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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Saturn / 5V21 ABM

In the late 1950's, the USSR was developing a mobile ABM system known as Saturn. Not much is known about this system, except that it would have relied on modified OKB Fakel missiles. The first of these was the 20DS, a modified V-755 (SA-2 GUIDELINE) SAM.

In September 1953, the state tests of the Moscow air defense system created by KB-1 were completed. The heads of the Ministry of Defense raised the issue of bringing the leading specialists of CB-11 to the problem. Chief designer of the system S-25 A.A.Raspletin cautiously treated the proposal to appoint him chief designer for missile defense [PRO]. He said that the possibility of developing such a system should be assessed first. The task is extremely difficult, but perhaps one of the scientists of his design bureau can begin to study the problem in detail.

The problem of creation of ABM was so topical that already in December 1953 the order of SM of the USSR "on development of methods of struggle against long-range missiles" was issued. The development of specific proposals was entrusted to two organizations, CB-1 and Rahl. By order, in December 1953 in KB-1 was created a special laboratory on problems of ABM, headed by N.A. Livshits.

In January 1954, the Glavspecmashem decided to establish a special ABM Commission. The Chairman of the Commission was appointed the Chairman of the NTS academician A.N.Schukin. The Commission consisted of Director radio laboratory RALAN A.L.Mints, chief engineer of CB-1 F Lukin and chief designer of the S-25 system A.A.Raspletin.

On February 3, 1956, having considered the proposals of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense Industry, the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted the Decree "on missile defense". Minoboronpromu endorsed development of the project of the Experimental Missile defense system, and creation of the missile defense. In July 1956, military builders began to create a new test range, on the shore of Lake Balkhash, near the village of Sary-Shagan. Here the scientific center of the testing range and the command post of the experimental complex of the anti-missile defense system "A" were established.

On August 18, 1956, the Central Committee and Council of Ministers adopted a resolution on the construction, order and terms of the work on the creation of the experimental complex "System A". The main designer of Rtn, SEC and the whole System "A" was approved by G.V.Kisunko. In the creation of RTN took part also the Radio Engineering Institute of the USSR under the direction of the future academician an USSR A.L.Mints.

At the same time, research on the possibility of creating a mobile PRO complex was carried out since 1958 on the basis of the results of works on the SAM S-75 and S-200. At least two sketch projects were investigated with 20d missiles "C" on the basis of SAM complex C-75 and 5v21C on the basis of SAM complex C-200.

Work on the "Saturn" mobile anti-missile system was carried out by joint decision of the Chairpersons of Gkrje and Gkat. Development of the Saturn system with a missile C-860 was set by the resolution of 3 October 1958 CM #1107-565, on the basis of elements of the anti-aircraft system C-200 with a missile in-860, specified by the resolution CM # 608-293 of 4 June 1958. The main organization was determined by research Institute-648 (Research Institute of Precision Devices Miradioproma USSR), chief designer-N.I. Belov.

Unlike other projects for stationary systems, which envisaged replacement of other similar systems - the idea of the creators of the system "Saturn" provided its application in combination with the stationary system of the missile defense of the country or Regions (zones). Mobile character of complexes on wheeled platforms gave the system "Saturn" a number of advantages in comparison with stationary systems, deprived such maneuverable possibilities and requiring considerable expenses of time, material and labor resources for their redeployment.

System "Saturn" was to provide for the defeat of ballistic missiles (BR) medium range with flight speeds of 1200-1500 m/s, at heights of not less than 30 km. The launch of the rocket into the working area of had a homing time of 10 seconds; Calculation point of the fall of target was at a distance of 35 km from the firing complex.

In their scientific researches, the authors of the project proceeded from the experience of the Great Patriotic War and other recent armed conflicts, which had the character of maneuverable wars, and clearly demonstrated the need to increase the maneuverability of forces and means Air defense by equipping them with the necessary means of mobility on the machine-drawn. Mobility of the elements of the Saturn system placed on the wheel base:

  • First, this allowed the manuver of the forces and missile defences freely, depending on the evolving and rapidly evolving combat environment;

  • Second, it allowed to concentrate the necessary quantity of rocket-artillery divisions, equipped with rocket complexes of system "Saturn", on threatened sites, directions and frontiers of defense or, on the contrary, spread them on the remote friend From a friend strategically important objects requiring cover from the enemy's missile and nuclear strike;

  • Third, it provided a high degree of survivability of the system in the face of aggressive actions of the enemy aimed at the destruction of Soviet missile defense means.

In the late 1950s, ICD "Torch" was used to study the possibility of creating a mobile missile defense system "Saturn". As a result, the enterprise offered to use the rocket 20d "C" for working out of the facilities of this complex. Anti-missile 20d "C" was a tier rocket, executed under a normal aerodynamic scheme, with the installed in front of the missile destabilizers. The launch of the rocket is inclined, with a launcher set on the corner and azimuth of the place. The control of the rocket's flight and its targeting was supposed to be carried out by radio commands from the ground station of guidance. In the final phase of the flight was supposed to use homing.

The first stage of 20d "C" is a solid rocket engine with the stabilizers installed on it; The second is equipped with a liquid motor unit with pumping system of fuel components supply to the engine. The structurally stairway stage of 20d "C" consists of a number of compartments in which are located: Homing Head, Combat unit, on-board equipment, tanks with fuel components, liquid rocket engine, missile steering units, receiver control commands.

For use in the layout of the Saturn-M system, the ICD "Torch" was developed version of the anti-aircraft missile B-755 C from the C-75. The scanner missile V-860 was executed on September 29, 1959. As a result, the ICD "torch" offered to use the rocket 5v21 "C" as part of this complex.

The 5V21 Missile "C" (V-860) was a rocket executed under a normal aerodynamic scheme, with four triangular wings of a large elongation. The launch of the rocket is inclined, with a launcher set on the corner and azimuth of the place. The targeting of the missile was intended to be carried out using a homing system.

The first stage of 5V21 "C" was four solid engines installed on the rocket between the wings. The second stage was equipped with a liquid motor unit with pumping system of fuel components supply to the engine. The structurally stage of 5v21 "C" consists of a number of compartments in which were located the homing head, rocket flight control equipment units, combat part, tanks with fuel components, liquid rocket engine, aggregates Control of the missile's rudders.

The management and guidance system provided command-and-control commands from the radar missile guidance, GOS rockets were included on the final stage of the flight. The rocket 5V21S was supposed to use homing on illumination of the purpose of the radar of guidance of a complex.

For the defeat of ballistic targets it was supposed to use a special combat part AA-22, on the project of the rocket equipped and the usual combat part. Combat parts for missiles were developed in GSKB-47 under the direction of K. I. Kozorezova.

In the late 1950s in KB-2 CCB-34 (Ch. Designer D.E. Shave) was developed and transferred to the production of Leningrad Metal plant technical documentation for the test range launcher SM-72, designed for the reception, storage and launch of a-10 missile complex Missile defence. The works were stopped at the stage of production of launchers.

In the period from 1958 to 1960 CB-2 CCB-34 under the guidance of D.E. Brillja in full composition performed a whole range of advanced projects and sketch projects of automatic, remotely controlled launchers and loaders machines for the complex PRO "System A" under the rocket V-1100 of Chief designer P.D. Grushina (one version was made under Rocket 435).

Launchers CM-91 and CM-98, most elaborated in the projects, were a ground store with separate cells for storage and protection against the influence of various external factors of the missiles placed in them, fully prepared for Combat use. The store was placed on a ball base for the possibility of guiding the rockets on the azimuth and contained a swinging part with a missile suspended on its guide for guidance on the corner of the place. Swinging part simultaneously performed the functions of the lid of the store cell.

In less detail were developed on additional demand of the customer variants with use of transport-starting containers.

In the projects of automatic launchers with shops SM-91 and SM-98 presented a large number of options differing:

— by the number of missiles placed in stores: two-, four-and six-seater;

-On the Uglomestnomu drive: with a constant angle of vertical guidance of 70 ° and with a variable angle of vertical guidance 15 °-85 °;

— By type of hydraulic drives: with drives of volumetric regulation with pumps and Hydromotors Institute-173 and with the Hydro-accumulator, ensuring independence of combat use from the state of power grid.

The latest project was developed on June 20, 1960. Production of working drawings on the schedule signed by the head of the enterprise A.M. Shahovym and director of the plant "Bolshevik" A.N. Yakovenko, was to be completed in 1960. However, the work at the enterprise was stopped, as the customer was not ready for the final choice of the option.

In work the most active participation took: V.S. Ushakov-offered constructive scheme of the launcher, on which the development of projects, S.V. Rogov, A.I.Litvinchuk, A.M. Shahs (in the post of the Head of department), Ka Kozlov, bps Frolov, V.F. Potapov, A.Y. kholmyanskii, G.A. Bebjakin, G.A. Petrov, A.S. Tsvetkova, M.A. Tjuhtin, N.M. Isakov, S.M. Sheremet, D.F Strulkov, Yu., S.K. Zhukov, A.I. Semenova, N.M. Vorobyov, I.M. Kaufman, A.A. clamps, ni ripe, from ETOs-5: L.A. Dobkes, V.B. Bereznickij, au lagutkin, from B-6 e.v. Sinilshhikov, A.I. Reinhold and many others.

From System "Saturn" for System "a" the usual combat part (OBCH) of a missile with more than 15 thousand striking elements-steel balls with an explosive substance and a kernel from heavy strong alloy was taken. OBCH was developed by a team led by K.I. Kozorezovym. By the end of 1960, the first sample of a new obch for anti-missile had been produced — thus, the D-1000 had two variants of OBCH.

The sketched project of the system "Saturn" was completed by the end of 1960 in September-November 1961 at the Sary-Shaganskom test site were carried out experimental works S-75 against 8k14, where the possibility interception of missiles of the complex C-75 operative-tactical BR was tested.

The project of the mobile version of the complex bore the cipher "Prism". In the early 1960s, proposals for the creation of a compact anti-missile system "Saturn" of the caravan type were rejected. The works on the complex did not go beyond R & D and stopped in 1961.

After the suspension from work on the system and Design bureau-464 and NII-648, the project materials were transferred to CB-1 A.A. Raspletin and formed the basis for the creation of the air defense system and the C-225.

The works created by that time were used in the implementation of other missile armament projects. All projects of prospective ABM systems, including Saturn, were eventually abolished in favor of the adoption of A-35 stationary system.

However, work on the S-200 system to defeat ballistic missiles was continued later.

During the experimental work on the test site on the use of C-75 in the ABM regime in the mid-1960s, the creators of the S-200 took advantage of the unique opportunity and in passing, over the plan, carried out the wiring of tactical ballistic missile R-17 by radar means of its system.

During the tests of the C-200 in the late 1960s, pilot launches were carried out on targets based on 8K11 and 8K14 missiles to determine the capability of the system to detect and destroy tactical ballistic missiles.

From 4 to 11 October 1968 in/h 03080 conducted shooting tests of the fire complex C-200 on the operational-Tactical missile R-11m (8K11). The firing complex C-200 included two firing channels, radar P-80a, MDR-200, P-14f "Van", Altimeter PRV-13 "reliability-2. In total, there were 10 rocket launches of the 8k11 and one launch of the anti-aircraft missile 5v21a.

The launch of the SAM 5v21a on BR 8k11 was made on 11 October 1968 to verify the functioning of the SAM homing system and the 5e24f. The given experiment had shown possibility of detection by means of C-200 operative-tactical missiles of type 8k11 and their Destruction.

During the tests the method of detection and reliable support of PRP 8k11 (at the range of 89 km) on the trajectory of radar means of the fire complex C-200 was worked out. The 5V21A missile control system provides high accuracy of homing when firing on PRP 8k11 on the descending section of the trajectory in the Retranslator area of the lesion at a height of 10 – 25 km and a range of 25 – 30 km. The accuracy of the homing in the start was 6 m.

AAMs-200 became the subject of negotiations between the USSR and the USA, because, according to American data, in 1973-1974, about 50 flight tests were carried out at the site in Sary-Shagan, during which the radar system was used for "ballistic missile tracking". As the Treaty on the Limitation of ABM systems had already been signed between the USSR and the USA, the United States in the Standing Advisory Commission on compliance with the Treaty was asked to stop such tests. As a result of the American protest, similar tests of the S-200 were discontinued.


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  • militaryrussia.ru
  • www.dogswar.ru

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