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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Environmental Documents

Environmental Impact Statements

  1. Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Report for Continued Operation of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories DOE/EIS-0157
  2. Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Tritium Supply and Recycling DOE/EIS-0161
  3. Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Tank Waste Remediation System DOE/EIS-0189
  4. Final Environmental Impact Statement Safe Interim Storage Of Hanford Tank Wastes DOE/EIS-0212
  5. Savannah River Site Waste Management Final Environmental Impact Statement DOE/EIS-0217
  6. Final F-Canyon Plutonium Solutions Environmental Impact Statement And Record Of Decision DOE/EIS-0219
  7. Interim Management of Nuclear Materials DOE/EIS-0220
  8. Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Continued Operation of the Pantex Plant and Associated Storage of Nuclear Weapon Components DOE/EIS-0225
  9. Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test (DARHT) Facility DOE/EIS-0228
  10. Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Stockpile Stewardship and Management DOE/EIS-0236
  11. Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Nevada Test Site and Off-Site Locations in the State of Nevada DOE/EIS-0243
  12. Final Environmental Impact Statement - Plutonium Finishing Plant Stabilization, May 1996 DOE/EIS-0244
  13. Final Environmental Impact Statement on Management of Certain Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy Stored at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site DOE/EIS-0277F
  14. Minuteman III Propulsion Replacement Program August 2001

Environmental Assessments

  1. Enviromental Assessment of the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0106 [203 pages - 13,708k PDF -right-click to download]
  2. Decontamination and Decommissioning Facility at the Feed Materials Production Center, Fernald, Ohio DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0333 [110 pages - 5,138k PDF -right-click to download]
  3. Nuclear Test Technology Complex, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0357
  4. Nuclear Directed Energy Research Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0364
  5. High Explosive Machining Facility (Project 88-D-125), Pantex Plant, Amarillo, Texas DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0425
  6. Plating Shop Replacement Y-12, Plant Oak Ridge, Tennessee DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0502
  7. Environmental Assessment O-Wing Renovation, Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee DOE/EA-0503
  8. Installation Calibration Laboratory, Building 12-52B, Pantex Plant, Amarillo, TX DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0547
  9. Mound Plant Decontamination and Decommissioning Projects DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0683
  10. Hazardous Waste Staging Facility, Amarillo, TX DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0688 [25 pages - 1,432k PDF -right-click to download]
  11. Interim Storage of Plutonium Components at Pantex DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0812 [1900k HTML]
  12. Expansion of the Idaho National Engineering Lab Research Center DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0845 [59 pages - 2,830k PDF -right-click to download]
  13. Operable Unit 3 - Proposed Plan for Interim Remedial Action, Fernald Environmental Management Project, Fernald, Ohio DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0877
  14. Waste Tank Safety Program, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0915
  15. Construction and Operation of Waste Storage Facilities at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0937
  16. Operation of the HB-Line Facility and Frame Waste Recovery Process for Production of PU-238 Oxide at the Savannah River Site DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0948
  17. Environmental Assessment for Commercialization of the Pinellas Plant DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0950, July 1994
  18. Corrective Action at the Northeast Site, Pinellas Plant, Largo, Florida DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0976
  19. Sludge Stabilization at the Plutonium Finishing Plant, Hanford Site, Richland, WA DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0978 [83 pages - 4,115k PDF -right-click to download]
  20. Solid Waste Retrieval Complex, Enhanced Radioactive and Mixed Waste Storage Facility, Infrastructure Upgrades, and Central Waste Support Complex, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-0981
  21. Commercialization of the Mound Plant, Miamisburg, OH DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1001
  22. Relocation of the Weapons Component Testing Facility, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1035
  23. Proposed Replacement and Operation of the Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride Supply and Fluidized-Bed Chemical Processing Systems at Building 9212, Y-12 Plant DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1049 (September 1995)
  24. Consolidation and Interim Storage of Special Nuclear Material at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Rocky Flats Field Office, Golden, Colorado DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1060
  25. Environmental Assessment and FONSI for Consolidation of Certain Materials and Machines for Nuclear Criticality Experiments and Training - Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1104 , May 21, 1996
  26. Environmental Assessment and FONSI Sludge and Solid Residue Stabilization at The Plutonium Finishing Plant Hanford Site, Richland, Washington U.S. Department of Energy DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1112
  27. Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel on the Oak Ridge Reservation Oak Ridge, Tennessee DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1117 , February 1996
  28. Refurbishment and Construction of Uranium Hexafluoride Cylinder Storage Yards at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1118
  29. Non-nuclear Consolidation Weapons Production Support Project for the Kansas City Plant Kansas City, Missouri DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1137
  30. Closure of the High-Level Waste Tanks in F- and H- Areas at the Savannah River Site, DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1164 July 1996
  31. Environmental Assessment and FONSI for the Salvage/Demolition of 200 West Area, 200 East Area, and 300 Area Steam Plants DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1177
  32. Environmental Assessment and FONSI 300 Area Steam Plant Replacement, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1178
  33. Sandia National Laboratories Design, Evaluation and Test Technology Center at Technical Area III Kirtland Air Force Base Albuquerque, New Mexico DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1195
  34. Tritium Facility Modernization and Consolidtion Project at the Savannah River Site DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1222
  35. Reuse of TNX As A Multi-Purpose Pilot Plant Campus at the Savannah River Site DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1231
  36. Rapid Reactivation Project DOE Environmental Assessment DOE/EA-1264 February 10, 1999


  1. Hazardous Waste Management Act/Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (HWMA/RCRA) Work Plan for the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Idaho Cleanup Project 8 April 2008 -- Documents the proposed schedules for closure activities and incorporates applicable Site Treatment Plan (STP) milestones, amended Notice of Noncompliance/Consent Order (NON/CO) deadlines, Voluntary Consent Order (VCO) milestones, and proposed permit application, closure plan, and permit modification submittal dates. [PDF]
  2. Action Memorandom for Power Burst Facility (PER-620) Final End State and PBF Vessel Disposal DOE Idaho Operations Office DOE/ID-11331 July 2007 -- Documents the recommended alternative for the removal of the inactive PBF with a projected schedule and cost. Includes site description and history. [PDF 4.7 MB]
  3. Idaho Cleanup Project Progress Report Idaho Cleanup Project: CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC 2007 -- Documents the status of ICP work at INL. [PDF 2.32 MB]
  4. Action Memorandum for General Decommissioning Activities under the Idaho Cleanup Project DOE Idaho Operations Office DOE/ID-11293 October 2006 -- Documents the selected alternative to perform general decommissioning activities at the INL under the ICP. Inludes site background and facility descriptions as well as project projections. [PDF 4.51 MB]
  5. Operations and Maintenance Report for Operable Unit 5-12 DOE Idaho Operations Office DOE/NE-ID-11228 August 2005 -- Summarizes the operations and maintenance activities performed in support of the remediation of the Waste Area Group 5 sites. [PDF 2.82 MB]
  6. Final Record of Decision Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center Operable Unit 3-13 Administration Record and Information Repository 1999 -- Reports INTEC description, history, and revised status. [PDF 2.71 MB]
  7. Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order DOE-Environmental Management 9 December 1991 -- Compliance agreement regarding environmental cleanup at INEL. [PDF]

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