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Vietnamese Space Agencies and Plans

On 14 June 2006, the Government of Viet Nam approved a strategy for space technology research and applications until 2020, in accordance with which, on 20 November 2006, it established the Space Technology Institute under the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology and would establish the Vietnamese Commission for Space Research and Application in 2008 to manage and supervise the national programs as well as international cooperation on space technology development and applications.

According to the strategy, in the period 2006-2010 Viet Nam would accomplish the following important tasks:

(a) Formation and completion of a legal framework for space technology research and applications by:

(i) Studying the international laws and regulations on the use of outer space and investigation in accordance with national sovereignty;

(ii) Drafting and updating general regulations for Government agencies and branches in the area of space technology research and applications;

(iii) Drafting regulations for the storage, management, development and use of satellite images and derivative information, such as maps, databases and so forth;

(iv) Drafting and promulgating security regulations for the National Independent Programme for Space Technology Research and Applications;

(v) Drafting and promulgating formatting standards and criteria for space technology research and applications to ensure domestic and international compatibility;

(b) Building up of the national space technology infrastructure by:

(i) Building the ground receiving station and the centre for the satellite image database and processing, obtaining the technology of Earth observation small satellites and launching such a small satellite, and building a satellite global positioning system; (ii) Deploying the communications satellite VINASAT project;

(iii) Establishing a key national laboratory for space technology;

(c) Promotion of research in space science and technology, in the framework of which the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology will preside over the deployment of the National Independent Programme for Space Technology Research and Applications, to start in 2008, with the aim of implementing the following main tasks:

(i) Researching and building ground receiving stations;

(ii) Learning from and obtaining small satellite technology;

(iii) Employing high-tech applications such as optical observing technology, satellite radar technology and technology for the transfer of satellite information at a high transfer rate;

(iv) Conducting basic research to develop space technology;

(v) Studying and making ground devices and software;

(vi) Aiming at achieving the average level of space technology by 2010;

(d) Promotion of space technology applications; from 2006 to 2010, space technology applications need to be strengthened in the four main fields of communication, hydrometeorology, remote sensing and satellite positioning; by 2010, those fields must be using space technology applications in professional processes to high effect, namely in the following areas:

(i) Post and Telecommunications, Broadcasting and Television. Viet Nam will expand communications services in order to take full advantage of the VINASAT satellite and to develop remote learning, medical examinations and meetings and direct-to-home television;

(ii) Hydrometeorology, Resources and the Environment. It is necessary to improve the accuracy of forecasts of typhoons, flash floods, landslides and other natural disasters, evaluate the impact of global climatic change on Viet Nam, access information on the fluctuation in land areas in periodic use and build the database for digital maps to be shared with both central and local governments;

(iii) Agriculture, Aquaculture and Resources Investigation. In order to assist forecasting of national rice production, floods, forest fires and drought, Viet Nam will further develop remote sensing applications and will expand aquaculture planning, offshore fishing, and research on detection of oil and underground water etc.;

(iv) Transportation, National Defence and Security. Viet Nam not only takes advantage of the VINASAT satellite capabilities and uses positioning technology broadly for road, air and sea navigation, but also encourages economic organizations to invest in applications and services using positioning and navigating technology.

The first Vietnamese communications satellite, VINASAT, was successfully launched on 12 April 2008. This is a cooperative project between Lockheed Martin Corporation and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of Viet Nam. The satellite will provide mobile telephony, television broadcasting and telemetry services in Viet Nam. As of 2007 the Ministry planned to launch a second satellite in 2011.

The National Independent Programme for Space Technology Research and Applications for the period 2008-2012 is under way.

Viet Nam is preparing the Hoa Lac Space Centre project in cooperation with Japan. The main project objectives are space science and technology research, space technology applications, basic space science research, research on high-technology applications for space technology development, space technology transfer centre for socio-economic development and the promotion of international cooperation projects in space science and technology.

In October 2008, the Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam signed a project to monitor the ocean and water resources of Viet Nam (MOVIMAR) with Collecte Localisation Satellites, a centre that belongs to the French Space Agency (CNES) and the French Research Institute for Ocean Exploration (IFREMER).

The fifteenth session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum was held in Hanoi and in Ha Long, Viet Nam, from 9 to 12 December 2008. The main goal of the Forum is to increase the awareness of related bodies, ministries and branches with regard to space technology in the region, especially in Japan (JAXA and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) and in Viet Nam (the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology and the Space Technology Institute).

The Forum is important as it creates greater opportunities for managers and scientists to learn from and exchange experiences with international colleagues in the area of space technology. During the Forum, international and Vietnamese experts in space technology will share experiences and discuss issues in four working groups (on Earth observation, space environment utilization, communications satellite applications and space education and awareness). During the Forum, a water-boosted rocket competition for pupils of secondary schools will be held in a variety of interesting categories, such as trajectories, parachutes and most beautiful water rocket with parachute.

Viet Nam plans to continue strengthening cooperation in the area of space technology and its applications with countries and organizations in the region as well as at the global level, including with Australia, Belgium, CNES, EADS, ESA, JAXA and the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology has signed with JAXA an agreement for cooperation on space technology and development that includes satellite technology, remote sensing applications (the Sentinel Asia project) and capacity-building in various areas.

Although space technology is only beginning its development in Viet Nam, with the support of the Government and responsible agencies as well as through international cooperation, Viet Nam is determined to build a solid foundation for the development of space technology in the country.

Already, initial steps in the development of space technology in Vietnam have been taken in domains such as hydrometeorology (geostationary meteorological satellite (GMS)/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the Unites States satellite data are used to forecast weather, typhoons and other disasters with greater accuracy), information and communications (many ground stations have been constructed to serve television broadcasting and telecommunications, the most outstanding event being the deployment of the VINASAT project), remote sensing (Landsat and SPOT satellite images of the entire territory of Viet Nam have been obtained) and satellite navigation.

The future goals of Viet Nam are to complete the national policy and legal framework for space technology research and applications; increase public awareness and professional training in this field; construct and improve space technology infrastructure; expand its international cooperation; mobilize budgetary and other funds; and encourage investment from different resources, including private companies in this field. Viet Nam also devotes great attention to creating more opportunities and encouraging young people to study space science and technology. It is hoped that in the future Vietnamese space technology will continue to be promoted and will reach the overall regional level of development, effectively serving the socio-economic development of the country and improving quality of life, environmental and resources management, as well as national defence and security.

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