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Satellite Launch System (UFS)
Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS)

Roketsan will design the UFS to be capable, initially, of launching satellites into low-Earth orbit (500 to 700 kilometers) through a launching center the company will build and the Turkish Air Force will operate.

Roketsan has announced that it is carrying out studies on the conceptual design level for developing a Satellite Launching Tool (UFA) with its own resources. It is stated that Roketsan will use liquid fuel propulsion system as the main propulsion system in all stages of UFA which it is designing.

In a written statement by Roketsan before the International Defense Industry 2017 Fair (IDEF), Roketsan's works in space were explained. The conceptual design level for the development of a Satellite Launch Vehicle (UFA) with its own resources, the statement said, the liquid fuel propulsion system will be used as the main propulsion system at all levels of UFA.

It was emphasized that the technologies developed during the space works contributed significantly to the quality of life and that Roketsan carried out studies on the conceptual design level for the development of a UFA with Liquid Fuel Propulsion System as the main propulsion system at all levels with its own resources.

The statement stated: "Roketsan, Turkey's Satellite Launch System to ensure independent access to space (UFS) has been developed within the scope of their work since 2007. Founded in 2008 Satellite Launch System Design Unit, satellite launch systems within the defense industry companies for the execution of activities related to the first is an embodiment formed in Turkey. In 2013, the Space Project Management Unit was established. Today, space-related activities are carried out by the Space Systems Directorate established under the Advanced Technologies and Systems Group Presidency, which was established in 2015 as a whole. The UFS Project Pre Conceptual Design Period (Period-1), which was launched in 2013 between SSM and ROKETSAN for the purpose of developing the UFS with the aim of gaining access to the space, was completed on 31 December 2014.

Nowadays, liquid propellant propulsion systems technologies are widely used in the lower echelons of the Satellite Launch Vehicle (UFA) because of its high efficiency, stop / start and controllable thrust rate. On the other hand, it is a necessity to use liquid propellant propulsion system in order to place the payload in the upper stage of the UFA.

Considering these considerations, Roketsan conducts studies at the conceptual design level for the development of a UFA with Liquid Propulsion Propulsion System as its main propulsion system at all levels with its own resources. In this way, it is aimed to bring the technologies of liquid propellant propulsion system, which are considered critical, to the Turkish Industry in stages.

Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS)

Micro Satellite Launch System (MUFS)
Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS)

SSB and Roketsan signed a contract 05 NOvember 2018 for Micro Satellite Launch System (MUFS) Development Project. When the project is over, micro-satellites of 100 kilograms and below will be placed in the low-earth orbit with a height of at least 400 kilometers. Turkey, owned by the country of the world satellite launch, testing, will have gained the ability to produce infrastructure and bases.

Defense Industry Presidency and Roketsan signed a contract for Micro Satellite Launch System (MUFS) Development Project. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's project contract announced in the 100-day Executive Program was signed within the prescribed period. Defense Industry President of the ceremony held in the Defense Industry President. Dr. Ismail Demir, Turkish Armed Forces and Roketsan representatives attended.

The project covers the development and testing of the Micro Satellite Launch System, which can accommodate micro-satellites of 100 kilograms and below, with a height of at least 400 kilometers in the Low Earth Trajectory. Under the contract, Roketsan will develop the Micro Satellite Launch Vehicle and install the test / production facilities and launch base. Thus, Turkey has few countries in the world where satellite launch, testing, will have gained the ability to produce infrastructure and bases.

Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS) Mikro Uydu Firlatma Sistemi (MUFS)

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