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Taiwan Science Programs

ROCSAT-3 Program is a collaboration project between University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) of USA and National Space Program Office (NSPO) of ROC to develop a constellation of eight low-earth orbiting satellites for operational weather prediction, space weather monitoring, and climate research. The system, called Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC), will have three primary payloads: (1) advanced GPS receiver, (2) tiny ionospheric photometer and (3) tri-band beacon transmitter. The first phase of the Program was just completed and is now entering the implementation phase for the project. The launch date of the satellites is currently scheduled for late 2002. After early orbit check-up, the system can provide with numerical data for scientific research and global weather prediction. The project is participated by many government, academic and private institutions from both USA and ROC.

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