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Zlatoust Machine-building Plant

Zlatoustovskiy mashinostroitel'nyi zavod

Contact Information

Address: Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region
Tel: (35136)
Fax: (35136) Activity: production of sea-launched ballistic missiles
Status: state enterprise
Subordination: Russian Space Agency
Former Subordination: Ministry of General Machine-building of USSR
Former name: Plant #385

JSC Zlatmash is a city-forming enterprise. The plant makes a significant contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of the Zlatoust urban district. Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant JSC (Zlatmash JSC), which is a part of the State Corporation for Space Activity Roscosmos, is one of the leading manufacturers of strategic missile systems of the Russian Navy and the largest in the Chelyabinsk region in terms of state defense order.

Along with the implementation of the state defense order, the enterprise successfully develops the output of civilian products. Also, the plant develops a variety of profile areas. Scientific and technical, personnel potential allows to do this. The enterprise has its own energy base. Energy provides heat, drinking water, electricity to all units of the plant and the residential area of ??Zlatoust urban district, which is home to more than 50 thousand people.

The reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production are actively underway, the existing equipment is being modernized, and a new one is being purchased. The enterprise has high-precision equipment for performing technological operations of any complexity in the field of engineering. The presence of highly qualified personnel allows creating a powerful technological potential, based on the latest scientific and technical achievements.

The quality management system of the enterprise was certified in 2016 in the system of certification "Oboronsertifikat" for compliance with the SRPP BT, GOST RW 0015-002-2012, RK-98, RK-98KT, RK-11, RK-11KT and OST 134-1028-2012 - applied in the production of weapons and military equipment and for compliance with GOST ISO 9001-2011 - with respect to products for general industrial use.

The cultural center of the enterprise is the Palace of Culture "Victory" - in architecture and design it is considered one of the best buildings in Russia. It was opened on November 6, 1947.

May 9, 1975 in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory was opened factory Obelisk of glory - a symbol of eternal memory to the heroes of the front and rear. The Zlatoust branch of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute was opened on the initiative and with the participation of the plant (now the branch of SUSU in Zlatoust), an educational building was built.

Many workers of the Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant for their impeccable selfless labor are awarded high state awards. Eight people were awarded Hero of Socialist Labor in different years, two more became Heroes of the Soviet Union, eighteen workers of the plant were laureates of the Lenin Prize, nine people won the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, two persons were laureates of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation Prize, Laureates of the Lenin Komsomol Prize - Eight people. In addition, nineteen machine builders received the title of Honored Workers of the USSR, the RSFSR, the Russian Federation, became Masters of Sport of the international class of the USSR, the Russian Federation - eight people. Thirty-two workers were awarded the Order of Lenin. Five - Honorary citizens of the city of Zlatoust.

JSC Zlatmash is an enterprise with glorious traditions. Pass competitions of professional skill, labor rivalry of shops and departments. Since 1972, the title of "Honored veteran of the factory's work" has been awarded, since 1981 "Factory Prize Laureate" and "Honorary Labor Dynasty of the Plant".


Zlatoust Machine-building Plant apparently originates from the Plant #385, which operated in Zlatoust since 1955 under the Chief Designer of Special Design Bureau #385. When SKB-385, headed by Makeyev, moved to Miass in 1959, remaining production facilities were probably reorganized to a new independent plant. From 1965 till 1991 Zlatoust Machine-building Plant reported to the Ministry of General Machine-building of USSR. In 1998 it was subordinated to the Russian Space Agency.

Subsequently the Plant was the serial production facility for SLBMs. In 1997 the Government also authorized construction of a facility for elimination of solid-fueled SLBMs at the Plant (along with Votkinsk Plant).

Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant was founded in 1939 as an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of small arms. The first Governmental decision to build the plant was taken back in May 1938. The place of future construction was Urzhum platform, located 12 kilometers from Zlatoust. June 28, 1939 in Moscow, finally approved the project assignments and the general plan of the plant with orders for the immediate commencement of construction work. June 29 the same year, Nikolai Pavlovich Poletayev was appointed director of the new building.

In November 1941, the company evacuated equipment and specialists from the Tula Arms and Podolsk Mechanical Works. With their arrival, the release of the legendary Maxim machine gun and the Volkov-Yartsev aviation gun began. Then the plant produced Tokarev's self-loading rifle, Berezin's machine gun, Shpagin's submachine gun, and Degtyarev's anti-tank rifle.

Workers of the plant initiated collection of funds for the creation of a tank column named after the 25th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, in a short time it was possible to raise 3.5 million rubles, another 450,000 rubles were collected for gifts to Red Army soldiers and 1 million 200 thousand rubles for the creation of the Ural Volunteer Tank housing.

In June 1942, the first factory workers were awarded orders and medals, in 1944 - 81 people were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", more than five thousand factory workers after the Victory were awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." During the war 11 times the enterprise was awarded the transient Red Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.), And on September 16, 1945, for the exemplary fulfillment of the Government's task of producing and supplying the Red Army with machine gun and cannon armament, the first highest award, the Order of Lenin, appeared on the banner of the plant. The Patriotic War, the plant began to produce products for the needs of the national economy. In particular, the production of Keystone chains for the coal industry, which were actively used for the restoration of the Donbass mines, was mastered.

In 1945, the plant started production of hunting rifles, which in 1958 were awarded the Honorary Diploma at the World Exhibition in Brussels. In the period from 1948 to 1967, machine guns of the Goryunov system were produced at the enterprise, and from 1967 to 1990 serial production of the Kalashnikov tank machine gun was conducted (in all, over 200,000 weapons were produced).


In December 1947, a decision was made to create a new unit in the structure of the plant - SKB No. 385. Subsequently, it was renamed into a design bureau for mechanical engineering, today it is JSC Makeyeva GRC (Miass, Chelyabinsk region). Since 1953, the production of tactical missiles 8A61 and 8K11 (P11) began according to the documentation of OKB-1 headed by S.P.Korolev.

In 1959, the first ballistic missile of submarines R-11 FM developed by OKB-1 was put into service with the Navy. In 1963, the first ballistic missile of submarines with an underwater launch of the R-21 was put into service by the Navy. In 1967, for the first time in the history of the world, a factory-filled and ampulized liquid RSM-25 rocket was sent from the factory. For these purposes, a stand-alone ampulisation and refueling complex (chemical plant) was specially built.

In 1974, the RSM-25 SLBM with separating combat units was put into service. In the future, all ballistic missiles that were or were in the arsenal of the navy were manufactured and tested at the Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant.

The enterprise took part in famous space programs. Manufactured brake propulsion for spacecraft Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz (1961-1980), units and units for the Energia-Buran complex (1985-1987), rigging and non-standardized equipment for the launch complex "Baikonur" (1983-1988).

In the sixties the plant completely reoriented to the production of rocket and space technology and became the main enterprise for the production of rocket technology, developed by the Academician V.P. Makeyev. In 1960, the first production buildings of facility No. 3 were commissioned in Miass, in which corps production was organized (since 1992 the Miass machine-building plant).

In 1969 the plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its services in the creation and production of new equipment, in 1978 - the Order of the October Revolution. For the successes in the All-Union socialist competition, the collective of the plant, for the years of the 10th and 11th five-year plans, was assigned eight times the Red Banner of the CPSU Central Committee, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

Repeatedly the collective of machine builders was awarded with Honorary Diplomas for the early completion of assignments. And in 1980 and 1983 he was awarded memorable signs and diplomas with the entry on the Honor Board VDNH.

Civil Production

In the same period, the plant began to develop and release a fundamentally new product - civil, as well as consumer goods. In 1964, the first samples of installations for the production of polyethylene sleeve (URP-1500) and for the production of sheets from impact-resistant polystyrene (AL-1600) were made. Since 1968, the production of household electric stoves "Dream" began. In 1974, the electric stove "Dream" became the first in the factory production, awarded the State Quality Mark.

Since the 1990s, JSC Zlatmash has been manufacturing medical equipment for maternity wards and resuscitation departments and crane manipulators Sinegorets with removable attachments. In the 2000s, work was carried out on a new modification of the third-generation RSM-54 "Sineva" missile. On July 9, 2007 it was adopted. In 2008, the plant started manufacturing transport-charging machines for the Pechora-2M anti-aircraft missile system, crane-manipulator systems for the Pantsir-C1 anti-aircraft missile system. In October 2008, the production of aluminum radiators for heating "Termal" was started. In 2009, the plant began to manufacture support and rotary devices for telescopes, which are part of a powerful optoelectronic complex for monitoring outer space.

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