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NIIRP Nauchno-issledovatelskiy Institut Radioprioborostroyeniya

Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Radio (NIIRP), located in Moscow, is a developer of communication system, a means of environmental monitoring, management of complex objects. NIIRP was in affiliation of the Russian Agency for Control Systems. From 2004, S.A.Podlepa held the position of chief designer of "NIIRP", who succeeded B.P. Vinogradova.

NIIRP was created by the decision of the USSR Council of Ministers on 30 December 1961 by decree # 1181-511. The company was formed from from one of the units of the KB-1 (now - NPO Almaz / Diamond). NIIRP in accordance with a number of resolutions of the Government was the lead institution of the Russian Federation on the development and creation of tools and missile defense systems. Within the framework of the state order of the Institute with the participation of a large cooperation established system "A", "A-35", and "A-135".

It was the leading Institute for the development and creation of tools and systems, missile defense, a series of systems A-35 and A-135. For the development of these systems, in 1966, some leading experts NIIRP were awarded the Lenin Prize, and in 1977 and 1997 respectively - the State Prize. As of 2002, NIIRP had 900 employees, including 545 researchers, including 12 doctors and 67 candidates of sciences. More than 200 NIIRP workers were awarded orders and medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and 251 employees were awarded the title "Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation."

NIIRP actively involved in conversion work, the results of which have received numerous diplomas and medals. Work has been exhibited at the World Exhibition of Inventions. "Brussels - Eureka", Brussels (Belgium); All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow; International Salon of Inventions and Technology, Geneva (Switzerland); International Exhibition of Inventions in Orlando (USA); International Exhibition of Inventions of Paris (France). From 1996 to 2000, the developers of the Institute at the international exhibitions and salons was awarded 1 Grand Prix, 2 gold medals with distinction, 5 gold, 8 silver and 2 bronze medals.

NIIRP owed "Almaz" 1.6 million rubles (3.2 million fines) for heat and electricity. In spring 1998, "Diamond" filed a lawsuit on bankruptcy institute, the value of which the fixed assets is 443 million rubles. This security of the country is common according to market rules. That company went "fatherly" to strangle her child. Or by skillfully seizing the property of a child lost in the market. They say the claim submission was caused by the personal dislike of the former general director of "Almaz" to the former director NIIRP.

The insolvency (bankruptcy) of the parent company was responsible for coordinating all work on missile defense. Its conversion to an external control takes place in parallel with the statement in the Security Council the country's missile defense concept. According to the concept, NIIRP was the head. According to the decision of the Arbitration Court, it was bankrupt, as the authorities did not fit into the steep market turns. Who was appointed by the authorities? Gosoboronprom replaced in recent years five NIIRP Directors. While one of the appointees, V.Sergeev, was under investigation, and the second, Vladimir Gruzdev, actually went bankrupt institution somehow escaped the investigation, and the third, Ivan Chikin, the external manager, was generally forbidden to lease the territory.

Because the market beginning was not joined with the government, they were under strict government restrictions. Take the state defense order. Payment for work performed is done after a long delay, without any adjustment for inflation.

One source of funds for structures such NIIRP was the lease of premises. The same "Almz" had a good income from it - every square meter on the trade-Sokol (here at the Institute of Building 8) brought 180-200 dollars per year. But NIIRP was state-run, and therefore did not have the right to hand over the area to unauthorized structures. The Ministry of State Property was exclusively strict. But not for everyone. Somehow, it also supported the initiative of the Director NIIRP Gruzdeva and signed a tripartite agreement (Institute - DKF certain company with a registered capital as much of 10 thousand rubles - SPC) of the deposit of the company in the rent housing "G" area of 12 thousand square meters $ 12 per-year per square meter. The tiny company earned annually 2.5-3 million dollars on deposit in the so-called sub-lease space institute. Neither the Institute nor the budget is not received by this single dollar.

Without receiving money from the state, the institution broke payments to budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds, not calculated with subcontractors for light, heat and water. In this case, the basic debt multiplied penalties and fines. At the end of 2001 NIIRP had overgrown debts in the amount of 172.8 million rubles. A third of debt was running interest, penalties and interest. While at the same time, the institution had income of 76.9 million rubles - clean, without any cheating.

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On Joint Stock Company" Concern PVO "Almaz - Antey" on 23 April 2002. According to this, NIIRP was converted into a joint stock company and was included in the group with the whole property complex. In response to an external control A. Ignatenko, supposedly carrying out direct orders of General Director of Almz I. Ashurbeyli, a man better known in Moscow trading and market circles than in the industrial and research and design, rapidly sold the last facilities at very low prices.

Law "On the State Defense Order" prohibits the conversion of facilities designed to perform military orders. But the reality was that the institute had already sold 30 buildings. And they say that NIIRPovtsam would have to rent their former premises from their new owners.

JSC "NIIRP" from 30 November 2009 , by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Group began the process of reorganization and joining GSKB "Almaz-Antey". In December 2010, the reorganization process was completed. Now JSC "NIIRP" is a part of "GSKB" Almaz-Antey" as the Science and Technology Center.

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