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SL-27 Strela

One of the main elements of the action program "Pragmatic Cosmos" implemented by the enterprise is the creation and operation of the Strela space rocket complex using technological equipment and assemblies dismantled from the Strategic Missile Forces and decommissioned PC-18 ICBMs. The Strela LV was created on the basis of the UR-100N UTTX ICBM (PC-18B ICBM), which was developed at the enterprise in the second half of the 1970s and adopted in 1980. The missile systems of the UR-100N UTTX ICBMs currently continue to carry combat duty, being one of the most formidable and effective means of nuclear deterrence. The high reliability and combat readiness of the complexes is confirmed by their continued operation.

The main concept realized in this project is the preservation of the maximum succession of the "Strela" KRK with the basic complex, which has high reliability indicators. The use of the Strela space rocket complex will provide economically advantageous launches of small spacecraft into orbits with different heights and inclinations.

At present, decisions have been approved to extend the life of the basic facilities, which makes it possible to launch in the coming decades. The program for extending the operational life of the RS-18 ICBM is ensured by annual launches and defective missiles that have been on alert for a long time.

Launches of the LV "Strela" are carried out from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan, latitude 45.6 degrees, longitude 63.3 degrees). To work with the spacecraft of the customer during the launch of the Strela LV from the Baikonur cosmodrome, a special technical position was created in one of the assembly and testing buildings existing at the spaceport, containing the necessary equipment for launch vehicle preparation.

The power characteristics of the Strela LV permit the launch of a spacecraft with a mass of up to 1500 kg to low orbits with inclinations close to 63 ° from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Changing the inclination within a few degrees is possible due to the side maneuver of the LV on the trajectory of the derivation and depends on the altitude of the orbit and the mass of the payload. If necessary, work can be done to identify areas of incidence of falling parts of the launch vehicle for launching the spacecraft to other inclinations. JSC "MIC" NPO Mashinostroenia "is ready to conclude contracts for commercial launches of LV" Strela "from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

On December 5, 2003, the first demonstration launch of the Strela LV from the Baikonur cosmodrome took place. With the help of LV "Strela" a mass-inertial model of a spacecraft with a mass of 978 kg was put into orbit with an inclination of 67.067 degrees, a height of apogee of 458.8 km and a perigee of 458 km.

June 27, 2013 LV "Strela" with the radar satellite remote sensing of the Earth "Condor-E" was launched from the silo launcher of the Baikonur cosmodrome. The device was successfully put into a given orbit. On December 19, 2014, the Strela LV launched the Earth remote sensing satellite "Condor-E", created in the interests of the foreign customer, into a given orbit.

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