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Summary of provisions of the CJPOA

IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency

Vienna, July 14, IRNA -- After 22 months of intensive talks, Iran and G5+1 on Tuesday signed the Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action to remove all misunderstandings on Iran's peaceful nuclear program and simultaneous termination of unfair economic sanctions on Iran.

The agreement has fully observed the instructions and redlines drawn up by the Islamic Republic of Iran leading to the following achievements in the field of nuclear activities and termination of all types of sanctions.

The following is a summary of the provisions of the Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action signed between Iran and G5+1 inked on Tuesday, July 14, 2015.

The CJPOA reads that:

-) World powers have recognized Iran's peaceful nuclear program and are to respect the nuclear rights of Iranian nation within international conventions.

-) Vital facts on Iran's peaceful nuclear programs had been ignored in an unfair manner to depict the program as a threat to the international peace and security but it has now turned into a theme for broadening international cooperation with other countries within international standards.

-) The Islamic Republic of Iran is to be recognized as a nuclear technology power authorized to have peaceful nuclear programs such as complete nuclear fuel cycle and enrichment to be identified by the United Nations.

-) All unfair sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council including economic and financial sanctions on Iran are to be lifted as per the agreement and through issuance of a new resolution by the United Nations Security Council.

-) All nuclear installations and sites are to continue their work contrary to the early demands of the other party, none of them will be dismantled.

-) The policy on preventing enrichment uranium is now failed and Iran will go ahead with its enrichment program.

-) Iran's nuclear infrastructure will remain intact, no centrifuges will be dismantled and research and development on key and advanced centrifuges such as IR-4, IR-5, IR-6, IR-8 will continue.

-) Arak Heavy Water Reactor will continue its work and remain intact, to be modernized, and equipped with latest technology, new laboratories and new installations and through cooperation with the owners of most sophisticated and most secure technologies in the world, early demands for dismantling or changing it to a light water reactor is void.

-) Iran to enter into the world market as the producer of nuclear-related products mainly two strategic products named 'enriched uranium and heavy water and all sanctions and restrictions imposed on imports and exports of nuclear materials which in some cases took about 35 years will be ineffective.

-) All economic, financial sanctions in banking, finance, oil, gas, petrochemical, commerce, insurance and transportations leveled by the European Union and the US under the pretext to Iran's nuclear program, will be lifted on early stages of the agreement.

-) Obligations on banning Iran's activities in missile sector such as ballistic missiles will change to limits on missiles designed for nuclear weapons that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never wanted or will never want in the future.

-) Iran's Arms embargo to be lifted or to be replaced with some restrictions in a way grounds for imports or exports of defense related items to be possible per case. These restrictions will be completely removed after five years.

-) Ban on procurement of sensitive dual-purpose items to be lifted and Iran's requirements to be facilitated and removed through referral to Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission.

-) Ban on Iranian students studying in nuclear-related fields will be fully removed.

Main components on Iran, G5+1 Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action (CJPOA)

1 Enrichment

Iran's nuclear enrichment program will be continued without one day of delay or suspension.

The Islamic Republic of Iran based on a written and precise scientific and technical plan in the first eight years of the implementing CJPOA and with acceptance of some limits not only is to stabilize its nuclear program on international perspective but is to employ all its scientific and practical pillars required for an advanced research and development program to continue industrial and commercial enrichment taking advantage of most sophisticated centrifuges in its most cost-effective forms with highest productivity.

-) After eight years of restrictions, Iran's capacity for enrichment of uranium will be developed based on the planning of nuclear energy organization for completing proliferation and running of advanced centrifuges.

-) Iran's long term nuclear program which explicitly demonstrates its goals, implementing procedures and a timetable, will be communicated to IAEA after implementation of the agreement and based on mechanism of the additional protocol.

-) Advanced IR6 centrifuges with ten times more capacity than the existing generation are to be produced gradually at the early stages of implementing agreement in a rational scientific slope in the middle stages of research and development chains after the eight year on.

-) Iran's advanced IR8 centrifuges with nominal capacity of 20 times more than current centrifuges which had been designed in the past two years, in less than a year after implementing the agreement will go into technical trial stages with gas and its research and development in the middle chains and based on most precise practical standards will go into commission in the eight year.

-) Other research and development activities on Iran's nuclear program will be continued as per the country's demands

-) Iran's enrichment capacity will be to the extent of 6,104 IR-1 centrifuges for a ten year long. Out of the figure some 5,060 centrifuge machines will carry out enrichment in Natanz and some 1,044 others in Fordow' will be on standby spot.

-) Extra centrifuges and some parts of related infrastructure devices will be collected and be replaced for outdated centrifuges for further use.

-) After implementing the agreement, Iran is to enter into international markets and play as exporter of enriched uranium regarding as strategic commodity.

-) Except some 300 kilograms of enriched uranium which will be stockpiled in the country without any time limit.

-) The extra products upon convenience of Iran and in exchange for natural uranium will be sold at international markets.

-) Or will change into fuel complex in line with international standards.

-) Or will change into natural thin uranium.

-) Fuel complexes in Iran with domestic or foreign origin bearing the international standards are not included in the 300 kilograms package.

-) Countries of G5+1 will help Iran to find access to advanced technological know-how in conformity with global standards and the country will gradually will be able to convert enriched uranium to a secured fuel for Bushehr nuclear power plant

-) Iran will maintain the level of enrichment at 3.67 for 15 years long

-) Required fuel for Tehran research reactor will be provided from Iran's 20 percent oxide reserve and in case of depletion of the source and upon commitment of the countries of G5+1, they should provide Iran with required fuel or oxide with 20 percent uranium at international markets.

-) Extra centrifuges and parts of dismantled infrastructure under supervision of IAEA and in secured and protected places in Natanz to be replaced with outdated centrifuges during agreement terms

-) Upon completion of IR6 and IR8 centrifuges which are at research and development stages at Natanz site and have the potential to remove the country's enrichment for industrial units in line with Iran's share for generation of nuclear electricity in 15-year long, Iran will not need to construct any new enrichment facilities

-) Since other methods of enrichment are not economical, the country's concentration on enrichment taking advantage of using gas centrifuges for a ten-year long will not employ other methods to this end.

2. Peaceful international cooperation

-The G5+1 states and other countries will contribute to peaceful nuclear technology projects in Iran

-The UN Security Council resolution will encourage international cooperation with Iran in the field

-The projects include:

-Safe nuclear power plants along with related technologies

-Modern research reactors along with related technologies

-Modernization of Arak Heavy Water Reactor

-Production of nuclear fuel, including modern fuels

-R&D on advanced nuclear technologies such as nuclear fusion, variety of accelerators, plasma physics

-Nuclear medicine and radio medicines, including establishment of post-modern nuclear medicine regional center, laser technology for medical applications and so on

-Manpower development

-Safety, safeguards and nuclear safety

-Management of wastes of nuclear sites and environment protection

-Other projects envisioned in the peaceful nuclear technology between Iran and other countries


-Arak Heavy Water Reactor will retain its heavy water nature

-Following re-designing of the heart of the reactor, new capabilities, including fuel test, test of structural substances, production of different kinds of radio medicines, and radio isotopes that need very high charnotronic, will be added to capabilities of the reactor.

-The new designing will also cause the radioactive substances with capability of utilization for non-peaceful purposes to be decreased in the consumption

-The new heart of the reactor, designed by the Iranian scientists within framework of an international cooperation under Iran management, will be built.

-Regarding environmental intricacies and high cost of maintenance, the fuel consumed by Arak Heavy Water Reactor will be sent abroad

-Once the accord is enforced, as one of the few producers of heavy water worldwide Iran will enter international markets and present the surplus to the world markets at global prices

-Preserving Arak Heavy Water Reactor, Iran will in the next 15 years have more modern research reactors on the basis of light water. In this connection international cooperation along with guarantee for related fuel will take place in Iran.

-In line with its programs, Iran has no plan for re-processing the consumed fuel and related activities but separation of industrial and medical radioisotopes from samples of enriched uranium will continue.


-Fordo facilities will remain as a nuclear facility. The facilities will get engaged in the following fields as the Nuclear Physics and Technology Center :

-Production of sustainable isotopes for industrial and medical consumptions and applications (radiomedicines)

-Nuclear R&D in different fields

-Some 1,044 IR-1 centrifuges with all necessary infrastructures will be kept in Fordu, two strings of which being on and rotating

-Extra centrifuges and related infrastructures will be collected and used to replace the discarded centrifuges


-Iran has voluntarily implemented the additional protocol and will submit it to revered Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis) for ratification in the following phases in proportion with commitments of the other party

-Iran resumed implementation of 3.1 amended code and in line with implementation of the provisions of the additional protocol and to avoid disputes and prevent repetition of baseless allegations against Iran, will allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to monitor the uranium enrichment centers for 25 years, and supervise production of its Rotu and Biloz pipe centrifuges for 20 years

-Iran will in accordance with its laws and in conformity with provisions of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, consider more facilities for the IAEA works, allowing it to use new verification technologies that are also conventionally utilized and verified in other countries, specifically the instrument for measuring extent of enrichment and electronic seals

-The IAEA will by no means be allowed to use online cameras or any instrument that will need online transfer of information on Iran nuclear facilities to abroad

-Iran will within framework of the additional protocol permit the IAEA to look into information on nuclear activities in the unannounced centers. Any likely difference between Iran and the IAEA on the quality of investigation, including managed access to centers suspected of undeclared nuclear activities in a logical span of time, will be settled through a joint Iran-G5+1 commission. The measures will be taken within framework of ordinary international frameworks and merely to get confident of lack of undeclared nuclear activities based on respect for sovereignty and observation of considerations to safeguard military and security secrets of the country.

-Neither the IAEA nor any other body or institution will have the permission to take measures beyond the regular laws and regulations of the international protocols and inspection to Iran military centers.

-Neither the IAEA or any other person or institution will have the permission to access Iran missile systems or centers

-To relieve ambiguities of the IAEA on allegations raised on the history of its peaceful nuclear technology, Iran will within a limited and agreed framework cooperate with the IAEA and the Agency will settle the points within the specified time limit (by end of 2015)

6-UN Security Council sanctions

-Following referral of the case of Iran nuclear program to the UN Security Council in 2006, the UN Security Council in four years issued six sanction resolutions against Iran, which mandated Iran to suspend its nuclear program, including the enrichment cycle, R&D, Arak Reactor and other related programs. The resolutions, passed with reliance to Article 41 of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, covered wide spectrum of sanctions and financial, banking, economic, transportation and insurance restrictions against Iran. Consequently, the sanctions which were the cause and basis for dictation and escalation of the one-sided sanctions of the US, and the United States of America and other countries, exposed our country to unprecedented damage and vulnerabilities. Based on the UN resolution 1929, including all former sanctions, wide-scale efforts were launched to make Iran nuclear program illegal, the UN Security Council sanctions against Iran were thus institutionalized and a legal pretext was thus provided for mischievous acts regionally and internationally against Iran, threatening prestige and position of the country, the cost of political and economic engagement with Iran rose for partners of Iran. Spread of the scope of sanctions to Iran's military zone, emerged within framework of the ban on missile defense program and unlimited conventional military sanctions, sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line (IRISL), the permission for inspection of air and sea consignments to the target point or from Iran as the source, issuance of new sanctions in the banking, monetary, insurance and credit fields, pressure on the oil and gas industries, observation of special care on any kind of transaction with Iran or Iranian real and legal entities in various economic, financial and commercial domains, show the reality that the other party wants to block all the respiratory channels of the country. Establishment of specialized expert team in the UN Security Council to launch precise supervision over implementation of sanctions gave way to further institutionalization of the UN Security Council sanctions system and in practice, Iran, despite being an old member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, was deprived of all the recognized advantages and rights in the treaty and the duties and responsibilities times beyond ordinary level were imposed on it. The result of such a condition is that not only the country's nuclear program was exposed to vulnerability but also fundamentally national security of Iran was put in danger.

Regarding the above points, elimination of the economic and financial sanctions has been one of the priorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran for talks so that on the one hand, all measures of countries, taken in line with implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions, get stopped and on the other hand, the most importance international legal justification to distort legitimate and peaceful nature of Iran program and imposition of one-sided sanctions against Iran are eliminated. In line with the policy, and following finalization of the summary of the provisions of the agreement, new UN Security Council resolution will be issued that would follow cancellation of all the UN Security Council resolutions on Iran nuclear program per Article 41.

-Based on this resolution:

-The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (CJPOA) has been agreed upon by both sides and it is binding for all the parties involved in nuclear talks.

-All the UNSC sanctions imposed on Iran will be removed in the first phase within the framework of Article 41 of the UN Charter under which all the previous sanctions will be declared null and void and all the financial and economic sanctions will be lifted.

-Iran's nuclear program will be recognized by the United Nations as Iran accepts some restrictions on its nuclear activities and shows more transparency.

-Permissions that were given to different countries under UNSC sanctions to impose unilateral sanctions on Iran were removed.

-Iran will be allowed to easily buy commodities needed for development of its peaceful nuclear program.

-Arms embargo on Iran will be partially lifted so that Iran can import or export defensive goods. After five years the arms embargo on Tehran will be fully removed.

-Iran will be allowed to continue its missile development program which used to be banned under Article 41 of Chapter Seven of the UN Charter. There will be only a few restrictions on developing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads which Iran has never been seeking.

-The Iranian individuals and entities that were under sanctions under the pretext of being linked to Iran nuclear program will come out of the sanctions list.

The deal is reversible. Any of the two sides has to honor the commitments. But if each side sees that the other side is breaching the deal it could break its promises too.

7- US and EU unilateral sanctions

The European Union and the United States have promised to lift all the economic and financial sanctions that have been imposed on Iran under the pretext of its nuclear program simultaneous with Iran's confidence-building measures.

Accordingly, all the US and EU sanctions on the following areas will be removed in the first phase. As a result the Iranian government, Central Bank of Iran (CBI), all the Iranian sate institutions and real and legal entities can resume their normal trade and economic interactions with the world.

a. Banking, financial and insurance area:

All the properties belonging to the Iranian government, CBI and other Iranian real and legal entities which had been frozen by foreign financial institutions will be released from the very first day of implementing the CJPOA.

Iranian government, CBI and other Iranian real and legal entities can do the following activities:

1- Publication and sale of the bonds

2- Publication and sale of the bonds that have been issued with the guarantee of the Iranian government

3- Receiving loans from international institutes, including the World Bank or other private banks

4- Barter of dollar deals through non-American banks

5- Receiving exports guarantees from related institutes; Iranian banks and financial institutes can make deals with foreign banks and financial institutes without any restrictions

6- Forming commissioning relations

7- Using telecommunication services including SWIFT

8- Establishment of representative offices, branches or subsidiary companies

9- Opening up Letters of Credit and banking documents and issuing bank guarantees

10- Investment in bonds of financial institutes and foreign banks and forming partnership with them

11- Sales of bonds to foreign financial institutes and banks under the internal laws

12- Transfer of foreign currency to and out of the country or to the bank's own account

13- Buy and sale of international bonds or other international trade bonds to your own account or to accounts of other clients of the bank.

14- Receiving loans and foreign credit facilities

15- Doing other financial and banking activities related to the above mentioned cases

b. Insurance deals:

1- Signing different kinds of insurance contracts to your own account or to the account of the clients.

2- Sales of their bonds to international insurance institutes based on domestic regulations

3- Investment in bonds of international insurance institutes and forming partnership with them

4- Other insurance activities related to the above mentioned cases

C: Chapter on Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Products

1. Sales, export, swap and shipment of crude oil, oil products, natural gas and petrochemical products

2. Purchasing, provision and transfer of major and key facilities, technologies, technical/training assistance in gas and petrochemical fields, including discovery, production and refining of oil and natural or liquidated gas

3. Receiving loans and credit facilities to for financing purposes in this field

4. Investment and partnership by Iranian legal entities in oil, gas and petrochemical industries

D: Chapter on Shipping, Ship Building, and marine transportation

1. Buying and selling ships

2. Buying and selling spare parts and equipment of ships and other marine transportation means

3. Buying, selling and transport of technological and key facilities required for repairand maintenance, designing and manufacture of ships and other marine transportation means

4. Repair and maintenance, or reconstruction of ships and other marine transportation means

5. Any type of operations related to designing and building of cargo ships or oil tankers

6. Provision of ships for storage or shipment of crude oil, oil derivatives, gas or gas condensates and petrochemical products

7. Offering services related to flag registration, classification, clarifying of technical specifications, registering and offering identification codes for oil tankers and cargo ships

8. Offering fueling services, provision of required facilities or any other port services related to the ships owned, or under commercial ownership that carry non-sanctioned goods

9. As of the date of the Comprehensive Action Plan the entire operation related to inspection, seizure or demolition of non-sanctioned goods will be halted.

E: Trading of Gold and Other Precious Metals

1. Trading and transportation of gold and other precious metals

2. Other services such as transportation, security services, etc.

3. Receiving facilities for conducting such deals

F: Metals

Trade (imports and exports) and transportation of all types of metals, including graphite, and raw or semi-built metals

G: Software

Direct or indirect trade (imports and exports) of software and updates for software with in industrial application

H: Freeing of monetary assets and wealth of Iranian sanctioned individuals

Some 800 Iranian real and legal entities sanctioned on pretext of being related to the Iranian nuclear program by the Security Council, the United States, or the European Union will be removed from sanction lists and their assets will be released

I: Termination of sanctions which are not related to the nuclear program

Simultaneous with termination of the sanctions related to the nuclear program, three sets of sanctions which are not directly related to the Iranian nuclear program and have been imposed since years ago under other titles, will be terminated:

• Termination of Aviation Sanctions

By terminating bans on purchase or renting of passenger planes through the issuance of the required licenses by the United States, Iran will be able to buy American and European-made planes, to renovate its air fleet and improve the security of th ecountry's aviation industry and competence power. It is herby reiterated that bans on purchase of commercial planes has been one of the obvious cases of the unjustly imposed sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past three decades.

J: Lifting of bans on cooperation between companies related to the United States and Iran

In accordance with the agreement stipulated in the Joint Plan of Action (JPA), the foreign companies affiliated to the American companies based on a general permit issued by the US administration will be allowed to cooperate with Iran in various economic fields. Of course the ban on economic transactions between the Iranian and US citizens still remains effective.

• Issuing export permits for carpets and some foodstuffs such as pistachios and caviar from Iran to America

In accordance with the agreement stipulated in the Joint Plan of Action (JPA), possibility of exporting some items, such as carpets, pistachios and caviar from Iran to the United States has been provided. It is noteworthy that exporting these items to America had been permitted in the year 2000, but banned again in the year 2010.

• Meanwhile the United States and the European Union have agreed to refrain from re-installment of the sanctions, which will be regarded as violation of their commitments. In addition, the United States will block the path for implementation of those state sanctions that will be regarded as breach of the Joint Plan of Action (JPA) and will terminate them in an appropriate way.

8. Coincidence of Acts of Iran and 5+1 Group

In accordance with the reach agreement:

• Initially the UN Security Council will issue a new resolution confirming the Joint Plan of Action (JPA) and termination of the previous sanctions

• Then the European Union and the United States will adopt the agreed decisions on termination of the economic and monetary sanctions related to the nuclear program

• Consequently, Iran will begin taking the required moves in accordance with the Joint Plan of Action (JPA)

• The European Union and the United States, too, will adopt the required measures aimed at implementing their commitments and devising of sets of executive rules and regulations related to state organizations and economic bodies.

• These corresponding acts will be implemented in a way that on the day of going into effect the agreement simultaneous with the confirmation of the International Atomic Energy Agency, implementing the entire sanctions will be halted.

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