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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Information message about underground nuclear explosion made by the Northern Korea on October 9, 2006

CEME - Geophysical Service of Russian Academy

On October 9, 2006 underground nuclear explosion has been done in Northern Korea, which has been registered by Geophysical Survey of RAS. The explosion was registered at 05:35 Moscow time (01:35 GMT) with magnitude 4.0.

Preliminary processing has been done with data from 5 stations, accurate processing - with data 11 stations.

Fig. 1 presents fragments of three component recording of explosion at digital station Vladivostok (∆ 2.8º).

Figure 1

IPC GS RAS also has obtained information with parameters of this event from some seismological centers, these data are given in table 1:

Table 1
NN Time in origin h-min-s (GMT) Lat degr. Lon degr. Depth km N s/st Ms/ N mb/ N I0 calc GAP Center
1 01-35-26.0 41.31 128.96  11    4.0/6   125  IPC GS RAS (Accurate)
2 01-35-27.0 41.294 129.134  17    4.2    83  NEIC
3 01-35-28.33 41.2796 129.014  13    4.0/11   121  IDC

  • IPC GS RAS - Informational Processing Center, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • NEIC - National Earthquakes Information Center of US Geological Service
  • IDC - International Data Senter, Austriya, Viena


Epicenter of explosion (fig. 2) has been calculated with data from 11 stations. Waveforms from 5 stations (Vladivostok, Hailar, Seymchan, College Outpost, Tennant Creek) were obtained at GS RAS in a near to real time mode, information from other stations was obtained in the form of detected arrival list from international center CTBTO_IDC.

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