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Japan Space Science Programs

The biggest challenges of space science are to reveal the mysteries of the structure and evolution of the universe, the processes of planet formation, and the origin of life.

Due to the progress of rocket and satellite technologies, space observations unhindered by the Earth’s atmosphere have become possible and X-ray and infrared astronomies have progressed rapidly. We have learnt about objects that used to be invisible. In addition, the history of the solar system is gradually being revealed through explorations of the Moon and planets. Space-based astronomical observations and planetary explorations have entered a mature phase.

JAXAwill continue further observations and research to investigate where humanity came from, as well as investigate the past and future of the Earth.

Studying planets and the moon leads us to understand the birth of the Earth and the origin of the solar system and life. Observing planets and the moon through various methods and analyzing acquired data from every angle are imperative for these studies.

Capturing phenomena in the solar system and planets beyond it and their surrounding area provides us with clues to solve the mysteries of space. Therefore, it is essential to acquire as much information as possible by seizing various radio waves including X-rays, infrared lights and plasmas in addition to visible lights.

JAXA promotes space engineering research to stably perform space exploration activities “further”, “with more flexibility” and “in wider directions.”

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