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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

ICBM System Program Office (SPO)

The closure of the Ballistic Missile Office at Norton Air Force Base, CA, on 30 September 1995, moved ICBM development and acquisition workloads to the ICBM System Program Office (SPO) effective FY96. Workloads that transferred were all acquisition efforts in support of REACT, the Guidance Replacement Program, and close-out efforts for Peacekeeper production, Peacekeeper Rail Garrison, and Small ICBM. In addition, the remaining Peacekeeper sustainment items were transferred.

The ICBM System Program Office (SPO) develops, acquires, and supports silo-based ICBMs and provides program direction and logistics support as the single face to the customer. The SPO is responsible for acquisition, systems engineering and depot repair support; manages equipment spares; provides storage and transportation; and, accomplishes modifications and equipment replacement to maintain silo-based ICBM systems. The ICBM Prime Integration Contract (PIC) Program Management Office, LM(3), is charged with day-to-day execution and management of the PIC. The office is accountable to the System Program Director (SPD) for cost, schedule, and technical performance of the ICBM prime contractor. LM(3) supports the other SPO divisions by working with LMK-P to translate requirements for engineering services and/or modification/replacement programs into the necessary contracting actions.

The ICBM System Program Office (SPO) develops, acquires, and supports silo-based ICBMs and provides program direction and logistics support as the single face to the customer. The SPO is responsible for acquisition, systems engineering and depot repair support; manages equipment spares; provides storage and transportation; and, accomplishes modifications and equipment replacement to maintain silo-based ICBM systems. The ICBM Prime Integration Contract (PIC) Program Management Office, LM(3), is charged with day-to-day execution and management of the PIC. The office is accountable to the System Program Director (SPD) for cost, schedule, and technical performance of the ICBM prime contractor. LM(3) supports the other SPO divisions by working with LMK-P to translate requirements for engineering services and/or modification/replacement programs into the necessary contracting actions.

The Minuteman Integrated Life Extension (Rivet MILE) program was created in 1983 to ensure service life extension of ICBM facilities. Due to the 1995 Base Closure and Realignment Commissions recommendation to realign the 321st Missile Wing at Grand Forks AFB, ND, to the 341 Missile Wing at Malmstrom AFB, MT, the ICBM SPO deactivated its Rivet MILE Operating Location at Grand Forks AFB, ND. Minuteman IIIs from Grand Forks are still in the process of being relocated to Malmstrom AFB, MT, and the Rivet MILE program continues to be a cost effective, reliable, and efficient method of deploying modifications and returning degraded systems to their original weapon system specifications.

In FY96, the last Minuteman II booster was dismantled at Hill AFB, UT, and turned over to the Rocket System Launch Program. All Minuteman II silos at Ellsworth AFB, SD, have been destroyed, with the exception of one National Park Service missile site. Approximately 1/3 of the sites at Whiteman AFB, MO, had been destroyed by FY96, with the remainder programmed for FY97.

The concept of establishing a single ICBM prime integration contractor evolved during a dynamic period (1995-97) when the Air Force was introducing "Lightning Bolts" to jumpstart acquisition reform initiatives. "Insight vs. Oversight" and "Faster, Better, Cheaper" were powerful slogans driving significant change. The long-established management process for ICBM weapon system development, acquisition, and sustainment became a model for change.

Ever since the 1954 Secretary of the Air Force decision to develop and field ICBM weapon systems, the management structure for ICBMs centered on a SPO that functioned as the weapon system integrator. Consisting of both government personnel and an in-house Systems Engineering/Technical Assistance (SE/TA) contractor, the SPO contracted directly with individual Associate Contractors (ASCON) providing the hardware and software pieces of the weapon system.

Besides contracting, the SPO also integrated the individual portions, sometimes with the support of a systems integration contractor. This resulted in a large number of SPO-managed contracts (in excess of 150), not only for the hardware and software items, but also for sustaining engineering support over the life of the system. While this was a management process that worked extremely well, as evidenced by the 40-year safety record and on-alert rate of ICBMs, this was also a manpower-intensive way of operating and was becoming unaffordable.

The Air Force looked into other ways to manage the ICBM acquisition and sustainment process. In December 1996, the Air Force Acquisition Strategy Panel headed by the Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) approved an acquisition strategy for selecting a prime integration contractor. In December 1996, the Air Force approved an acquisition strategy to begin a source selection process for a prime integration contractor. Specifically, the acquisition strategy directed a full and open competition. The effort being competed would be complex; potential offerors included the long-time SE/TA contractor and other contractors from the industry.

On Dec. 22, 1997, the Air Force awarded the first ICBM Prime Integration Contract. The prime contract places Total System Performance Responsibility (TSPR) on a single prime contractor, TRW, who now functions as the weapon-system integrator.

The prime contract with TRW, a one-year basic contract with 14 one-year options, has a potential value of $3.4 billion. This is $1.5 billion less than the government budget estimate of $4.9 billion included in the RFP. Setting a threshold for proposal consideration, the Air Force required that offerors come in 10 percent below the budget estimate, with a goal reduction of 20 percent. (The $4.9-billion budget estimate was based on straight-line projections past the Program Objective Memorandum years for the engineering services that made up the bulk of the contract, and ref lected the work that would be on contract at the time of award. The projected addition of modification programs will increase the contract cost over the 15 years beyond the $3.4-billion award value.)

With the change in acquisition strategy the SPO, in effect, was empowered to eliminate the SE/TA contract, place future hardware and software buys on the prime contract, and also bring all sustaining engineering support under the purview of the prime. The Prime Integration Contract is a contracting vehicle for managing ICBM weapon system acquisition, modifications, and support, including Acquisition Category (ACAT) programs. It is not, in itself, an ACAT program.


The Ground Systems IPT provides overall acquisition, sustainment, and logistics management of the launch control system, command and control, airborne launch control center, inter-site communications and the associated automatic test equipment. The division also supports all ICBM mechanical and transportation and handling operational ground equipment systems, subsystems, and their associated maintenance support equipment.


The Ground Power, ATE and Communications Logistics Branch manages logistics, modifications, acquisitions and sustainment for automatic test equipment (ATE), communications and ground power systems (LF &MF batteries, motor generators, battery chargers) in the launch facility and missile alert facility.


The Operational Ground Electronic Equipment Logistics Branch manages logistics, modifications, acquisitions, and sustainment for the electronic equipment in the launch facility and missile alert facility.


The Ground Mechanical Logistics Branch manages logistics, modifications, acquisitions, and sustainment for the transportation and handling equipment and all ground mechanical equipment in support of Minuteman III and Peacekeeper weapon systems.


The Trainer IPT manages logistics, modifications, sustainment and maintenance support for ICBM training devices.


The Program Control Division is composed of a Financial Management Branch and a Requirements and Business Management Branch. LMC ensures effective planning for programs and establishes, manages and controls the budgetary and financial functions of the SPO to properly support the SPO's mission.


The Financial Management Branch provides funding activities that entail budgeting, reporting, propriety, policy, procedure, auditing, analysis, funding document preparation, contract surveillance and year-end close-out actions for Central Procurement Funds (BP21, BP22, BP25, BP26); Operations and Maintenance Funds (BA01, BA04); Stock Funds (RSD Buy/Repair, SSD, COD); Research Development, Test and Evaluation Funds and other agency funds.


The Requirements and Business Management Branch serves as the single point of contact to outside agencies. Responsible for submitting and defending program budget documentation (POM/BES). Provides integrated and independent program cost and schedule surveillance support to product teams. Develops forecasts of program variances at completion. Develops and maintains all Program Office Estimates and provides cost estimating support for all Congressional/HHQ "what-if" exercises. Coordinates SPO deployment planning with user activities. Prepares all acquisition reports to HHQ. SPO focal point for all audits and investigations. LMCP provides policy direction to program managers during all phases of the acquisition process. Maintains the Program Executive Officer's ICBM Portfolio briefing, the SPO Obligations and Expenditures briefing, and is OPR for the annual User's Conference. Reviews near and long term requirements to identify, validate, scope, prioritize, and integrate requirements for future weapon system changes to ensure the weapon system supports current and future operational requirements to the year 2020 and beyond. Develops and maintains all internal documentation related to long range planning and coordinates on user developed documentation. SPO focal point for Program Management Directives.


The Management Operations Division is composed of a cadre of acquisition and sustainment plans and programs specialists, and management services personnel. The Plans and Programs cadre is responsible to develop/interpret/maintain/ provide direction on all acquisition and sustainment policy, disseminate it for action as required, and track policy implementation/status. They also provide computer support services for the SPO. The Admin Support area is responsible for a broad range of personnel/manpower services across the SPO.


The System Engineering Integration and Test Division is composed of a cadre of weapon system engineers responsible for all weapon system requirements definition plus system engineers in the areas of ground and flight test, hardness assurance, nuclear surety, safety and a cadre of engineering software personnel reporting at division level. LME develops and maintains the weapon system Long Range Plans and ensures technical integration of all changes to the weapon system. Specialists manage all aspects of the SPO safety program additionally.


The System Support Branch has responsibility for Weapon System Nuclear Hardness, Parts Engineering, documentation of the sustaining engineering technical services management of those engineering technical services contracts for which System Engineering has responsibility, management of the systems requirements analysis (SRA) data, Configuration Control Board (CCB) secretariat, and the Interface Control Working Group (ICWG).


The System Integration Branch performs the weapon system integration function within the ICBM SPO. Weapon system integration consists of the coordination of all systems engineering support to the programs managed by the IPTs, technical coordination with outside agencies, providing the IPTs with all engineering resources and processes necessary to perform their functions, and serving as the technical review and advisory board for the SPD. Additionally, LMEI supports all organic and contractor testing conducted by the SPO. The branch is directly responsible for the conduct and execution of system level testing in support of all acquisition programs.


The Higher Authority Communications/Rapid Message Processing Element (HAC/RMPE) Software Support Facility implements Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) changes as well as other changes directed by AFSPC, by updating HAC/RMPE software in support of ICBMs. LMEO also supports AFSPC and USSTRATCOM personnel in performing war planning and SIOP development.


LMES is composed of five functional areas: 1) The Safety function manages weapon system, industrial, and explosive safety sustainment of ICBM weapon systems. 2) Nuclear Surety (including Codes and Nuclear Certification). 3) The Technical Order Management Agency (TOMA) function controls and directs all tech order management, tracking and changes to all ICBM tech orders, depot documents, and utility technical manuals. 4) The Environmental Engineering function issues policies and manages the ICBM efforts to eliminate ODCs, EPA toxins and monitors compliance with all federal, state and local regulations for air/water quality, hazardous waste/materials; 5) Corrosion Engineering function issues policies and manages the ICBM corrosion efforts.


The Missile Facilities Branch is responsible for system test and integration of new or modified systems equipment and operational software into Minuteman and Peacekeeper weapon systems to assure safety, reliability, configuration control and survivability are not compromised. The branch operates and maintains complete ICBM launch and launch control facilities for modification, integration, testing, and troubleshooting. A Guidance Laboratory for specific testing of guidance systems is maintained as well as a Survivability and Vulnerability facility to test for nuclear event susceptibility


The System Software Branch performs software systems engineering and integration in support of ICBMs. LMEZ provides guidance, direction, and support to all software change program activities. They configuration manage all software baselines and associated media items used in the operation, maintenance, test, and support of ICBMs. They also develop and implement policies and procedures for governing software acquisition, modification and life-cycle support. LMEZ is also responsible for Higher Authority Communications/Rapid Message Processing Element (HAC/RMPE) software systems engineering as well as weapon system integration testing on updates to the HAC/RMPE software.


The Guidance & Control IPT Division provides cradle-to-grave support for the Guidance System, Flight Control Systems and Vandenberg Safety Systems for ICBMs. LMG is also responsible for associated Depot Support Equipment and software, both operational and test. As part of the cradle-to-grave concept they are responsible for all modifications, acquisitions, assessment, sustainment, hardness assurance and logistics management for assigned systems. The division is also responsible for advanced planning of new requirements and technology insertion programs for these systems.


The Guidance and Control Acquisition Branch provides acquisition management and technical expertise for integrated product development of major Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) and production programs. The team is responsible for the EMD and production phase of the ACAT I, MMIII Guidance Replacement Program.


The Guidance and Control Sustainment IPT is responsible for the long term reliability, supportability, and maintainability of the deployed Guidance and Control system. Responsible for the depot support equipment to repair guidance and control systems. This team is responsible for the AVE hardness assurance program and the guidance and control assessment programs. In addition this team is responsible for the flight test safety and telemetry equipment used to support ICBM test flights.


The Propulsion IPT manages the logistics, acquisition, and sustainment of the three solid rocket motors and the liquid rocket propulsion system for the Minuteman and Peacekeeper missiles and the attendant support equipment and automated test equipment. In addition, the IPT manages the Propulsion Replacement Program and all Minuteman and Peacekeeper ordnance items as well as logistics support for the Reentry System Launch Program.


The RS/RV IPT provides overall acquisition, modification, assessment, sustainment, and logistics management of ICBM reentry systems and reentry vehicles. The RS/RV IPT also provides the main SPO interface with the Department of Energy (DOE) community for ICBM RVs. Additionally, the division performs advanced planning for technology insertion programs and supports Follow-On Test & Evaluation (FOT&E) Programs for both the Minuteman and Peacekeeper weapons systems.


The Reentry Systems (RS) Branch provides overall acquisition, modification, assessment, sustainment, and logistics management of ICBM reentry systems. The RS Branch supports the reentry systems for both the Minuteman and Peacekeeper missile systems. The reentry systems support includes reentry vehicle system interfaces, penetration aids, and associated support equipment. The RS Branch is also involved in planning and support of the Follow-On Test & Evaluation (FOT&E) Programs for both weapons systems.


The Reentry Vehicles (RV) Branch provides overall acquisition, modification, assessment, sustainment, and logistics management of ICBM reentry vehicles (MK 12, MK 12A, MK 21), and associated support equipment. Additionally, the RV Branch interfaces with the Department of Energy (DOE) on the corresponding warheads; W62, W78, and W87. The RV Branch is also involved in planning and support of the Follow-On Test & Evaluation (FOT&E) Programs for both weapons systems.


LMS is responsible for the depot maintenance of silo-based ICBMs, Operational Ground Equipment, Transportation and Handling equipment, and peculiar support equipment. This includes off-base depot maintenance support provided to the operation wings through Rivet MILE and field support requests and to Vandenberg AFB to support the Follow-On Operational Test and Evaluation Program. LMS also provides transportation and handling support to include managing missile and motor movements, performing storage activities at Hill and Oasis, and tracking Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) accountable assets.


LMSH Branch manages day-to-day ICBM deactivation activities, operates, and maintains facilities and equipment to support static motor firings and ICBM storage and handling requirements at Oasis, tracks daily maintenance activities, and provides a 24 hour focal point for the SPO.


The Propellant Analysis Branch supports the USAF Aging Surveillance Program for the ICBM Weapon System and provides long term propellant data storage for Air Force ICBM System and components. The branch supports the motor static firing and precious metal reclamation program. The branch also supports the development of new test programs and supports tactical munitions programs.


LMSM Branch is responsible to provide depot and field repair, modification, and overhaul for LGM-30 Minuteman and LGM-118 Peacekeeper solid propellant ballistic missiles.


LMSO Branch is responsible to manage all Depot Maintenance Business Area (DMBA) activities and to provide support and assistant to LM, LMS, and the LM DMBA corporate board. The branch is the single LM focal point for DMBA business practices such as workload planning, budgeting, financial management, and business management. The Branch also manages all LM facilities and provides industrial engineering support, such as facilities maintenance and repair, modification, capacity planning, building allocation, and equipment management. In addition, the Branch coordinates the Rivet MILE programmed depot maintenance effort conducted at four Minuteman missile wings.


The LMSR Branch is responsible to provide reentry vehicle repairs, modifications, and overhaul for LGM-30 Minuteman and LGM-118 Peacekeeper missiles.


LMSS Branch provides a comprehensive transportation and storage program for ICBM assets. Transportation and storage is accomplished with weapon systems peculiar equipment shipping to various locations by both organic and contract personnel.


LMST Branch has the responsibility for the test, repair, overhaul, and modification of special purpose missile handling vehicles, ground support equipment, ground electronics components, and flight control for the ICBM Weapon Systems.


The Rivet MILE Production Activities are responsible to perform programmed depot maintenance on the Operational Ground Equipment within Launch Facilities and Missile Alert Facilities located at three Minuteman Missile Wings shown below. These branches also perform single management responsibilities for AFMC and support requests for depot assistance as directed by the ICBM System Program Office. LMSA located at Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, MT (Wing I) LMSC located at Minot AFB, Minot, ND (Wing III) LMSW located at F.E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, WY (Wing V)


LMSV is responsible to provide engineering support, depot maintenance, and refurbishment of facilities and unique equipment used to support the Minuteman and Peacekeeper launch program at Vandenberg AFB, CA. The Operating Location performs the central Technical Order Support Unit (TOSU) functions for publication of Air Force ICBM technical orders.

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