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Iran protests to Security Council over resolution on false claims

IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency

Tehran, June 22, IRNA -- Iran has protested to United Nations Security Council over passing resulition 1929 on the basis of false accusations.

Iran's Supreme National Security Council said in a letter to the UN Security Council that the resolution has been on the basis of false accusations and contrary to the expectations of the international community.

The letter forwarded by Iran's Supreme National Security Council to the veto-wielding powers of the UN Security Council says:

In the name of God, the most Gracious and the most Merciful

'Islamic Republic of Iran's Declaration in Response to United Nations Security Council's Resolution'

"The United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1929 on 9 June 2010. Contrary to the expectations of the international community that the Security Council’s resolution would be on condemnation of the attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla that took place less than ten days before, the adoption of the resolution and imposition of punitive measures against the perpetrators of this attack, the international community saw pledging of formal commitment by the United States in support of the Zionist regime.

"This support for the atrocious crime prevented the Security Council from, taking any action. The resolution was also no response to the final declaration of NPT Review Conference that was adopted just 15 days earlier by 189 countries. This declaration required the Zionist regime to accede to NPT.

"The international community had not also seen any resolution by the Security Council on proliferation activities of the Zionist regime. Never has the Security Council shown any intention of finding out who has provided nuclear weapons to the Zionist regime.

"The reason is clear. Some of the permanent members of the Security Council are the principal suspects in this proliferation. The subject of resolution 1929 is not about the concern over production, manufacturing, proliferation and testing of new generation of nuclear weapons by permanent members of the Security Council and there is no reference to 11 proposals by the Islamic Republic of Iran at the NPT Review Conference concerning disarmament and non-proliferation; the same proposals that were welcomed by the internationals community.

"The subject of the resolution, contrary to all expectations, is on the peaceful nuclear activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which have been turned around on the basis of false accusations.

"The accusations that have not been proven. On the contrary, the last report by the Director General of IAEA, published only one day before the Resolution, reiterated for 22nd time that our activities show no diversion from peaceful objectives.

"Those behind the adoption of this resolution are exposing themselves to the judgment of the international community under circumstances that the world witnessed adoption of Tehran Declaration. This was a declaration that openly and clearly called for peaceful nuclear cooperation and avoiding confrontation with the rights of sovereign nations.

"The United States encouraged Brazil and Turkey to interact with Tehran while one month after the adoption of Tehran Declaration and the welcome it was accorded by the statement of 120 members of the Non-Aligned Members began to stand against it.

"The adoption of resolution 1929 in light of Tehran Declaration and the attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla has proven the righteousness of the viewpoints of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

"1. It proved that the Security Council is not a proper forum for maintenance of international peace and security and a body to secure the rights of nations. It proved that as long as the United States formally regards itself committed to the security of the Zionist regime and continues to support its atrocities, the Security Council will not adopt any resolution condemning the crimes by the Zionist regime.

"2. It proved that the United States has never been as discredited and distrusted in the world as it is now and that not even the slogan of “change” could restore the U.S. administration’s long-lost credibility. The international community clearly witnessed the U.S. President’s willingness to spend the credits of other countries under false pretenses. The statements made by the Honorable President of Brazil and the Honorable Prime Minister of Turkey are now available to the international community to pass judgment on.

"3. It has proven the United States is the principal offender in using, proliferating, producing and testing nuclear weapons, and poses the greatest threat to the international community and mostly its own people. How can a regime that is not able to contain the oil well be trusted by the world to contain its arsenal of nuclear weapons that jeopardize global security.

"4. It has proven that the United States tries to distract and redirect world public opinion from the real threats by concocting made-up and fictitious threats. The real threats are the direct results of flawed policies by the American regime in stockpiling nuclear weapons and supporting state terrorism.

"5. It has proven that certain monopolist governments are determined to deprive other nations of peaceful nuclear technology and having access to fuel cycle which are clear examples of the “right to development”, “right to natural resources” and the “right to self-determination”.

"Using the opportunity provided to the public opinion of the world in order to prove the above-mentioned viewpoints, the Islamic Republic of Iran declares:

"1. Entry of the Security Council into the subject relating to peaceful activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran is illegal, unwarranted and contrary to article 39 of the Charter. It also fully contravenes the organizational and safeguard requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Council needs to take prompt action in redressing and putting right its past mistakes.

"2. The Islamic Republic of Iran openly and clearly declares that any action against the lawful and legitimate rights of people of Iran will be responded by reciprocal lawful actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"3. Disappointment of the U.S. administration in receiving the unanimous vote of the members of the Security Council, despite all the unconventional pressures exerted and contacts established by the president, and the fact the international community in the declaration of the Non-Aligned chose not to go along with the will of certain big powers clearly demonstrate the beginning of a new era of international relations to ensure the rights of nations based on justice and respect.

"4. We are pleased to see that “Peaceful Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapons for None”, as a humane goal, has turned into an opportunity to forge greater cooperation among independent governments and consider it an auspicious phenomenon for defending the fundamental rights of nations. Therefore, we believe that insistence of the U.S. administration on continuing on the same flawed path is costly, useless and will only result in uncovering the unjust and faulty mask of the Security Council at their own cost and will strengthen the resolve of nations to have fair international relations.

"5. The Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes again the importance of Tehran Declaration as a good foundation for greater solidarity of independent nations in countering the excessive demands by big powers and forging stronger relations or peace, justice and happiness for humankind."

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