Ocean 2024 CPX: Baltic Fleet's military engineers set up pontoon crossing

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Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Ocean 2024 CPX: Baltic Fleet's military engineers set up pontoon crossing


Military engineers set up a pontoon crossing over the Pregolya River in the village of Velikolukskoye (Kaliningrad region) during the Ocean 2024 strategic naval drills.

On alert, the servicemen moved to the water barrier, where engineering reconnaissance had been carried out in advance and the most suitable areas to raft troops and military equipment had been chosen. The crews honed skills in placing interior and ramp bays and setting BMK-460 boats afloat from Kamaz-53501 vehicles.

After the pontoons had been lowered into the river and the Kamaz vehicles had left the coastal area, the pontoneers began to assemble the span.

When connecting the interior bays, the servicemen secured upper connectors and lower lock drive pins. While the BMK-460 boats were holding the bays in the water, a 250-kg ramp was installed for loading heavy vehicles.

About 100 servicemen and over 30 pieces of military and support vehicles were involved in this episode of the exercise.

According the training plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, formations and units of the Russian Navy have started taking part in the Ocean 2024 strategic command post exercise, which is to last until 16 September 2024. The exercise, which is one of the most important operational and combat training events of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2024, is to be conducted in a bilateral format under the overall command of Admiral Aleksandr Moiseyev, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

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