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The Space Research Centre [SRC] is a Scientific institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences established in 1977. The Space Research Centre activities comprise the designing, preparation and realization of space experiments in the context of international cooperation,the processing and interpretation of results and constructing scientific instrumentation, as well as running of satellite observations, solar/ionospheric observations and forecasting services and carrying out theoretical researches in the fields of Solar System and extraterrestrial environment physics, geodynamics, satellite geodesy and physical background for remote sensing.

    The Space Research Centre consists of the following Departments:

  • Space Physics Department;
  • Solar Physics Department (Wroclaw);
  • Space Technology Department;
  • Celestial Mechanics Department;
  • Planetary Geodesy Department (with Astronomical Latitude
  • Observatory in Borowiec near Poznan);
  • Earth Rotation Group;
  • Remote Sensing Department.

The Space Research Centre also prossesses library, technical section, editorial office and necessary administrative staff. At the end of 1998 the Space Research Centre's total staff was 138 people, of whom 47 were research workers (20 of them professors and associate professors) and around 50 were technicians and engineers.

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