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Islamic Republic, more profound than US thinks

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamabad, Pakistan

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Tuesday called the American government a truly arrogant government in the world, adding that the Iranians are in need of an insight in order to know the arrogance.

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Tuesday called the American government a truly arrogant government in the world, adding that the Iranians are in need of an insight in order to know the arrogance.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a speech to thousands of university and school students as well as families of martyrs.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the American authorities to abandon hope in a turmoil which ensued the presidential elections in Iran "as the Islamic Republic is more profound than they think and the Islamic system has overcome even more thorny incidents than the issue."

In the meeting held on the eve of the November 4, national day of combat against world arrogance in Iran, the IR Leader said a precise, logical and firm combat against arrogance is bound to several prerequisites, including a motivation which is inspired by faith "because orders fail to make any nation to stay a situation."

"Thank to an abundant experience gathered through the past thirty years, the present young generation is enjoying so powerful a faith that is never less than early in the revolution if not being more," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader noted that the account of a few dilapidated and frustrated revolutionary men are separate from that of the mass of nation and youth, adding that given at present an incident like the imposed war takes place against the country, the voluntary rush of the youth to the frontlines against invading enemies would be far more than what took place in 1980-1 when the western-backed Iraqi army invaded Iran.

A second prerequisite as the IR Leader stated was insight. "The reason behind my repeated calls for insight is the current situation of the world as well as the extraordinary position of Iran. Any public move at the current situation requires a public insight," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader also appreciated the present young generation of Iran as being in command of a stronger insight than early revolutionary or pre-revolutionary generation adding that knowing the arrogance is the lead prerequisite in a combat against the arrogance.

"By the arrogance, I mean a power or those powers which intervene in the internal affairs of other nations or countries by assistance of their financial, military or propaganda facilities as if they are owners," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the records of the American government in different countries especially the Islamic ones, saying that the government is arrogant in a true sense.

"Following the Islamic Revolution which revealed the might of the Iranian nation in overthrowing a corrupt, puppet royal system, the American government instead of making an apology and compensating damages it had already inflicted on the nation, embarked on hatching plots against the nation from the very early days and its embassy turned into a center of espionage and ploy against Iran," Ayatollah Khamenei deplored.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the written records of the US atrocities against Iran as a thick book.

He continued that years ago a US Defense Secretary spoke from the heart of politicians in Washington and voiced hope for elimination of the Iranian nation, but the late Imam Khomeini stood fast and said Iranians would never withdraw from their rightful stance.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution asserted that the US activities against Iran had caused the nation to move forward.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to recent so-called friendly words on the side of the US officials and said their smile had never been a sign of friendship but something that showed they are intended to hatch a new plot against Iran.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution said that tactical smiles can only trick the children and that if a great nation or its officials are to be tricked by such smiles they must have been credulous or taken by carnal desires and fancies."

Referring to the US president's oral and written messages for negotiations with Iran and solving the problems, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "We decided not to judge beforehand and instead sit and witness the slogan of change in practice however they did the opposite of what they said."

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized on what he had said in his speech to celebrate the Iranian New Year (ON March 21st) that the Islamic Administration would not shake hand with iron hands gloved with velvet.

The leader of Islamic Revolution said Washington spoke of talks and threats at the same time, saying that the negotiations must lead to our desired results otherwise we will do this and that

"This is the wolf-sheep relationship that Imam (Khomeini) noted and we do not want this kind of relationship," he underlined.

"During the era in which two superpowers were in the world and they had agreed on enmity with the Islamic Republic, the Iranian nation stood in front of them and defeated both. This should be a lesson for America, because it now does not have the power of that era while the power of the Islamic system has multiplied," said the IR Leader.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian nation seeks independence, freedom, national interests and progress in science and technology, adding "If anybody wants to attack these rights of the Iranian nation, the nation will stand in front of him."

"Once America quits its arrogant mood and irrelevant interventions in the affairs of nations, it will be a government like other governments for us, but until America has greed for a return to Iran and control Iran, by no means can it force the Iranian nation to retreat," he added.

"Let Americans know, the few people with any motivations who have confronted the Islamic Republic of Iran, can not roll a red carpet for America, because the Iranian nation is standing," Ayatollah Khamenei stressed.

In another part of his speech, the IR Leader regarded the country and its future as belonging to the youth, adding that the country would be preserved with strong will and determination and that the real might of the Iranian nation is in science and research.

At the end of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei urged the youth to have reliance and good faith in the Almighty God and that the divine victory is with them if they move forward with might, determination, self-refinement and scientific training.

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