p>
When a section discusses the philosophy of free software, it is a good
idea to make that section invariant.  For instance, when we put the
GNU Manifesto in a manual, or when we include a section explaining why
free documentation is important, we make that section

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<p>Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2008, 2009, 2014 2014, 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</p>

<p>This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.</p>

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<p class="unprintable">Updated:
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$Date: 2022/11/15 13:01:27 $
<!-- timestamp end -->
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