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The New NM and Multi-Purpose Science Laboratory, Power Modules (MLM)

Planned for ISS Russian Section


Russia's new Multipurpose Laboratory Module is still on its planned schedule for launch in 2012 to the ISS pending the Khrunichev organizations construction completion and S. P. Korolev Corporation's Energiya outfitting it with its equipment as of April 2011.

Russia is considering adding four new Multi-Purpose Laboratory Modules to ISS hoping that commercial space will operate the station after 2020. They have made it clear they could also launch these three elements as a new independent space station from ISS for themselves and their joint venture commercial partners. These modules are planned to replace the habitation Science and Power-supply platform (NEP) module previously cancelled.

The October 22, 2005, Russian Federation government approved of FSP 2006-2015 expanded spaceflight development decision was based on the re appearance of the Soviet era like fiscal Five Year Plan ( 2006-2010) and the next five year plan called the five year Forecast Plan (2011-2015) cycle to Russian Federal Space Agency developments. Soon the Russian Federal Space Agency will replace the present FYP with the 2011-2015 five year plan followed by the 2016-2020 forecast plan. Whether these new ambitious crewed space laboratory modules for ISS come to fruition depends in large part on the economic reality of the Russian economy to support its fulfillment in the face of the world economic crisis.

It has already been stated by the Russian’s that as long as the U. S. supplies power cheaply as a trade off there will be no need to build the last modules for now except in the new post ISS space station program of Russia called OPSEK. Truly this leaves in doubt the fate of these modules in the new Russian Federal Space Agency five year plans of 2011-2015 and 2016-2020. Prime Minister Putin on July 19, 2010 suggested that the completion of the Russian segment of ISS should be accomplished in 2015 with all the multiple laboratory modules now committed to preparation and launch.

Russian ISS Segement Development Credit Roskosmos

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