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South African Launch Vehicle Program R5b/R5C


Space Program Renewal

The Republic of South Africa after many year of having mothballed its launch infrastructure and space launch vehicle industry capability as a part of its denuclearization decisions is once again thinking about bring back to life this technological satellite launch capability to employee South Africans for its own satellite launch services. Recognizing that it is very expensive to rebuild this capability it however is an investment in the basic science and technologies of the country to help push its economy with the funds all spent right at home. Like other nations, South Africa is finding that the many millions of capital required for its own designed and built satellites to be launched by other countries is taking an investment from its own nation in real S & T economic terms.

Thus in February 2010 Science & Technology Minister Naledi Pandor while demonstrating the recently first launched Sumbandila microsatellite has started an investigative inquiry into the potential possibilities of restarting the R5b space program effort for itself and other countries. It could with funds provided and political will to support the effort make it possible for South Africa to reacquire the mothballed launch facilities and its associated support infrastructure in addition to its aerospace industry design, development and manufacturing capability.

They are talking about the three solid motor stages RSA-3 and eventually the RSA-4 space satellite launch vehicle project and its military Air Force, Overberg test range [OTR] launch infrastructure outside Bredasdorp along with Houwteq in the Granbouw area in order to fast track kick start its space capability reacquisition. The launch infrastructure is to be used for civilian none defense purposes. The Overberg ballistic missile space launch test range could also support other nations space launch capability from that infrastructure on a hired out bases in addition to it own planned capability.

The RSA-3 is believed to be essentially similar to the Israeli Jericho missile/Shavit launch vehicle called the Jericho-3 or 2B. The RSA-3 has in fact been flight tested in the past. This would give the RSA a similar satellite launch capability to that of Israel .

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