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Design Bureau for Chemical Automation

22 Voroshilov Street Voronyesh 394055 Russia

"KB khimavtomatiki", although related to chemistry (manufactures pumps for the relevant industries), in fact, is one of the unique centers of rocket engine manufacturing in Russia and abroad. The Voronezh KB "Himavtomatika", also known by the name of its founder, as the "Kosberg company", famous for the creation of liquid rocket engines for the upper stages of Soyuz, Proton rocket launchers, the most powerful Soviet hydrogen engine for Energia, finally, the Soviet nuclear rocket engines. Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky” (OSC KBKhA) – one of the world leaders in development of liquid rocket engines, participant of all Russian based piloted space flight programs. KBKhA today is a modern scientific and manufacturing incorporation operating within the whole development cycle of liquid rocket engines (LRE) for military rockets, scientific and commercial launch vehicles. It produces marketable high-tech and complex conversion products.


July 1940, Design bureau (KB-2) for the development of direct fuel injection systems for aircraft engines was organized Moscow within carburetor plant #33. Semen Kosberg was appointed as a head of the Bureau and Deputy chief designer. October 13, 1941, the Design bureau was reorganized into the independent company and was evacuated to the Berdsk of Novosibirsk region with Plant #296 had been evacuated from Kharkov.

S. Kosberg was appointed a chief designer of the factory. A designer team started with the development of direct injection systems, and the factory employees started with preproduction activity of first system (NB-ZU). In 1942, NB-ZU factory tests in engine M-82 were successfully completed, as well as flight tests on Su-2 aircraft, and the factory started serial production of the system in September 1942. The flight tests showed that the replacement of the carburetor for NB-ZU system ensured power increase of M-82 engine by 70 h.p., with considerable reduction of fuel consumption. This allowed to increase such flight characteristics of La-5, La-7, Tu-2, Tu-2D aircrafts as rate of climb, maneuverability, speed, and range, which ensured the flight advantage of Russian aircraft over the best German machines. The advantage of direct injection system over the carburetor system was appreciated by all main designers of aircraft motors (General designers A. Shvetsov, A. Mikulin, V. Klimov, V. Dobrynin), and the Design bureau developed about 50 design options of such injectors during 1941-1952.

The Dawn of Jet Engine Era
April 1946, the Design bureau moved to Voronezh. It was accommodated on plant #265 of the Ministry of aviation industry and was named “Design Bureau of plant 265”, and later, in May 1946, “Design Bureau of plant 154”. Post-war times were years of the development of jet aviation, so – along with works on injector systems - the company started the development of different components for turbo-jet and turboprop engines. From 1946 to 1954, about 80 items were developed, such as fuel injectors, oil pumps, fuel filters, fuel feed regulators, control and regulation systems, etc. Among last developments at this field was the development of solid and fluid jet assistance motors (JATO). Liquid propellant JATO incorporated a range of main components of liquid rocket engines (LRE): gas generator, turbine, pumps, regulation and control components, which was the basis for the start for development of more complicated engines – liquid rocket engines.

First LREs were developed as complicated power units for jets designed by A Mikoyan (LRE RD0100 and RD0101) in 1955-1956, A. Yakovlev (RD0102) in 1957-1959, and P. Sukhoy (RD0103) in 1957.

KBKhA Rocket Engine Company Maturity Years
Successful work results were a basis for the reformation of Plant 154 Design Bureau into the independent company OCB-154. The new enterprise was to develop rocket engines.

The works were performed in two directions: development of LREs for space launch vehicles (LV) and missiles.

Start of works was marked by the meeting of S. Kosberg and S. Korolev on February 10, 1958. The result of this meeting was the joint development of oxygen-kerosene engine RD0105 for LV “Luna” LV stage (engine chief designer V. Koshelnikov). This engine allowed LV to reach second space velocity for the first time in the world, deliver USSR pennon to the Moon surface, make the round flight of the Moon and take pictures of Moon back side. Later on, one of the craters on its backside was named after S. Kosberg.

KBKhA developed LRE RD0109 for “Vostok” LV third stage (chief designer – V. Koshelnikov) on the basis of engine RD0105. The engine was more reliable and had higher technical specifications due to the creation of the new efficient lightweight combustion chamber. RD 0109 thrusts to orbit space ship Vostok with Y. Gagarin onboard, all one-seat manned ships and different military and scientific spacecraft later. The development of space industry in the end of the 50th and beginning of 60th required the creation of more powerful LV for orbiting objects with mass up to 7000 kg. To fulfill this purpose, the Design bureau – on the basis of second stage engine RD0106 of military rocker P-9A - developed engines RD0107, RD0108, and RD0110 (chief designer Y. Gershkovits) for third stages of S. Korolev LVs “Molnia”, “Voshod”, “Soyuz” that ensured launches of interplanetary stations to Mars and Venus, orbiting space ships with 2 and 3 cosmonauts on board. Members of these crews were the first human beings entering into open space, made orbit docking and joint flight of two ships, including American “Apollo”. LV “Soyuz” is used to deliver payload to orbital stations.

Using highly reliable engine RD0110, over 1500 LV successful launches were performed. In the beginning of 1965, chief designer S. Kosberg died in a car accident. A. Konopatov was appointed as a lead designer of the Design Bureau.

New Projects – New Engines. Seventies of last century

Another milestone in the development of Russian space industry was the creation of powerful LV UR500 by General designer V. Chelomey. The LV was able to orbit heavy objects with weight up to 20 tons. For the second stage of LV “Proton” KBKhA created LRE RD0208 and RD0209 (chief designer V. Kozelkov), operating according to oxidizer rich preburner staged combustion schematic. As a prototype, engine RD0206 was used, installed on military missile UR-200. This LV orbited heavy automated stations “Proton”. LV UR500 was later named “Proton”.

Three-stage “Proton” was a more powerful LV, for whose second stage engines RD0208 and RD0209 were modernized. The modernized engines got indexes RD0210 and RD0211 (chief designer V. Kozelkov). For the third stage engine, RD0212 was renewed (chief designer Y. Gershkovits). Besides, for the position correction of “Almaz” space station, launched by “Proton”, KBKhA created pressure fed engine RD0225 (chief designer V. Borodin) and multiple startup (up to 100 times), with orbit stand-by mode (up to 2 years). These LV delivered Lunar excursion modules to the Moon, interplanetary spacecrafts that took probes of lunar soil and landed on Mars and Venus. It became possible to launch long-stay orbital stations “Salut” and “Mir”, as well as modules “Zarya” and “Zvezda” for International space station. For the moment, over 300 “Proton” LV launches have been performed.

Technical perfection of engines RD0110, RD0210, RD0211, RD0212 ensured their long life. For over 40 years these engines have launched different spacecrafts, automated stations, and manned space ships. High energy-weight characteristics and operation simplicity support their position in the best of Russian and foreign engines of the same class.

The First Nuclear Rocket Engine
In 1965 KBKhA was involved into project of the development of nuclear rocket engines RD0410 and RD0411 (chief designer G. Chursin, lead designers – L. Nikitin, M. Biryukov, A. Belogurov, Y. Mamontov). The engines were specified for the acceleration and deceleration of spacecrafts and orbit correction for deep space explorations. Due to operating fluid high thermodynamic properties and high heating temperatures in the nuclear reactor, (up to 3 000 K), the engine possesses high efficiency (vacuum Isp 910 kg s/kg). For time and costs saving, the nuclear reactor and “cold” engine (feed system, regulation and control components) were developed in parallel. The nuclear reactor is designed according to heterogeneous schematic – its design utilizes block-mounting principle, which allowed to develop uranium-containing (fuel cell) assemblies and reactor separately.

The results of the development of RD-0410 nuclear rocket engine were used for development of main turbopump of RD-0120 engine and were the basis for development of multimode space nuclear power plants.

First Gas-Dynamic Laser
In early 70s KBKhA began development of continuous high power, gas-dynamic of CO2-lasers (GDL), operating on the transformation of the heat energy of active gaseous medium, obtained with non-equilibrium expansion in supersonic nozzle grid, into electromagnetic radiation. The family of GDL samples was created with radiation energy from 10 to 600 kW and space on-board GDL RD0600 working on gaseous propellant (the leading designers — V.P. Koshelnikov, G.I. Zavision, V.Y. Guterman).

“Energia-Buran”. New Unique Developments
In the 70th-80th LRE RD0120 was developed (chief designers G. Chursin, V. Rachuk, lead designer L. Nikitin), used as a second stage sustainer engine for “Energia” LV, developed by general designer V. Glushko. This development task is the most significant in the aspect of complicity and technical novelty. For the creation of high-energy engine working on cryogenic fuels, a whole range of scientific, design, and technology problems was solved and establishment of the new production facility and experimental base was performed. High engine reliability was confirmed by more than 800 test firing, with overall development time about 170 000 s, including two flight tests within LV “Energia” and space system “Energia-Buran”.

New Engines at Millennium Frontier
KBKhA team possesses productive design experience, highly qualified scientists in staff (6 Ph.Ds and over 50 candidates of science), designers, production engineers, and workers who keep on working on the creation of the new rocket engines and power plants.

Since 1993 the development of four-chamber LOX-kerosene LRE RD-0124, 14D23 (the chief designers — V. Koselkov and V. Gorokhov, the lead designers — V. Borodin, A. Plis and V. Gurin) for the third stage of the general designer D. Koslov "Sojuz-2" launch vehicle has been conducted. The main engine destination — delivery into the orbit of different payloads: satellites, cargo and manned space vehicles. RD-0124 engine is developed as substitution for RD-0110. It has the practically identica l interfaces, overall dimensions and mass, but it offers the higher specific parameters — the best of the developed LRE of this class. The engine operates according to oxidizer rich stage combustion cycle and has highe r (on 33 s) efficiency compared to RD-0110. This will allow to put into orbit larger payloads (~ 950 kg) or to ensure launching of "Sojuz-2" launch vehicle from spaceports located to the north of Baikonur. The conducted series of successful stand tests has confirmed the fulfillment of the specification requirements for main parameters. Two test-bench fire tests within LV “Soyuz-2” 3rd stage were performed that completed the 1st phase of on-ground engine development.

December 27, 2006, first flight test of the engine within LV “Soyuz-2b” was performed. In 1998 KBKhA has studied and determined the possibility of using the RD-0124 (the RD-0124A) for the second stage of space rocket complex "Angara", created by Khrunichev Design and Research center and aimed for orbiting multiple purpose space vehicles. The main differences from the requirements to base engine are the change of engine operating time of the main and final thrust stage.

On December 01, 2007, 150 fire tests were performed, with overall development time over 30,000 seconds, which confirmed the compliance of main parameters with Technical Task requirements.

In 1993-1998 large volume of design, analysis, research and experimental works on development of three-propellant dual-mode engine on the base of RD-0120 have been conducted as a KBKhA initiative. The propellants of the engine are: liquid hydrogen, kerosene, and liquid oxygen.

Studies and recommendations of the leading Russian R&D Institutes and foreign firms shown an economic feasibility of application of dual-mode three-propellant engines to advanced launch vehicles (especially single-staged) have become the real support for three-propellant engine works performance. The engine according to the first mode operates on oxygen and kerosene with the small addition of hydrogen and at the second operational mode - with oxygen and hydrogen.

As a result of this work, for the first time, in practice of LRE development, three-propellant dual-mode preburner (the lead designers – Y.A. Martynenko, V.A. Turtushov) successfully tested in KBKhA and in RD0750D demonstrator conditions at NIICHIMMASH.

In 1997 KBKhA according the Khrunichev Space Center Technical Specification has begun the development of the new oxygen-hydrogen engine RD-0146 (the chief designer — N.E. Titkov, the lead designer — I.V. Liplavy) for space boosters of advanced launchers options «Proton» and «Angara». For the first time in Russia the expander cycle engine has been developed with insurance of multiple in-flight starts. Since 2001, 4 engines were manufactured, independent tests of engine subassemblies and chamber with igniter were performed at modes higher than nominal. Altogether 30 fire tests at mode up to 109.5% and with overall operational time 1680 seconds were completed. The development time per each engine was 1604 seconds in 27 tests.

RD-0126, RD-0126Z
In 1995 the research work for development expander kerosene-hydrogen LREs for advanced space boost units and interorbital tows has been initiated. It has defined the engine configuration and performances. This work was completed by issue of technical proposal. On the basis of this work RKK «Energia» has issued specification for RD-0126 engine development that was presented in two variants:

Engine RD0126 - with a traditional Laval nozzle chamber, and RD0126Z with an expansion-deflection nozzle and ring throat (chief designer V. Grokhov, lead designer – I. Liplyavy).

Engine RD0126Z has the following advantages as compared to traditional LREs:

  • equal length, but higher vacuum Isp;
  • lighter weight with the same Isp;
  • possibility to obtain higher hydrogen temperature in cooling channels, which allows to use it as working medium for TPA turbine rotation;
  • possibility of engine ground testing performed under high-altitude conditions without gas-dynamic tube.

    In 1998, test bench chamber with ring throat was tested. 5 sea level fire tests were performed that confirmed combustion products flow without boundary layer separation within high-altitude nozzle, which makes engine development considerably simpler. The calculated performance data complied with the design figures. Steady state operation process was stable; hardware is in satisfactory operable condition.

    GPVRD 58L
    Since 1994 according Baranov CIAM Institute specification KBKhA has been developed experimental axial symmetrical scramjet 58L (the lead designers — Y.V. Liplavy, Y.A. Martynenko), for studying of processes of hydrogen combustion at stream velocities 3-6.5 M and altitudes of 20-35 km flight conditions. The liquid hydrogen is an engine fuel passing CC cooling channels and being introduced into the combustion zones. The combustion chamber is an annular and three-zone design. In the first zone the hydrogen combustion takes place in subsonic airflow, in two others — in supersonic flow. The combustion chamber is completely designed and manufactured in KBKhA, and the new and advanced design and technological solutions have been realized. In 1998 the flight tests of scramjet on board Kholod laboratory have been successfully conducted. The engine operation started at flight velocity 3 M, at the end of the flight on 77 s the vehicle velocity reached 6.47 M. For the first time in the world hydrogen combustion has taken place under supersonic flow conditions. Engine has operated according the test program and without remarks under testing program.

    In 1999 the “Krasmashzavod” State Enterprise and KBKhA created the experimental LOX-kerosene RD-0155 (the lead designer – I. Fux).

    By the development of RD-0155 engine the designers used design, production capabilities and experimental potential, which were accumulated by the development of RD-0244 – prototype engine. The considerable power margin, confirmed by development tests of engine RD0244, and experience acquired after its manufacturing in Krasmashzavod, allow to speed up RD0155 engine development.

    In 1999 fire testing of demonstrator RD-0244KD using LOX-kerosene have been conducted successfully, and these tests have confirmed the possibility of creation of RD-0155 engine operating on ecologically clean propellants. Successful fire test of the engine was performed April 08, 2003.

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