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Research and Production Association
for Electromechanical Engineering

31 Mendeleyev Street Miass 456320 Chelyabinsk Region Russia
+7 35135 28804
+7 35135 23057

JSC NPO electromechanics is one of the leading enterprises in the field of development and production of gyroscopic instruments for control systems for rocket and space technology for various purposes. The company was founded in 1958 by the Decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR #723-345 dated July 2, 1958 as Branch #2 of Scientific Research Institute # 944 (Scientific Research Institute of Applied Mechanics named after academician V.I. Kuznetsov in Moscow) in order to develop and produce gyroscopic devices.

By the Order of Chairman of the State Committee of Council of Ministers of the USSR for Radioelectronics #331 dated June 6, 1963, Branch #2 of Scientific Research Institute #944 was reorganized into Miass Electromechanical Research Institute (MERI) with affiliated pilot plant. MERI was reorganized into Research and Industrial Association of Electromechanics by the Order of Minister of General Machine Building of the USSR #151 dated May 15, 1977.

In 1998, Research and Industrial Association of Electromechanics was reorganized into Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE NPO elektromechaniki). In 2005, the enterprise was converted into Open Joint-Stock Company. Since December 2007 the company is a part of Military-Industrial Corporation NPO mashinostroyenia.

In 1975, the company was awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour for the special contribution to development and fabrication of gyroscopic devices for missile control systems. Major activities: development and fabrication of gyroscopic devices for control systems of rocket-and-space hardware of different applications. Major production: three-axis gyroscopic stabilizers and angular rate sensor units for control systems of launch vehicles, inertial reference units and angular rate sensor units for cruise missile control systems, compact angular rate sensor units for gyro-stabilized opto-electronic systems of combat planes and helicopters.

The initial name of JSC "NPO electromechanics" is the Electromechanical Institute (EMR) of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for shipbuilding. Created by the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 02.07.1958 as a branch No. 2 of NII-944 (Moscow) for carrying out research and development work, making prototypes of high-precision gyroscopic devices for inertial control systems for ballistic and cruise missiles.

Production was launched in 1962. Since 1963 the enterprise belongs to the State Committee for Radio Electronics of the USSR. In June 1963, the EMR was transformed into an independent Miass Electromechanical Research Institute (MENRI). In 1977 The MENRI was reorganized into the Scientific and Production Association of Electromechanics (NPOE). Association in different periods was led by S.A. Alabin, Yu.A. Buynyakov, G.A. Ermolaev. Last years the team is headed by V.A. Lokotkov.

For a short historical period, several generations of gyroscopic instruments were developed: the first generation (1960-1975) on traditional domestic inertial sensors with a ball bearing suspension based on the experience of the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics; second generation (since 1976) on the basis of sensitive elements with an elastic suspension of their own design; In the framework of the Federal Space Program of Russia, gyro devices of the third generation were being developed.

Already in 1965, a gyro equipment complex was commissioned for the first Soviet solid-fueled rocket of the Soviet Army Temp-S . From the moment of its formation to the present time, the enterprise remains the main developer of command instrument complexes for the control systems of the operational and tactical missile systems of the ground forces. Among them, the complexes of command instruments for control systems of the OTRK and TRC Temp-C 9K76 (adopted for service in 1966) , the Tochka 9K79 (adopted in 1976) , Oka 9K714 (adopted in service in 1980) , Iskander-M (adopted in 2006). Created by the OTRK with the use in the inertial systems management system developed by the enterprise, the effectiveness of combat use and the accuracy of target destruction, including in the regime of autonomous (inertial) control, surpass all known analogues of tactical missile weapons in the world.

Since the late 1960s the company was working on the development of new sensing elements based on a vibration-type gyroscope (DNG, RVG, etc.), which later become the main elements of gyroscopic devices (gyrostabilizers and angular velocity sensors). The use of unique gyroscopic technologies, the latest advances in science and technology in the field of materials science, chemistry, electronics, and also electronic computers in the conduct of research and development have created by the end of the 20th century a number of sets of gyroscopic instruments that meet the requirements for accuracy (under appropriate operating conditions) for the control systems of cruise missiles, launch vehicles and other products of rocket and space technology using inertial control and stabilization systems.

In the 1970s the enterprise created gyro devices for the control systems of the missile systems of the Navy of the second generation of the KB design. Since the beginning of the 1980s , the NPO of electromechanics has been working to create a small three-stage gyroscope and an angular velocity sensor for sea-based cruise missiles "Onyx" 3M55 . In the same years, three sets of gyro devices for the reusable space system "Energia-Buran", gyro devices for the control systems of cruise missiles of the Navy, blocks of meters for space vehicles and the Mir space station were created.

In the years 1987-1988. two sets of gyro devices participated in the flight tests of the "Energy-Buran" system . Since 1991, the company has begun transition to work in the conditions of economic reforms. Step-by-step restructuring of the enterprise was carried out, the research and personnel potential, unique research and production base of the country's gyroscopy in the Urals were preserved. In the 90s, the company developed small-sized gyro-devices for rocket-space complexes of the III millennium, including for the first domestic rocket Soyuz-2 , the International Space Station.

Based on the experience of creating gyro devices based on sensing elements such as NNG and RVG, a complex of medium-precision gyro devices was created and tested, providing all the required performance characteristics. Subsequently, the device underwent a deep modernization, now it is in series production, being the basic device in the control system of cruise missiles for various purposes ( "Yakhont", "Brahmos" ).

The products of missile technology, which use gyro devices developed by JSC "NPO electromechanics" in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. The developed instruments and systems are based on small inertial sensitive elements and electric cells of our own design. The combination of these elements with a valve electric drive and advanced technologies made it possible to develop small-sized, multifunctional and economical gyrostabilizers that are unique for gyro-building practice, as well as free-of-charge DC systems, capable of operating under the most complicated operating conditions.

For a special contribution to the development and development of gyro devices for control systems of missile systems, the enterprise was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1975) . 357 state awards were awarded to the employees of the enterprise : one Lenin Prize, three State Prizes, one USSR Council of Ministers Award, four titles "Honored Designer of Russia", two titles "Honored Mechanical Engineer of Russia", 346 orders , including six orders of Lenin, and medals. Five employees of the enterprise are laureates of the regional award "Eaglet". On the basis of the subject of the enterprise, 4 doctors and 30 candidates of sciences. The enterprise made a great contribution to the social and economic development of Miass. In the northern part of the city (mashgorodok), with its financial support, 74 houses, three schools, eight kindergartens, a MSCh-92, the Miass Electromechanical College, SGPTU-89, the Solnechny pioneer camp on Lake Turgoyak and many kilometers of water pipelines, roads.

On the scientific and production basis of the company, independent firms have grown up, their leaders and leading specialists are former employees of the enterprise. In difficult times, these firms gave the city hundreds of new jobs.

At present JSC NPO electromechanics is a part of the largest rocket building holding of Russia - the Military Industrial Corporation "NPO Mashinostroenia" and belongs to third-level cooperative enterprises after the developers of rocket-space complexes and their control systems.

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