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Arsenal logo Federal State Unitary Enterprise
ARSENAL DESIGN BUREAU named after M.V.Frunze

Arsenal photo   1/3 Komsomola Street, St.-Petersburg, 195009, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 542 29 73, +7 (812) 2 48 98 42
Fax: +7 (812) 542 20 60
Telex: 122774 GROT RU
Teletype: 122774 GROT
E-mail : kbarsenal@infopro.spb.su
Leaders of enterprise

Director General & General Designer
Pr. of Baltic State Technical University,
kandidate of engineeringsciences, real member Space Academy named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.
Boris Ivanovich Poletaev

First Deputy Director General - First Deputy General Designer
Leonid Dmitrievich Fedotov

Deputy Director General & Chief Engineer
Vadim Lukich Sedykh

Deputy Director General on Economics
Leonid Danilovich Grubin

Deputy General Designer on Conversion
Marketing, Innovation and Communication
Vladimir Ivanovich Sapojnikov

Space programs and projects participation

National programs:
Luna, Kosmos, Energia-Buran, Predvestnik
International ones:
Wind-KONUS, Sea Launch.
Historical information

ARSENAL DESIGN BUREAU together with Arsenal machinbuilding plant originate from 1711, since Cannon foundry was established by the Peter the Great. ARSENAL DESIGN BUREAU was founded in 1949 on the base of design departments of military plant and subdivisions of naval artillery Central Design Bureau in order to create operational versions of ship antiaircraft and universal automatic artillery and ship launching apparatus of antiaircraft missiles. Up to now ARSENAL DESIGN BUREAU has developed and armed the Navy with a number of artillery units of high fire rate and launching apparatuses, in particular AK-100 and AK-130 universal artillery complexes. From 1960 to 1980 works on development of military missile complexes with ballistic missiles on solid propellant of both stationary (mine) and moving bases had been carried out by the Design Bureau. That time several modifications of large-sized thrusters on solid propellant for 8K98 (8K98P), 8K96, 3M-17 ballistic missiles had been developed. RT-15, which is the first moving strategic missile complex of medium distance having 8K96 missile, had been developed and put into operation. D-11 (RSM-45), which is the new military missile complex having 3M-17, which is the first in the country navy ballistic missile of medium distance on solid propellant, was put into operation in 1980. The complex had been developed by ARSENAL DESIGN BUREAU. Since than till 1991 it had been into exploitation at missile submarine. It proves high operational reliability and efficiency of the type of armament.
Since the second half of 1970-s till now space complexes having spacecrafts of KOSMOS series development and exploitation have been the main direction for work of the DESIGN BUREAU. Manufacturing both spacecrafts and other production developed by the DESIGN BUREAU is carried out by Arsenal machinbuilding plant under supervision of the DESIGN BUREAU.

Primary activities
  • Study on creation of new spacecrafts, space complexes, and satellite systems;
  • development of space complexes with spacecrafts;
  • engineering supervision under manufacturing spacecrafts carrying out at Arsenal machinbuilding plant;
  • terrestrial and flight control complexes;
  • space scientific experiments preparation and realization;
  • commercial servicing on simultaneous launching;
  • creation of different types of space platforms and commercial servicing on creation of spacecrafts on the base of the platforms, its launch arrangement and flight control.
  • Experimental and manufacture base

    During spacecraft creation experimental base of Arsenal machinbuilding plant is being used. It includes:

  • low-pressure chambers;
  • climatic factors influence test units;
  • units for test on strength and tightness check;
  • vibration stands;
  • units for test on impact load influence;
  • units for test on centrifugal load influence;
  • echoless chamber for satellite antennas test;
  • drives and gears testing units.
  • There are the following types of manufacturing:

  • mechanoprocessing;
  • sheet-metal stamping;
  • casting and welding;
  • thermal processing;
  • electrochemical processing;
  • non-metal manufacture;
  • galvanochemical and varnish-and-paint coating;
  • electromounting;
  • assembling and testing (including electrical and radioengineering tests carrying out).
  • Promising programs

    ARSENAL DESIGN BUREAU has been carrying out study and development of the following promising projects:

  • on creation of space system for earthquake precursors and techgnogenic catastrophes monitoring (PREDVESTNIK project);
  • on creation of space system for radar remote sensing of the Earth for global exploration of natural resources and ecological monitoring (OBZOR project).
  • Optional activities
  • Development and creation of automatic artillery complexes and ship launching apparatuses.
  • Development and creation of civil production for social and economical purposes (wind power plants, compressor equipment, cryogenics and refrigeration units, several drives and gears, medical apparatuses).
  • The history of the ARSENAL enterprise began in 1711 when Peter the Great by his decree founded the gun foundry. Masters of the foundry, later - the Arsenal, often demonstrated such skills, inventiveness and virtuosity, which bemused not only their contemporaries, but progenies, too. Though casting of cannons was their main task, foundry masters could fulfill such tasks which cannot be exaggerated. High class of foundry production made available to create articles which later became masterpieces. The Arsenal developed in the same dashing and sequent way as the new Russian metropolis, born by the will and genius of the Peter the Great.

    The factory was always regarded as having the best equipment not only in Russia, but in Europe too. We can refer to participation in London World Technical Exhibitions (EXPO) in 1850 and 1861 and Paris EXPO - 1900. There Petersburgians worthfully presented domestic engineering and worksmanship. The Arsenal done a good job for rearmament of the Russian artillery. At the beginning of 1930's the Arsenal substantively improved the artillery technology by creating first rifled guns. During World War II, during all heaviest 900 days of the Blockade the factory not only continued to work as trouble-free, and began to produce the best at its time anti-tank cannon: 100mm BS-3.

    In 1947 the factory began manufacturing of the ZIF compressors which were necessary for restoration of the Donbass coal mines, for erection power stations and civil premises. The first in the USSR cryogenic unit for manufacturing of liquid nitrogen was erected at the Arsenal in 1966.

    In 1980's manufacturing of space technologies and artillery systems was developed, using high-qualified personnel and precise machinery. Three hundred year history of the enterprise have afforded to gain a powerful potential in almost all areas of machine-building production. There is also good marketing experience which allow to increase volume of sales, conquer new market sectors, presenting high-quality production which meets a customer's requirements. The factory retain and maintain highly qualified personnel and advanced technologies and continue to introduce newest engineering and technologies.

    In cooperation with the State Enterprise "Vodokanal - St.Petersburg" the special pulp pump was designed, and erected at the city's purification plant. At present time conjointly with "Vodokanal - St.Petersburg" we assemble the second slime-scraper. Basing on the documentation presented by VITR (All-Russian Institute on Prosrecting Methods and Technologies) the factory have begun manufacturing of principally new drifter drilling rigs in two modifications: with diesel or electric drive. The factory's design office is projecting new models of compressor plants. The Arsenal works in cooperation with the leading compressor-building firms of the world, including"Gardner Denver Oy" (Finland) and "Holroyd" (GB). Such effective business partnership allows to produce new compressor plants which meet all international demands. At the present time a prototype of new CP passes test to satisfaction.

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