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Joint Stock Company "Moscow Machine-building Plant Vympel"
(AO MMZ Vympel)

Contact Information

Address: 105318 Moscow, Vel'yaminovskaya st., 34
Tel: (095) 366-8747 [2]
Activity: manufacturing of ground processing equipment for satellites and rockets
Status: open joint-stock company
Subordination: none
Former Subordination: Ministry of General Machine-building of USSR
Former name: Plant #642, Plant "Mostyazhart"


The company was established in 1916 as repair works for artillery guns during World War I. It was known as Moscow Plant of Heavy Artillery (abbreviated as "Mostyazhart" plant). Later the Plant got a designation Plant #642.

In 1963 the newly established Branch 2 of OKB-52 moved to premises of the Plant, which became a production facility for ground support equipment, developed by Branch 2 of OKB-52.

In 1965 the Plant was transferred to the 4th Main Administration of newly established Ministry of General Machine-building of USSR and renamed Moscow Machine-building Plant "Vympel". Approximately in 1990 the Vympel Plant and Branch 2, which ultimately separated from the parent company, merged into Vympel Science and Production Assn. (No relevance to Vympel TsNPO, which belonged to the Ministry of Radio Industry.)

After break-up of USSR, Vympel NPO also separated to independent Vympel Moscow Machine-building Plant (MMZ) and Vympel Experimental Design Bureau (OKB) , effective from 1 January 1992

Vympel MMZ was later transformed into Open Stock-holding Company.

Main Activity

Vympel MMZ was a production facility for Branch 2 of OKB-52/TsKBM/NPO of Machine-building. Now it continues to work for Vympel OKB as a contractor.

Projects participated

See list of projects of Vympel OKB

Organizational Structure

No data

Production Capabilities /Testing facilities

No data

Economic Status

No data.


No data


1. Novosti Kosmonavtiki, #8, 1998
2. Adres-Moskva 1996-97, p.403.

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