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2005 Ukraine Special Weapons News




  • Vilnius Conference To Discuss Ukraine Military REF/RL 24 Oct 2005 -- U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld joins European colleagues today to examine how they can help Ukraine overhaul its oversized military -- a key condition Kyiv must fulfill if it is to join the NATO alliance.
  • Rumsfeld Promises U.S. Support for Ukraine's NATO Ambitions AFPS 23 Oct 2005 -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld assured Ukraine's defense minister today the United States will continue its efforts to help the former Soviet state make the reforms necessary for it to qualify for NATO membership.
  • NATO Chief Meets With Ukrainian Officials RFE/RL 19 Oct 2005 -- NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is due to meet with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk and Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko in Kyiv today to review the republic's bid to join the alliance.
  • NATO Delegation To Discuss Ukraine Membership Bid RFE/RL 17 Oct 2005 -- A delegation from NATO is in Ukraine to discuss that country's bid to join the military alliance
  • Prosecutor: Yushchenko Poisoning An Attempt To Kill Him RFE/RL 12 Oct 2005 -- Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun said today that Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's dioxin poisoning last year was an assassination attempt.





  • U.S., Ukraine Agree on Working To Improve Nuclear Security Washington File 27 May 2005 -- The United States and Ukraine are working together to improve the security of Ukraine's radioactive materials, which could be used in building a "dirty bomb," according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).


  • U.S. Welcomes Ukraine's Effort To Resolve Transnistria Conflict Washington File 28 Apr 2005 -- The United States welcomes the initiative of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to offer a settlement proposal for the conflict in Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria, U.S. diplomat Paul Jones told the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) April 28.
  • Ukraine/Belarus: Commemorating The Chornobyl Disaster 19 Years On RFE/RL 26 Apr 2005 -- People in Ukraine, Belarus and other countries are today commemorating the 19th anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster.
  • HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM COULD CAUSE CHERNOBYL DISASTER, EXPERT SAYS RIA Novosti 26 Apr 2005 -- - The accident at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant could have been caused by addition of highly enriched uranium to ordinary fuel.
  • CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR ACCIDENT: 19 YEARS ON RIA Novosti 26 Apr 2005 -- The accident that occurred nineteen years ago today at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was a major 20th century radiation disaster that affected the lives of millions of people in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, RIA Novosti was told at the press-service of Russia's Emergencies Ministry.
  • Enhancing NATO-Ukraine Cooperation Short-term Actions NATO 21 Apr 2005 -- NATO Allies and Ukraine have agreed to launch the initiatives outlined below to enhance their cooperation in support of Ukraine's reform priorities.
  • NATO Boosts Ties with Russia, Ukraine VOA News 21 Apr 2005 -- NATO has struck deals to increase its cooperation with Russia and Ukraine as the military alliance deepens its roots in what was once enemy territory of the old Soviet bloc.
  • Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Black Sea Treaty Violations RFE/RL 19 Apr 2005 -- Ukraine has accused Russia of violating a treaty governing the Russian navy's use of a Black Sea port.
  • Interpol Suspends Warrant For Ukrainian Premier RFE/RL 14 Apr 2005 -- Interpol's secretariat-general has suspended a warrant for Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko in recognition of the parliamentary immunity she now has.
  • Ukraine's Parliament Speaker Says Deputies Are Tapped RFE/RL 08 Apr 2005 -- Ukraine's Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn today claimed that his telephone and that of other lawmakers are being tapped.
  • CONGRESS/UKRAINE VOA 06 Apr 2005 -- In an address to the U.S. Congress, Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko has called for a new strategic partnership with the United States, and asked for help in strengthening democracy and economic reform. Addressing a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Ukrainian leader also pledged continuing support for the war on terrorism.
  • U.S.-UKRAINE AIR DEFENSE STATEMENT IS POLITICAL DECLARATION - KOSACHEV RIA Novosti 05 Apr 2005 -- The George Bush-Victor Yuschenko statement on a possibility of cooperation between the United States and Ukraine in antimissile defense "is nothing more than a political declaration", RIA Novosti quotes chairman of the Duma international committee Konstantin Kosachev as saying.
  • U.S. Pledges to Help Ukraine Qualify to Join NATO AFPS 05 Apr 2005 -- The United States will work with Ukraine to help that country meet the prerequisites to joining NATO, President Bush said following a meeting with the Ukrainian president here April 4.
  • Ukraine: Is Kyiv Set To Become A Close U.S. Ally? RFE/RL 05 Apr 2005 -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on Tuesday continued his official visit to the United States. The new Ukrainian leader has already held talks with U.S. President George W. Bush, and is due to meet over the next several days with Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. On Wednesday, Yushchenko is scheduled to address both houses of Congress, and honor reserved only for America's closest allies? Just how close are the U.S. and Ukraine getting?
  • BUSH/UKRAINE VOA 04 Apr 2005 -- President Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko say they will work together to promote democracy, even as Ukraine begins to withdraw troops from Iraq.
  • Yushchenko Confirms Missile Sales to Iran, China RFE/RL 01 Apr 2005 -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko says the country's former regime secretly and illegally sold nuclear-capable cruise missiles to Iran and China.


  • Ex-Ukrainian Interior Minister's Death Ruled Suicide RFE/RL 31 Mar 2005 -- Ukraine's security chief said today the death of a former interior minister who died under mysterious circumstances earlier this month has been ruled a suicide.
  • HOW CAN RUSSIA DISSUADE UKRAINE FROM JOINING NATO? RIA Novosti 24 Mar 2005 -- Despite the absence of threats, the new authorities in Ukraine say they want the country to join NATO.
  • SPEAKER OF UKRAINIAN PARLIAMENT ON ILLEGAL SALE OF X-55 MISSILES TO IRAN AND CHINA RIA Novosti 23 Mar 2005 -- Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Vladimir Litvin calls illegal sale of X-55 missiles "an attempt to tarnish the image of Ukraine." He spoke on "direct line" with readers of the Ukrainian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.
  • Putin, Yushchenko Pledge Partnership, End To Disputes RFE/RL 20 Mar 2005 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin -- who made his first visit to Ukraine since last year's Orange Revolution and the rise of opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko to the presidency -- described talks with Yushchenko as being "highly constructive."
  • PUTIN/YUSHCHENKO VOA 19 Mar 2005 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin has made his first official visit to Ukraine since last year's disputed presidential election. During his brief visit, Mr. Putin met with Ukraine's president Victor Yushchenko, who took office in January.
  • Ukrainian Official Says Missiles Exported To Iran, China RFE/RL 18 Mar 2005 -- Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun is quoted as saying Ukraine exported 12 cruise missiles to Iran and six to China in 2001.
  • UKRAINE: EX-MINISTER DRIVEN TO SUICIDE, ASSUMES PARLIAMENT SPEAKER RIA Novosti 15 Mar 2005 -- Yuri Kravchenko, Ukraine's previous Interior Minister, was driven to suicide, holds Speaker Vladimir Litvin of the Supreme Rada, parliament.
  • Rice Expresses Understanding for Ukrainian Troop Withdrawal from Iraq VOA News 11 Mar 2005 -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held talks Friday with her Ukrainian counterpart Boris Tarasiuk on, among other things, the Washington visit next month by Ukraine's new President Viktor Yushchenko.
  • UKRAINE / JOURNALIST VOA 04 Mar 2005 -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has promised an open and thorough investigation into former Interior Minister Yuri Kravchenko's death. Initial reports are focusing on the possibility that Mr. Kravchenko committed suicide, after being called before investigators examining opposition journalist Georgy Gongadze's murder.
  • Key Witness Found Dead In Ukraine RFE/RL 04 Mar 2005 -- Former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuriy Kravchenko was found dead in his home today just hours before he was scheduled to be questioned about the killing of an investigative journalist.
  • UKRAINE: EX-INTERIOR MINISTER DEAD-SUICIDE OR MURDER? RIA Novosti 04 Mar 2005 -- Yuri Kravchenko, Ukraine's previous Interior Minister, was found shot dead this morning. He could not have committed suicide, says parliamentarian Taras Chornovil, as reported by Novosti/Ukraine news agency.
  • 2 BULLET WOUNDS FOUND ON UKRAINE EX-MINISTER'S BODY RIA Novosti 04 Mar 2005 -- According to unofficial information, two bullet wounds have been discovered on the body of Yuri Kravchenko, the former interior minister of Ukraine, who was found dead at his country house today, Channel Five of the Ukrainian television reports.
  • Former Ukraine Interior Minister Found Dead RFE/RL 04 Mar 2005 -- Former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuriy Kravchenko, who was scheduled to appear before the Prosecutor-General's Office today for questioning, was found dead this morning at his country home outside Kyiv.
  • Profile: Yuriy Kravchenko RFE/RL 04 Mar 2005 -- Former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuriy Kravchenko was found dead in his country home on 4 March, just hours before he was to appear before prosecutors for questioning related to his possible involvement in the death of journalist Heorhiy Gongadze in September 2000.
  • Transcript: What Do Melnychenko's Tapes Say About Gongadze Case? RFE/RL 03 Mar 2005 -- Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun said on 3 March that he wants the secret recordings made by former presidential bodyguard Mykola Melnychenko in former President Leonid Kuchma's office to be examined by international experts and, if authenticated, to be included as evidence in the case of the abduction and murder of Internet journalist Heorhiy Gongadze. Piskun announced that he has closed a criminal case against Melnychenko for illegal eavesdropping on Kuchma and invited the former presidential bodyguard, who had obtained refugee status in the United States, to come to Ukraine with his tapes for the proposed examination.
  • Analysis: Gongadze Case Could Open Pandora's Box In Ukraine RFE/RL 03 Mar 2005 -- Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun's press conference in Kyiv on 2 March revealed a number of new developments in the rapidly widening investigation of the slaying of online journalist Heorhiy Gongadze.
  • Police Officers Arrested In Gongadze Case RFE/RL 02 Mar 2005 -- Ukraine's prosecutor-general says two senior police officers were arrested in connection with the 2000 murder of journalist Heorhiy Gongadze.


  • LAW ENFORCERS CONTINUE SEARCH FOR STOLEN ANTI-AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM RIA Novosti 23 Feb 2005 -- Law enforcers are continuing searching for the stolen Strela 3M anti-air defense complex and 2 missiles in Ukraine, the press service of the country's emergencies ministry told RIA Novosti.
  • U.K. HELPS FUND UKRAINIAN ARMS DESTRUCTION RIA Novosti 22 Feb 2005 -- Great Britain has allocated ?400,000 to Ukraine for the destruction of small arms and ammunition. This initiative has been voiced by Foreign Office Minister Chris Mullin.
  • FORMER US DEFENSE SECRETARY ON UKRAINE'S POSSIBLE NATO MEMBERSHIP RIA Novosti 22 Feb 2005 -- Former US defense secretary William Perry thinks that it is still too early to talk about Ukraine's possible admission into NATO.
  • NATO / UKRAINE VOA 22 Feb 2005 -- Ukranian President Viktor Yushchenko has joined leaders of the 26-nation NATO alliance at a special summit in Brussels.Mr. Yushchenko's presence at the summit is a sign of support for his intention to move his country closer to the West.
  • NATO/PfP Trust Fund project to destroy surplus weapons and ammunition in Ukraine NATO 19 Feb 2005
  • Ukraine: Yushchenko Has Strong Words For Would-Be Separatists In Eastern Ukraine RFE/RL 11 Feb 2005 -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has threatened to take legal action against politicians in eastern Ukraine who are calling for the Russian-speaking part of the country to secede. Yushchenko, speaking yesterday in the eastern city of Donetsk, said all of the country is Ukrainian and that those supporting separatism are "sick." Yushchenko also demanded an end to corruption, the "shadow" economy and business clans.
  • UKRAINE/EU/US VOA 04 Feb 2005 -- The new Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko wants his country to become a member of the European Union.
  • UKRAINE/RUSSIA VOA 03 Feb 2005 -- Ukraine and Russia always have had close ties going back centuries. Now, Ukraine has a new, Western-leaning president, Viktor Yushchenko.
  • Analysis: Promises, Promises, Promises RFE/RL 03 Feb 2005 -- With the announcement of a new Ukrainian cabinet later today, what exactly has President Yushchenko promised?
  • UKRAINE/YUSHCHENKO VOA 02 Jan 2005 -- Newly elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko faces tough internal issues as he forms a new government and prepares to lead the country.
  • Analysis: Kuchma's Ukraine Cruises Back Into The Spotlight RFE/RL 02 Feb 2005 -- An ongoing investigation by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has revealed that in 2002, officials of the SBU, along with high-ranking members of the Ukrainian military and the state arms-sales company UkrSpetzExport, sold at least six cruise missiles each to Iran and China.
  • Ukraine Accused Of Selling Weapons To Iran RFE/RL 02 Feb 2005 -- Ukrainian lawmaker Hryhoriy Omelchenko has alleged in a public letter to President Viktor Yushchenko that Ukraine illegally sold cruise missiles to Iran in violation of international nonproliferation treaties.
  • UKRAINE/KUCHMA VOA 01 Feb 2005 -- Ukraine's newly elected president Viktor Yushchenko takes over from Leonid Kuchma, a man who has held the country's top office for 10 years.


  • CONGRESS/UKRAINE VOA 25 Jan 2005 -- The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a resolution praising the people of Ukraine, and the country's new president Viktor Yushchenko, for their transition to democracy.
  • Powell in Ukraine Tells Yushchenko U.S. Wants to Help Washington File 24 Jan 2005 -- Secretary of State Colin Powell reiterated President Bush's pledge to Ukrainian President-elect Victor Yushchenko that the United States would do "everything we can to help you meet the expectations that the Ukrainian people now have."
  • PUTIN/YUSHCHENKO VOA 24 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's new president Viktor Yuschenko flew to Moscow for his first official visit abroad. The Ukrainian leader, who pledged to move his country towards Europe, met with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, who supported Mr. Yushchenko's rival in the drawn-out election.
  • Ukraine: Yushchenko Talks About Europe -- But Heads To Moscow RFE/RL 24 Jan 2005 -- The day after his inauguration, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko made his first foreign visit today -- to Moscow. Yushchenko said yesterday that Ukraine's future lies in the European Union. Yet Russia remains the priority for Kyiv -- at least for now. In the coming days, Yushchenko is also scheduled to tour Central and Western Europe. He has also been invited to Washington.
  • Ukraine President Tabs Tymoshenko For PM RFE/RL 24 Jan 2005 -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko today designated political ally Yuliya Tymoshenko to be the country's next prime minister.
  • Powell-Ukraine VOA 23 Jan 2005 -- Secretary of State Colin Powell is in Kiev as head of the U.S. delegation to the inauguration of Ukrainian President-elect Viktor Yushchenko. Mr. Powell says the United States will do all it can to help the new government.
  • UKRAINE INAUGURAL VOA 23 Jan 2005 -- Viktor Yushchenko has been sworn in as Ukraine's third president since independence. In his inaugural address, Mr. Yushchenko pledged to usher in Western-oriented political and economic reforms and lead the country to a prosperous, democratic future.
  • POWELL/YUSHCHENKO VOA 23 Jan 2005 -- Secretary of State Colin Powell told Ukraine's new President Viktor Yushchenko Sunday he can count on U.S. support as he steers that country toward closer ties with the Euro-Atlantic community. Mr. Powell attended Mr. Yushchenko's inauguration in his last overseas mission as Secretary.
  • Ukraine's New President Takes Oath Of Office RFE/RL 23 Jan 2005 -- Viktor Yushchenko was sworn in as the new president of Ukraine today in Kyiv.
  • POWELL / UKRAINE VOA 21 Jan 2005 -- Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, in his final overseas mission, will attend Sunday's inauguration of Ukrainian President-elect Viktor Yuschenko. Aides say he will congratulate Mr. Yuschenko, and the Ukrainian people, for standing up for their democratic rights during the country's troubled electoral process.
  • Ukraine: Yushchenko Making First Foreign Trip As President To Moscow RFE/RL 21 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's President-elect Viktor Yushchenko, who is due to be sworn in on 23 January, will make his first official visit abroad to Moscow, before continuing on a tour of Europe. Despite vowing to bring his country closer to the European Union and Western institutions, Yushchenko appears keen to repair the rift with Russia.
  • UKRAINE INAUGURAL PREVIEW VOA 21 Jan 2005 -- Opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko is scheduled to be sworn in as the next president of Ukraine Sunday, capping nearly three months of political unrest that threatened to divide the nation and derail relations with Moscow.
  • UKRAINE FINAL RULING VOA 19 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Supreme Court has ruled against Viktor Yanukovych's last legal appeal contesting the re-run, ending the presidential election crisis and clearing the way for the winner's inauguration
  • UKRAINE RESULTS VOA 18 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Supreme Court has lifted a ban on the official publication of election results from the December 26th re-run presidential election. The decision clears the way for the inauguration of a new president.
  • UKRAINE POL MONDAY VOA 17 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Supreme Court has begun hearing Viktor Yanukovych's last legal appeal contesting the results of the December 26th re-run presidential election. The process could take the better part of the week, as the first day was devoted to procedural matters.
  • UKRAINE POL O'NITE VOA 16 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Supreme Court is scheduled Monday to begin hearing former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych's last legal challenge to the December 26th re-run presidential election.
  • Ukraine Supreme Court To Hear Yanukovych Appeal RFE/RL 15 Jan 2005 -- The Ukrainian Supreme Court said today it would hear an appeal from the defeated candidate in December's repeat presidential election.
  • UKRAINE / POL VOA 13 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's former prime minister, Viktor Yanukovych, continues preparations to file yet another appeal with Ukraine's Supreme Court contesting the final official results of the December 26th presidential election, which gave his opponent, Viktor Yushchenko, the win. Supporters of Mr. Yanukovych took to the streets of two cities Thursday in the start of what they say will be a full-scale struggle to have their candidate declared Ukraine's next president.
  • Yanukovych Takes Election Protest To Supreme Court RFE/RL 12 Jan 2005 -- Viktor Yanukovych is expected to file an appeal with the Ukrainian Supreme Court today challenging the official results of the country's rerun presidential election.
  • US / UKRAINE POL VOA 11 Jan 2005 -- The United States said Tuesday there is no reason to believe that results of Ukraine's December 26th presidential election re-vote will be overturned. But it is nonetheless withholding congratulations for President-elect Viktor Yuschenko.
  • UKRAINE RESULTS APPEAL VOA 11 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's former Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovych, has said he can never accept the final, official results of the re-run presidential election. Mr. Yanukovych says he will file another appeal of the election.
  • UKRAINE / VOTE RESULTS VOA 10 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Central Election Commission has officially declared Viktor Yushchenko the next president of Ukraine. The announcement ends over two months of political uncertainty in Ukraine and clears the way for the presidential inauguration.
  • Yushchenko Officially Declared Winner In Ukraine RFE/RL 11 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Central Electoral Commission has declared Viktor Yushchenko the official winner of last month's rerun presidential election.
  • UKRAINE POL ONITE VOA 09 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Central Election Commission (C-E-C) has said it expects to announce the final, official results of the December 26th re-run presidential election early this week. That could clear the way for the swearing-in of the new president within days.
  • Ukrainian Supreme Court Rejects Election Result Appeal RFE/RL 06 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Supreme Court today rejected losing presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych's appeal of last month's presidential revote.
  • Ukraine Supreme Court To Consider Yanukovych Appeal RFE/RL 06 Jan 2005 -- A Ukrainian Supreme Court panel is expected today to consider former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych's latest appeal challenging the presidential election results.
  • UKRAINE APPEAL O'NITE VOA 05 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Supreme Court is scheduled to meet Thursday to review another election appeal filed by the losing presidential candidate, Viktor Yanukovych. This will delay the official announcement of winner in the December 26th presidential re-run election.
  • Ukraine: Capable Or Crooked? Yuliya Tymoshenko Leaves Few Unmoved RFE/RL 05 Jan 2005 -- Admired by her supporters as a charismatic leader and castigated by her opponents as a corrupt turncoat, Ukraine's Yuliya Tymoshenko leaves few people indifferent. Now, Tymoshenko, who does not mince words, says she expects to be Ukraine's next prime minister.
  • UKRAINE POL VOA 05 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's outgoing President Leonid Kuchma has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, the man he had earlier hoped would be his successor.
  • UKRAINE: YUSHCHENKO 'TRIUMPHS,' BUT MUST REPAIR 'NATIONAL DIVIDE' US Dept. of State IIP, Foreign Media Reaction 04 Jan 2005
  • UKRAINE VOTE COUNT VOA 04 Jan 2005 -- The new head of Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC), Yaroslav Davydovych, says certification of official results for the recent presidential run-off election in Ukraine is in its final stage.
  • Ukraine: 'Orange Revolution' Is Over -- Time To Form A Cabinet RFE/RL 03 Jan 2005 -- The winner of the Ukrainian presidential election, Viktor Yushchenko, must now form a new cabinet to push forward his promised agenda of economic and political reforms. But he faces some difficult decisions, and he has promised his Our Ukraine bloc's two main allies a quarter of the cabinet posts.
  • YUSHCHENKO HOLIDAY VOA 03 Jan 2005 -- Ukrainians began their traditional holiday week without officially knowing who will be their next president. Even the apparent winner of the election -- opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko -- is taking some time off, during this week between New Years Eve and Orthodox Christmas on January 7th.
  • Ukrainian Premier Steps Down RFE/RL 01 Jan 2005 -- Ukraine's Prime Minister and presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych has formally resigned from his post.

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