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<title>GNU Free Documentation License v1.3
- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
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<h2>GNU Free Documentation License</h2>

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  <li><a href="/licenses/fdl-1.3-faq.html">FDL 1.3 Frequently Asked
  <li><a href="/licenses/fdl-1.3-pdiff.ps">Marked-up changes between
  FDL 1.2 and FDL 1.3 (PostScript)</a></li>
  <li><a href="/licenses/fdl-howto.html">Tips on how to use the FDL</a></li>
  <li><a href="/licenses/fdl-howto-opt.html">How to Use the Optional
  Features of the GFDL</a></li>
  <li><a href="/licenses/translations.html">Translations
  of the GFDL</a></li>

  <li>The FDL in other formats:
     <a href="/licenses/fdl-1.3.txt">plain text</a>,
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     <a href="/licenses/fdl-1.3.rtf">RTF</a>

  <li><a href="/licenses/why-gfdl.html">Why publishers should use the
  GNU Free Documentation License</a></li>
  <li><a href="/philosophy/free-doc.html">Free Software and Free
  <li><a href="/licenses/old-licenses/old-licenses.html#FDL">Old versions
  of the GNU Free Documentation License</a></li>
  <li><a href="/licenses/gpl-violation.html">What to do if you see a
  possible GFDL violation</a></li>

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<p class="unprintable">Updated:
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$Date: 2023/11/30 10:13:52 $
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