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The Luxembourg-based Societe Europeenne des Satellites (SES) provides telecommunications services to most of Europe via American-manufactured spacecraft. The Astra network was doubled during 1993-1994 and at the end of 1994 consisted of four satellites, all launched by Ariane and stationed at 19.2 degrees E: Astra 1A (December, 1988), Astra 1B (March,1991), Astra 1C (May, 1993), and Astra 1D (November, 1994).

Astra 1A and Astra 1B are both based on Lockheed-Martin (GE Astro Space) spacecraft buses, although the former is a 1.0 metric ton 4000 series platform and the latter is a 1.5 metric ton 5000 series platform. Astra 1A measures 1.5 m by 1.7 m by 2.1 m with a solar panel span of 19.3 m and 2.8 kW capacity. Meanwhile, Astra 1B has overall dimensions of 2.2 m by 2.2 m by 2.8 m with a solar panel span of 24.3 m and 4.9 kW. Both spacecraft carry 16 Ku-band transponders, but those on Astra 1B are higher power (6OW versus 45W).

Astra 1C and 1D rely on the Hughes HS 601 spacecraft bus with an on-station mass of 1.7 metric tons. Each spacecraft carries 16 Ku- band transponders (plus six spares) and spans 21 m across its two solar arrays, which provide more than 3 kW. The design lifetime is at least 15 years.

Four additional Astra 1 spacecraft are scheduled for launch during 1995-1998 and all will be procured from Hughes. Astra 1F in 1996 will become the first Western GEO communications satellite to be launched by Russia's Proton booster (References 205-209).


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