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Iraq in Space





Earth Observation

Space Links


MTS Lite Satellite Tracking System The objective of this Statement of Work (SOW) is to provide Task Force Shield and Task Force Repair Iraqi Oil with an L-Band Satellite Tracking system for use in direct support of the protection of the Iraqi Oil Infrastructure. The satellite tracking system shall be designed to provide the user with the ability to send, in near real time, a Panic Distress Signal, provide for Two Way Messaging Capability, and provide Mapping Functionally, as required, in commercial vehicles and base stations. The satellite network will provide users with the ability to obtain total asset visibility of all fielded systems. Additionally, the system will provide a reliable means of communications between users in remote field locations and managers supervising base station operations who are responsible for establishing an early warning system against terrorist threats targeting oil infrastructures in Iraq. The Satellite Tracking system shall be compatible with other L-Band Satellite tracking systems that have been deployed under the Satellite to Vehicle Tracking System program. Develop and install a Common Operating Picture (COP) server in the TF RIO and TF Shield Operations Center. The contractor shall provide all labor, material, facilities, equipment to provide the L-Band Satellite Tracking System, a common operating picture (COP) server in the Ops Center and technical support services to integrate the satellite system in commercial systems and base stations; installation in vehicles, conduct of training, accommodations suitable for conducting the training for a maximum of twenty students at any given time. 3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Mobile Emergency Response Unit (MERU): Provide a Satellite Tracking System that is packaged in a rugged transit case that is mobile, water resistant, operate on 12Volts DC, and designed to be installed/de-installed on a commercial vehicle and fully functional in ten (10) minutes. The unit will be designed as an emergency response unit that must be activated by the use of alert buttons. The MERU must be capable of delivering alert messages, via the satellite antenna, to a base station within 30 seconds of pushing the alert button. 3.2 Mobile Rugged Computer Unit (MRCU): Provide a Satellite Tracking System that is packaged in a rugged transit case that utilizes a rugged computer for displaying Two Way Messaging and Mapping functionality for use in a commercial vehicle. The unit must be mobile, water resistant, operate on 12Volts DC, and designed to be installed/de-installed on a commercial vehicle and fully functional in ten (10) minutes. The computer must contain Mapping and Messaging software that allows a user to identify him as well as all other systems in his group on a map by the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. The MRCU must be capable of delivering two-way text messages, via the satellite antenna, to a base station within 30 seconds of sending the message. Additionally, the receiving MRCU must be capable of acknowledging the sent message. 3.3 Develop and install a Common Operating Picture (COP) server in the RIO and TF Shield Operations Center. The server shall be capable of displaying the positions of all Satellite to Vehicle Communications' equipped vehicles on an electronic map. Provide and install Jupitor like video controllers to drive 4 Digital Plasma Displays (37" Diagonal) and an overhead Projection System 3.4 Compatible with Satellite to Vehicle Tracking System: The MRCU must be capable of communicating via two way messaging and provide asset visibility of these users, as required.

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