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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

National document of the Russian Federation circulated in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the UN Security Council on 10 and 11 March 2022 "Regarding potential chemical provocations in Ukraine"

11 March 2022 17:16

Radical Ukrainian groups under the control of the representatives of American special services have prepared several potential scenarios of the use of toxic chemicals in order to carry out various types of provocations. The objective of such actions is to accuse Russia of the use of chemical weapons against the civil population and violating its obligations, including those under the Chemical Weapons Convention (hereinafter "the Convention"). Several diversionary scenarios have been developed.

- One of the prepared variants is a diversion at one of the Ukrainian companies in the chemical industry involving the destruction of large-volume containers holding industrial chemicals. A mine would be planted on a cistern with ammonium at the facilities of the Private Joint-Stock Company (ChAO) "Severodonetskoye ob'yedineniye "Azot"" (city of Severodonetsk) and the Public Joint-Stock Company (Р�О) "Odesskiy priportoviy zavod" (city of Odessa).

- Another scenario involves the destruction of containers with toxic chemicals in highly populated areas. In particular, it has been reliably established that on 8-9 December 2021, Ukrainian radicals delivered 200-litre metal barrels with foreign markings to Donetsk Oblast. As they were being unloaded, four Ukrainian soldiers received severe chemical bums and poisoning. The general coordination of the delivery and warehousing of hazardous freight was carried out by the staff of the private American military contractor Forward Observation Group (based in the state of Nevada).

As a warning of this provocation, this information, without the disclosure of details, was announced by S. K. Shoigu, the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation within the framework of an open session of an extended meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on 21 December 2021.

Despite our warnings, the Ukrainian side did not back out of this type of terrorist attack. In particular, on the night of 9 March 2022 in the settlement of Zolochiv, north-west of Kharkiv, Ukrainian nationalists brought in 80 tonnes of ammonium. According to the information coming directly from the site of the events, radicals are instructing the civil population on what to do in a chemical contamination zone.

We are informing the States Parties to the Convention that such arrangements indubitably point to preparations for the use of toxic chemicals. In light of the propaganda campaign under way in Western countries, there is no doubt that the provocations being planned are meant to accuse Russia of the use of chemical weapons. In this regard, the risks are growing of extremist-inclined elements acting as part of so-called national battalions that may be set on taking radical steps, the horrific consequences of which is impossible to predict.

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