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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

98th Bomb Wing

The first B-29s and crews of the 98th Bombardment Group, Medium, detached from the 98th BW in Spokane AFB, Washington, arrived at Yokota AB, Japan on August 5, 1950. Two days later, they flew against marshalling yards at Pyongyang, North Korea. The 98th BG engaged primarily in interdiction of enemy communications centers but also supported UN ground forces. Interdiction targets included marshalling yards, oil centers, rail facilities, bridges, roads, troop concentrations, airfields, and military installations. Although not formally inactivated until June 1952, group headquarters became an unmanned unit on April 1, 1951, when control of tactical operations passed to the 98th BW.

On April 1, 1951, the 98th Bombardment Wing, Medium deployed "on paper" without personnel or equipment to Yokota AFB, Japan, where it assumed the tactical role of the 98th BG. Interdiction of enemy communications, support of UN ground forces, and propaganda leaflet drops constituted the B-29 wing's missions. In January 1952, to avoid daylight interception by enemy fighters, the 98th BW began to fly night missions almost exclusively. In the spring, its B-29s attacked railway installations and airfields then in the summer industrial targets. The wing's last bombing mission, flown on July 25, 1953, was followed on the last day of the war with a propaganda leaflet drop.

The the 98th Bombardment Wing operated B-47s at Lincoln Air Force Base, Nebraska from 1962 to 1965.

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