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GOMS / Elektro

The year 1994 witnessed the long-awaited debut of the Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite (GOMS) system of Elektro spacecraft. Electro was a Russian geostationary weather spacecraft launched from the Baykonur Cosmodrome by a Proton rocket. It was the long awaited debut of the Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite (GOMS) system of spacecraft. The objectives of the program were as follows: to acquire, in real time, television images of the Earth surface and cloud within a radius of 60 degrees centered at the sub-satellite point in the visible and IR regions of the spectrum; to measure temperature profiles of the Earth surface (land and ocean) as well as cloud cover; to measure radiation state and magnetic field of the space environment at the geostationary orbital altitude; to transmit via digital radio channels television images, temperature and radiation and magnetometric information to the main and regional data receiving and processing centers.

The system would acquire the information from Soviet and international data collection platforms (DCPs), located in the GOMS radio visibility, and to transmit to obtained information to the main and regional data and processing centers; to retransmit to processed meteorological data in the form of facsimile of alphanumerical information from the receiving and processing centers to the independent receiving stations via satellites; to provide the exchange of high-speed digital data (retransmissions via the satellite) between the main and regional centers of the Russian State Committee for Hydrometeorology; and to call for the data collection platforms to transmit the information to the satellite.

The GOMS network will eventually consist of three spacecraft spaced 90 degrees apart in the geostationary ring; at 14 deg W, 76 deg E, and 166 deg E. Each 2.6-metric-ton spacecraft will have a payload capacity of 650-900 kg with an estimated operational lifetime of at least three years. The satellites will be 3-axis-stabilized and receive a maximum of 1.5 kW (900W for the payload) produced by two rectangular solar arrays. Twelve communications channels will link the spacecraft to the receiving and processing centers, the independent data receiving center, and the data collection platforms. The main data receiving and processing center is in the Moscow region while two regional centers are located in Tashkent and Khaborovsk.

The Electro-L satellite is Russia's second high-altitude weather observatory, coming after a troubled mission launched in 1994 that never achieved all of its goals The next-generation Electro-L program faced years of delays because of interruptions in funding. Electro-L is an approved geostationary meteorological mission under development of ROSHYDROMET / PLANETA / Roscosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency), a successor spacecraft to GOMS (Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite), also referred to as Electro-1, launched Oct. 31, 1994 (which was never brought to full operational service due to technical problems). The overall mission objectives of Electro-L are:

  • To provide on an operational basis multispectral imagery (hydro-meteorological data) of the atmosphere (including the cloud-covered sky) and of the Earth's surface within the coverage region (visible disk) of the spacecraft
  • To collect heliospheric, ionospheric, and magnetospheric data
  • To provide the needed communication services for the transmission/exchange of all data with the ground segment
  • To provide the services of data collection for the DCPs (Data Collection Platforms) in the ground segment as well as to provide the services of COSPAS/SARSAT.

The Electro-L No 1 spacecraft was launched on January 20, 2011 on a Zenit-2 launch vehicle with a Fregat-SB booster from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. Electro-L1 will capture real-time images of clouds and storm systems, collecting weather imagery several times per hour with visible and infrared cameras. The satellite's position in geosynchronous orbit will yield views of the entire Earth disk, allowing its weather sensors to observe storm systems across a wide swath of Asia, the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. The satellite will also study space weather phenomena and provide communications for search-and-rescue services. The satellite weighs 1701 kg and will be parked at 76° E longitude. Several months into the mission, it was revealed that Elektro-L did experience a failure of one of four gyroscopic attitude control channels immediately after the launch. Although, the problem was reportedly compensated with the use of onboard sensors, the launch of the Spektr-R space observatory, which used a similar system, had to be delayed.

The Electro-L spacecraft was designed and built by NPO Lavochkin Research and Production Association of Moscow. The spacecraft employs the so-called "navigator" platform, a general purpose bus which is three-axis stabilized. A pointing accuracy of < 0.05º is provided; the angular drift is < 5 x 10-4 º/s. A deployable solar array provides a power of 1.7 kW (EOL, the mean power consumption of the S/C is about 700 W). The total mass of the spacecraft is about 1500 kg (payload mass of 370 kg). The S/C design life is 10 years.

Jonathan McDowell reported 08 August 2020 that Russia's Elektro-L No. 2 weather satellite seems to have been retired. It was in GEO at 76E from 2016 Jan to 2020 Aug 1; on Aug 6 it raised orbit to an average of 307 km above GEO. However the orbit raising was asymmetric: perigee is still at GEO altitude, for now. Elektro-L2 was likely moving to 14.5W after Elektro-L3 arrived to 76E from 165.8E


Originally proposed for a maiden flight in 1978-1979, GOMS has suffered both technical and budgetary problems. The objectives of the program, as stated in 1991, are as follows:

  • "a to acquire, in real time, television images of the Earth surface and cloud within a radius of 60 degrees centered at the sub-satellite point in the visible and IR regions of the spectrum;
  • to measure temperature profiles of the [Earth surface (land and ocean) as well as cloud cover;
  • to measure radiation state and magnetic field of the space environment at the geostationary orbital altitude;
  • to transmit via digital radio channels television images, temperature and radiation and magnetrometric information to the Main and regional data receiving and processing centers;
  • to acquire the information from Soviet and international data collection platforms (DCPs), located in the GOMS radio visibility, and to transmit the obtained information to the main and regional data and processing centers;
  • to retransmit the processed meteorological data in the form of facsimile or alphanumerical information from the receiving and processing centers to the independent receiving stations via satellites;
  • to provide the exchange of high-speed digital data (retransmissions via the satellite) between the Main and regional centers of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology;
  • to call for the data collection platforms to transmit the information to the satellite." (Reference 661).

The GOMS network will eventually consist of three spacecraft spaced 90 degrees apart in the geostationary ring: at 14 degrees W, 76 degrees E, and 166 degrees E. Each 2.6-metric-ton spacecraft will have a payload capacity of 650-900 kg with an estimated operational lifetime of at least three years. The satellites will be 3-axis-stabilized and receive a maximum of 1.5 kW (900 W for the payload) produced by two rectangular solar arrays (Figure 4.80). Twelve communications channels will link the spacecraft to the receiving and processing centers, the independent data receiving center, and the data collection platforms. The main data receiving and processing center is in the Moscow region while two regional centers are located at Tashkent and Khabarovsk (Figure 4.81).

The Elektro spacecraft instrument suite is summarized in Table 4.6, although the 6-7 1lµm scanning radiometer might not appear until the second mission. The telephotometer is limited to a total of 24 frames per day (each framing session lasts 30 minutes of which 15-20 minutes is imaging time), and only 4-5 frames can be successively taken at the 30 minute per frame imaging rate. This high frame rate will normally be employed around 0000 and 1200 GMT, in part, to permit the calculation of wind speed and direction data. DCP information will be collected and transmitted at three-hour intervals each day, i.e., 0300 GMT, 0600 GMT, etc. (References 661-663).


The World Meterological Organization [WMOj's Global Atmospheric Research Program [GARP] Numerical Experimentation Pro­gram adopted simulation techniques to determine objective requirements for a rational planning of observational systems. This was in preparation for the First Global GARP Experiment [FGGE], a 1-year campaign of measurements, one of the objectives of which was to qualify an optimized global observation system to be used as a reference by the operational World Weather Watch [WWW] program.

One of its earliest findings was that long-range forecasting would be unreliable even at mid-latitudes if the Earth's tropical belt were not suitably monitored with wind observations. Furthermore, it was apparent that correct parameterization of convection in the belt of tropical cyclones is essential for the description of the meridian transfer of energy on the Earth's surface.

These findings created a demand for the development of geostationary satellites. It was estimated that a chain of four (possibly five) spaced equally round the Equator would satisfy the need for wind estimates in the tropics and for surveying convection; two (possibly three) polar satellites would complete Earth coverage, providing vertical atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles (the most essential data at high and mid-latitudes).

While the need for polar satellites was apparently satisfied by the American NOAA satellites and the Soviet Meteor, a large void was still to be filled in the field of geostationary spacecraft, the only advanced program being the American SMS for two satellites over the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic. 140

It was eventually agreed that two of the geostationary satellites, positioned to provide contiguous weather coverage around the globe in tropical and mid-latitudes, would be provided by the United States and one each by Japan, the European Space Agency [ESA], and the Soviet Union. 141

The 1975 WMO publication, dealing with the WWW, stated the operational purpose of the Soviet Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite [GOMS] to be:

  • To obtain data on the distribution of clouds at equatorial and middle latitudes on the light and dark sides of the Earth;
  • To obtain data on wind speed and direction at two or three levels;
  • To collect data from observing platforms (including inter­national platforms); and
  • To disseminate cloud pictures, actual and forecast weather charts on a regional and international basis.

Although it was stated that it was planned to launch a satellite in 1 or 2 years' time, this had not taken place at the end of 1980. The first GOMS was to have been launched for tests after 1979. GOMS would be situated over the Equator at a point approximately 70° east in a geostationary orbit at a height of approximately 36,000 km. Three types of sensory equipment were listed:

  • Television-type scanning equipment operating in the visi­ble band of the spectrum with a resolution of 2 to 4 km;
  • Infrared scanning equipment operating in the 8 to 12
    micron band with a resolution of about 12 km; and
  • Transceiver equipment.

The data collection system and APT were planned having regard to the recommendations of the Coordination on Geostationary Meteorological Satellites [CGMS] meetings. 142

By 1975, coordination meetings between those contributing satellite systems to the FGGE, namely ESA, Japan, the United States and the U.S.S.R., were taking place once or twice a year. 143

In late 1977, the United States was informed that Russia could not provide the satellite which was to be located over the Indian Ocean. Since the loss of this satellite would have produced a gap in data coverage, the United States and ESA were asked to work together to provide for a replacement satellite. In less than a year, GOES 1 was moved to 59° E to fill the void (NOAA's designation for its Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites is GOES). A data acquisition station was constructed at Villafranca, Spain; ESA's Control Center at Darmstadt, Germany, was modified to accept GOES data; personnel were provided and trained to operate and maintain the GOES system; and a data processing facility was established at the University of Wisconsin.

By the end of 1978 the fifth satellite system was fully installed, tested, and turned over to ESA for operation. 144

The FGGE, organized by the WMO and the International Council of Scientific Unions [ICSU], began on December 1, 1978, and continued until the end of November 1979. This ambitious undertaking involved nearly 150 countries in a program coordinated by the WMO. Taking part were: 9,200 ground-based stations, 7,000 ships, 80 scheduled aircraft, 5 geostationary satellites, and 4 satellites in polar orbit. 145

GOES 1 remained under control of the European Space Agency until November 30, 1979. It was then commanded to drift eastward at 2° longitude per day. GOES 1 was scheduled to arrive at its destination of 90° W during March 1980. 146

Maps showing the disposition of the five geostationary satellites and their zones of coverage depict these zones as ellipses centered on the subsatellite points. The ellipses indicate: 10° elevation, com­munication range; 20° elevation, useful cloud information; 30° ele­vation, 10 knot wind accuracy measurement; 40° elevation, 5 knot wind accuracy measurements. Spaced as they were, the satellites provided global coverage only between latitudes 15° N and S for 40° elevation; 35° N and S for 30° elevation; 50° N and S for 20° elevation; 65° N and S for 10° elevation. This was for the greatest spacing of 80° of longitude between GOES 1 and the Japanese CMS I. 147

At some time between October 31 and November 20, 1979, the following Soviet message was received in New Zealand:


(VISSR=Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer; DCS=Data Collection System from ground platforms.) 148 Nothing came of this and speculation as to the reason why must be left to the reader. Plans for GOMS have not been abandoned. The Soviet Union's National Paper to the Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space states that the U.S.S.R. is considering problems of designing operational geosta­tionary meteorological satellites [GOMS] equipped with TV systems in visible and IR-bands (8 to 12 microns) with resolutions of 1 to 2 km and 5 to 8 km respectively, as well with the acquisition systems, transmission of data from data collection platforms and facsimile meteorological information retransmission systems. 149


Among future scenarios for Soviet weather reporting is a three- tier system. The orbital altitudes for the three tiers range from several hundred to 36,000 kilometers. In the first tier of the weather reporting system there would be long-term orbital manned stations which would make visual observations of geological and meteriolo- gical phenomena such as tides, landslides, dust and sand storms, tsunami, hurricanes and earthquakes. In the second tier Meteor satellites would circle the Earth in polar or near-polar orbits at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 kilometers. Finally, the third tier would contain meteorological satellites at an altitude of up to 36,000 kilometers for continuous observation of the dynamic processes in the Earth's atmosphere such as overall air mass circulation. 150

Discussions of the future of the Soviet weather observation system include plans for creating a single international network for ocean observations by automatic buoys. Information transmitted from the buoys by radio would be collected by satellites. J 5:

Implementation of such a program began with the launch of the Kosmos 1076. Possibly Kosmos 1025, with similar orbital parameters, was a development flight for the subset. Some analysts believe that satellites in this subset perform an electronic intelligence (ELINT) gathering role and this is considered in the following chapter. Kosmos 1076 was followed by the Interkosmos 20 and Kosmos 1151 satellites both with announced oceanographic missions.

The satellites' scientific equipment complex is controlled by a special unit that also assigns the working modes for the measuring equipment and the system for collecting and transmitting the in formation from buoys and ships. The latter constitute a system of reference points and make direct measurements in the ocean for the purpose of monitoring and calibrating the satellite's equipment.

The equipment of the satellites regularly collects information accumulated by the automatic buoy stations and retransmits it to reception centers for processing. 152

From 1979 through 1982, the U.S.S.R. conducted the "Ocean" experiment with the Kosmos 1076 and 1151. Observations from the satellites made it possible to obtain data on the radiative characteristics of the ocean's surface and the atmosphere synchronously, over a broad band of electromagnetic radiation frequencies. The joint processing of all the data made it possible to increase the ac­curacy of the determination of a number of oceanographic and atmospheric parameters.

The "Ocean" experiment should be regarded as the first step in the solution of a finite problem, the realization of which will place the problem of studying the ocean and making rational use of its resources on a quantitatively new level. 153

A description of the buoys was given by Sagdeyev. 154 Each buoy consists of two parts. The first part is a standard unified radio terminal with its own memory; the second is a system of measuring instruments, the makeup of which can vary depending upon the problems formulated. The satellite plays the role of a central computer. It collects all the information from the buoys and retransmits it to a ground station (the matter of processing these data for the time being has not been assigned to it). The satellite can carry on a dialog with the buoys. It not only receives data from them, but also sends them commands to change the mode of operation, switch to a reserve set, etc.

Some indication of the importance attached to this work is conveyed by Soviet statements at the time of the twentieth anniversary of the introduction of the Kosmos program and at the launch of Interkosmos 20.

The weather "kitchen" on our planet is its oceans, over the expanses of which powerful atmospheric vortices, hurricanes and typhoons are born. 15S

The importance of data on water temperature in the oceans is indicated by the following example. The devi­ations in the distribution of warm and cold waters in the Atlantic Ocean observed in the spring and summer of 1972 exerted an influence on the peculiarities of the movement of air masses, as a result of which there was a severe drought in a number of regions in the central part of the U.S.S.R. 156

Also being discussed is the problem of launching similar satel­lites into orbits with polar inclination and 24-hour revolution peri ods to observe the regions situated northward and southward of 50° N and S latitudes respectively that cannot be observed from the geostationary satellites. 157 Although, at first sight, this might seem to have its attractions, it should be remembered that such satellites would not remain stationary over the polar regions. Circular 24-hour orbits would provide only two periods of 5 hours 20 minutes duration each day in which the subsatellite point lies at latitudes in excess of 50°, one in each hemisphere, although coverage of the polar region would be available for longer periods. Use of orbits having eccentricities of 0.74, such as those of Molniya satellites, give a period of 17 hours at latitudes in excess of 50° over one of the polar regions and two such satellites would be necessary, one for each hemisphere.



140 ESA Bulletin, No. 3, Oct. 1975, pp. 52-53.

141 Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, 1978 Activities, NASA, 1979, pp. 59-60.

142 W.M.O. No. 411, Geneva, 1975. With supplements.

143 ESA Bulletin, No. 3, Oct. 1975, p. 35.

144 Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, 1978 Activities, NASA, pp. 59-60; ESA
Bui etin, No. 15, Aug. 1978, p. 59.

145 Spaceflight, vol. 21, No. 5, May 1979, pp. 205-206.

146 Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, 1979 Activities, NASA, 1980, p. 63.

147 Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology, Salamander Books, 4981, pp. 102-103.

148 Maxim, L. Private communication to G.E. Perry, Nov. 20, 1979.

149 National Paper, U.S.S.R., Sept. 2, 1981, p. 17.

150 lass, Moscow, May 25, 1972, 0737 G.m.t.

151 Vetlov, I. Celestial Patrol. Izvestiya. Moscow, May 1, 1975, p. 5.

152. Nelepo, B., and Yu. Terekhin. Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika, No. 12, December 1979, pp. 40- 41.

153 Nelepo, B.A., et al. Issledovaniye iz Kosmosa, No. 3, May-June 1982, pp. 5-12. 164 Sagdeyev, R. Izvestiya, Nov. 3, 1979, p. 3.

155 Lyndin, A. Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika, No. 3, March 1982, pp. 43-44.

156 Sagdeyev, R., idem.

157 National Paper: U.S.S.R., Sept. 2, 1981, p. 17

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