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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Strategic Rocket Force Command
Artillery Guidance Bureau

Within corps-level units, units which use the camouflaged name of "guidance bureau" are units directly commanded by Kim Chong-il, the supreme commander of the KPA. The Artillery Guidance Bureau [pobyong chido kuk] is equipped with surface-to-surface missiles. The Strategic Rocket Forces, also known as Missile Guidance Bureau is the strategic missile branch of North Korea. Since 2000 the Missile Guidance Bureau (possibly renamed the Artillery Guidance Bureau) was organized or reorganized to unify command and control of North Korean theater missile units, which are deployed operationally to several locations.

On 02 March 2013 KCNA reported that Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Workers' Party of Korea and people of the DPRK, inspected the Strategic Rocket Force Command of the KPA. Publicizing the body for the first time under the name “Strategic Rocket Force Command” signalled that Chinese and Russian missile force had become the role model for North Korea.

Kim Jong Un was accompanied by KPA Vice Marshal Ri Yong Ho, chief of the General Staff of the KPA, KPA General Pak Jae Gyong, Ri Jae Il, first vice-department director of the Central Committee of the WPK and Hwang Pyong So, vice-department director of the C.C., the WPK.

He was greeted by commanding officers of the command. After receiving a salute, he looked round the monument to the on-the-spot instructions of President Kim Il Sung and the monument to the field guidance of leader Kim Jong Il, conducted by commanding officers. He made the rounds of military targets, the room for the study of military affairs and military lecture rooms to acquaint himself with the unit's performance of duty, training and normal combat preparedness.

He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the unit has conducted dynamic trainings for firmly arming its service personnel with the WPK's Juche-oriented idea of military strategy and tactics and war methods after successfully building a room for study of military affairs and military lecture rooms meeting the need of a modern warfare and a drill ground for undergoing trainings under the simulated conditions of an actual battle.

He praised the unit for having in place apparatuses helpful to sufficiently giving education with the help of vivid visual aid, education combined with practice and education in actions and conducting effective trainings under the simulated conditions of a battle.

He told the service personnel of the unit to make thorough-going preparations for battles, aware that nothing is more important for the army whose mission is to protect the destiny of the country and the nation with arms than making preparations for battles, and reduce the citadel of the enemy to a sea in flames by merciless firing strikes if it goes into action.

He went round an education room, bedroom and wash-cum-bath house of the company honored with the title of twice three-revolution red flag under the unit and its mess hall and daily provision store. He looked round the Unjong Health Complex built by the unit itself.

He had pictures taken with the servants of the complex and the service personnel of the unit separately. He planted memorial trees together with service personnel of the unit. He planted Picea Koraiensis and Magnolia Kobushi which he had brought with him in the place where the monument to the on-the-spot instructions of Kim Il Sung and the monument to the field guidance of Kim Jong Il are standing.

He underlined the need for the KPA to plant and cultivate more trees around its units to turn the areas where they are stationed into pleasure grounds and recreation centers.

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