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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

1995 Congressional Documents

South-East Asia

  • Senator Thomas discussed the current state of China-Taiwan relations and how the U.S. should respond to the enmity existing between China and Taiwan on January 26.
  • Chinese sale of 5,000 ring magnets to Pakistan should invoke severe US sanctions under international nuclear non-proliferation agreements, argued Senator Pressler on February 7.
  • On February 9, Senator Thomas addressed the problems inherent in China's decision to transfer nuclear technology to third world countries and requested that the Clinton administration take a harder-line with China in light of their conduct.
  • China is increasing nuclear weapons stockpiles and encouraging nuclear weapons proliferation in South Asia aided by U.S. reluctance to impose sanctions, Representative Fowler revealed on March 20.
  • On March 21, Representative Pallone commented on how 'providing weapons to Pakistan would be a grave error that would threaten the stability of South Asia, international nuclear nonproliferation and the interests and prestige of the United States'.
  • In order to achieve Peace and Security in South Asia, the United States must enforce its nuclear non-proliferation policy and thus end the transfer of US military technology to Pakistan, argued Senator Pressler on March 21.
  • Senator Pressler urged Congress on June 12 to end authorization for assistance to Pakistan based on Pakistani possession of Chinese M-11 missiles.

1995 Missile defense votes in the House and the Senate

  • Rep. Elizabeth Furse (D-OR) Public Opinion on Nuclear Weapons Issues (House - 17 January 1995)
  • Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) the Defense of Our Country (House - 27 February 1995), including MISSING "Russia Sells Rocket Motors to China" The Washington Times, 13 February 1995, and MISSING"A Red Flag on Technology Sale to China," (By Jack Anderson and Michael Binstein), The Washington Post, Monday 20 February 1995
  • Sen.Tom Daschle (D-SD) The President's Trip to Russia (Senate - 10 May 1995)
  • Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS) on the Clinton-Yeltsin Moscow summit (Senate - 11 May 1995)
  • Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) Russian Missile Technology Sold to Brazil, (House - 8 June 1995)
  • Rep. Weldon spoke on the threat of missile proliferation from Russia (House - 1 August 1995)
  • Senate consideration of the START II Ratification instrument was released from the grip of Senator Helms's dispute with the Administration over consideration of his proposal to reorganize foreign policy agencies. The breakthrough came after an unusual filibuster by Senator Bingaman of New Mexico on 6 December 1995.
  • The Treaty was debated on December 22nd. A few members of Congress have tried to delay a vote until the President agrees to their wishes on national missile defenses. At the time it was anticipated that when it comes up for a vote, the START II treaty would be ratified by a vote of at least 90-10.
  • The Administration's proposed sale of Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Turkey in December 1995 raised fears that the U.S. was proliferating ballistic missiles. Senator Pressler and Representatives Smith, Hamilton, and Pallone spoke against the sale on December 11, 1995.

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