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Dmitriy Ilyich Kozlov

Dmitriy Ilyich KozlovDmitriy Ilyich Kozlov, General Designer of the GNPRKC "TsSKB-Progress", from August 1974 to 1983 was Chief and Chief Designer of the Central Specialized Design Bureau (Kuibyshev). Since August 1983 he was Chief and General Designer of the Central Specialized Design Bureau. TsSKB creates an automatic spacecraft "Foton" to conduct technological experiments in microgravity. Since April 1996, DI Kozlov - General Director - General Designer of the GNPRKC "TsSKB-Progress". Since 2003 he was Honorary General Designer of the GNPRKC "TsSKB-Progress".

Dmitriy Ilyich was born 01 ctober 1919 in Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation. After the Civil War the father was nominated for party work in the railway transport, in connection with his frequent passages D.I. Kozlov had to study in schools of the cities of Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Novorossiysk, and he graduated from high school in Pyatigorsk in 1937. Dreamed of becoming a sailor, but was not admitted to the Naval school for lack of vision. In 1937, he entered the Leningrad Military-Mechanical Institute (LVMI).

During the Great Patriotic War on July 1, 1941 the student of the fifth course of the institute Dmitry Kozlov enlisted in the Leningrad National Militia. He took part in the battles under the meadow, was wounded in battle on August 10, 1941. After his recovery enlisted in the Red Army, in the 165-th separate building battalion of the 2nd Strike Army on the Volkhov front.

In November 1943, he graduated from the Junior lieutenants courses. From the end of 1943 he was a Platoon commander of the 71-th separate naval Rifle Brigade on the Oranienbaumskom bridgehead. Participated in the Leningrad-Novgorod Offensive Operation (January-February 1944), during which on January 25, 1944 was second seriously wounded. From May 1944-again at the front, Dmitriy Ilyich was commander of the infantry platoon of the 173 Infantry regiment of the 90th Infantry Division of the 21st Army of the Leningrad Front. Dmitriy Ilyich was a participant of Vyborg offensive operation, in fights north of Vyborg on July, 12th, 1944 was the third time seriously wounded (he lost his left hand). In September 1944, after his third injury, he was demobilized. He returned to the Institute and graduated in December 1945. Then till 1946 he studied at special courses at Moscow Higher Technical school named after CE Bauman.

From June 1946 Dmitriy Ilyich worked as a member of the Technical Commission for the Study of Trophy Missile Technology in Germany, where he got acquainted with S.P.Korolov. "I first saw Sergei Pavlovich in July 1946, when we, the young engineers, arrived in the town of Bleicherod," recalled D.I. Kozlov. - He did not make any special impression on us then. He was an unremarkable man in uniform with the shoulder straps of a colonel." Since May, 1946 he was the engineer-designer, the chief of group of factory #88 of the Ministry of armament of the USSR (Kaliningrad, Moscow region). Engaged in the development of long-range controlled ballistic missiles.

Dmitriy Ilyich KozlovSince June 1951 Kozlov worked at the Design Bureau-1 of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Defense technique, (Kaliningrad, Moscow region), where he became the leading designer of ballistic missile R-5 and the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7. The legendary "Seven" became not just another rocket, it was a breakthrough of the Soviet Union in space, which opened the way for orbital and manned cosmonautics. The first link in the creation of the country's missile and nuclear shield is laid.

Since April, 1958-Deputy chief designer of design Bureau-1 of the State Committee SM of the USSR on Defense Technics-responsible for mass production. In the same month, at the head of the team of specialists arrived in Kuibyshev to organize the serial production of the R-7 rocket and successfully completed this important task. After that at the initiative of S.P. Korolev, the branch of OKB-1 in Kuibyshev was entrusted with the development of launch vehicles and then specialized spacecraft.

Since January 1961 D.I.Kozlov was Deputy chief designer of design bureau-1 - chief and chief designer of branch # 3 OKB-1, since 1966-First Deputy chief designer of design bureau-1-chief and chief designer of branch # 3 OKB-1 of the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering of the USSR (city Kuibyshev, now-Samara). Under the direction of D.I. Kozlov Kuibyshev, the branch of OKB-1 provided design support for the serial production of R-7 missiles. Under the direction of D.I. Kozlov developed the first two stages of the launch vehicle of the spacecraft "Vostok ", where he made the world's first space flight Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

For outstanding services in providing the world's first human flight to outer space, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 17 June 1961 Kozlov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "sickle and Hammer".

Since 1964 the branch became the main organization in the country on creation of space means of recconnaissance ["national control"]. Since January, 1967 D.I. Kozlov was the First deputy chief designer of the CCB experimental mechanical engineering, the chief and chief designer of Kuibyshev branch of the CCB experimental Mechanical Engineering of the USSR (city Kuibyshev). TsKBEM developed a number of spacecraft, including the automatic space satellites "FRAM " (launched 23 units), satellites Spektrozonalnogo photographing "resource-f1 " and "resource-F2" For the solution of environmental problems, Ecology and Mapping (launched 62 apparatus), Photoreconnaissance satellites "zenith" and "Amber", space research apparatus "Bion" (launched 10 units), which conducted complexes of unique research, including in cooperation with the USA and a number of other countries, the principled possibility of long-term human presence in space was proved and the transition to creation of long-term space stations, astrophysical satellites "ether" (launched by 2 devices), several Unique "piece" Apparatus for scientific and applied purposes.

Dmitriy Ilyich Kozlov For outstanding achievements in the creation of spacecraft of special type "Yatran" by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from July 26, 1979 Kozlov was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second gold medal "sickle and Hammer". Since April 1996-General Director-General designer GNPRKC "TsSKB-progress ", created on the basis of many years of TSSKB and a number of specialized enterprises. In 2003 he went on a well-deserved rest, at the same time appointed honorary general designer GNPRKC "TsSKB-progress ".

For more than forty years of work under the direction of D.I. Kozlov by specialists of GNPRKC "TSSKB-progress" in cooperation with many enterprises of different branches of industry, 8 types of launch vehicles and 26 rocket-space missiles were created and put into operation Complexes of different purposes. Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov is a prominent scientist, author of more than 150 scientific works and inventions in the field of designing of automatic space complexes and systems.

For many years, Dmitry Ilyich-head of the department "flying vehicles " Samara State Aerospace University. Under the scientific leadership of D.I. Kozlov grew a constellation of talented scientists in the field of rocket and space technology and related fields.

Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984). Doctor of Technical Sciences (1970). Professor (1968). A full member of the International Academy of Astronautics, a full member of the Academy of Astronautics. Ke Tsiolkovsky, member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation (1996), honorary member of the Russian Engineering Academy, honorary member of the Academy of Navigation and Traffic management of the Russian Federation

Member of the CPSU (b)/CPSU in 1943-1991 years.

He lived in the city of Samara. He died on March 7, 2009. He was buried in Samara on the alley of Heroes of the city Cemetery.

Scientific titles of D.I. Kozlova

  • Professor
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • full member of the International Academy of Astronautics
  • full member of the Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E.Tsiolkovsky
  • full member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation
  • Honorary Member of the Russian Engineering Academy
  • Honorary Member of the Academy of Navigation and Traffic Control of the Russian Federation

Awards and honorary titles of D.I. Kozlova

  1. twice Hero of Socialist Labor
  2. 4 Order of Lenin
  3. Order of the October Revolution
  4. Order of the Red Star
  5. Order of the Patriotic War I degree
  6. Order of Merit for the Fatherland II degree
  7. 3 medals "Hammer and Sickle"
  8. medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"
  9. medal"For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."
  10. medal"Veteran of Labor"
  11. medal "For Valiant Labor" in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin
  12. medal "20 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  13. medal "30 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  14. medal "40 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  15. medal "50 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  16. Zhukov medal
  17. medal "50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  18. medal "60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  19. medal "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  20. Gold medal VDNK
  21. medal to them. MVKeldysh
  22. medal to them. Yu.A. Gagarin
  23. medal to them. K.E.Tsiolkovsky
  24. medal "50 years of Yu.A. Gagarin"
  25. medal to them. M.K. Yangel
  26. medal to them. S.P.Koroleva
  27. Gold medal them. S.P.Korolev
  28. medal to them. V. I. Chelomei
  29. medal "25 years of the Space Age"
  30. medal "30 years of the Space Age"
  31. medal "40 years of the Space Age"
  32. medal "30 years of flight YA Gagarin"
  33. medal "80 years of SPKorolev"
  34. medal to them. N.A. Pilyugina
  35. medal to them. V.P. Makeeva
  36. medal to them. V.P.Parmina
  37. laureate of the Lenin Prize
  38. laureate of two State Prizes of the USSR
  39. laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
  40. laureate of the award of the Soviet Trade Unions
  41. the title of "Honored Worker of Industry of the USSR"
  42. the title of "Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the USSR"
  43. the title "Veteran of Missile Technology"
  44. honorary citizen of Samara
  45. honorary citizen of the city of Tikhoretsk

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