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Roket Pengorbit Satelit (RPS)
Satellite Orbiting Rocket
Satellite Launch Vehicle SLV

National Space and Aeronautics Institute (LAPAN) RPS consists of four stages, namely the three-stage RX 420 and the RX-320 level. RX-420 plan will be the booster (rocket booster) RPS. Test flying rocket stage is to build a Roket Pengorbit Satelit (RPS) which is expected to fly in 2014. In 2008 there were optimistic hopes that the RPS or Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) would first be launched in Indonesia to 2012, and if there were extra funds, even the year 2010. In fact, the LAPAN budget for 2008 was the same as the 2007 budget, which is Rp 200 billion. With this budget, the RX-420 also can be delayed, even canceled, Kompas reported 14 Januay 2008. Another project that was threatened to be canceled was the development of micro-satellites. The limited budget, not only hampered the project and the development of rockets and satellite, but also the opportunity to work together with the world institutions. With India, for example, can draw from LAPAN in the field of science in satellite.

In addition to continued work with the parties outside the country, LAPAN also puts attention to the main tool in the weapons system. In cooperation with the TNI AL [Armed Forces of Indonesia] began in 2005, in April 2008 LAPAN raised, among others, with the participation of researchers in the LAPAN-missile rejuvenescence. Previously, eight work with the TNI AL in the Malacca monitoring with satellite remote LAPAN-TUBSat.


In addition to test the RX-420 flying in the wake of refining the design, they also launched two RX-100 that berdiameter 110 mm. This missile has a weight of 30 kg and length of 1900 mm. RX-100 is used to test rocket payload subsystem. The specification rocket-RX 100 were, diameter 110 mm, weight 30 kg, 1900 mm long rocket, propellant type of solid-composite, fuel time 2.5 seconds, 70 seconds flying time, maximum speed of mach 1.7, predicted to reach 11 km, 7 km altitude input, load: diagnostic, GPS, altitudemeter, gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, processor and battery.

LAPAN has done trial on two-stage rocket launching RX-150-120 supported by TNI-AD (Indonesian Army) and PT Pindad. Rocket with cruise distance 24 kms was successfully launched from moving vehicle (Pindad Panser) on March 31, 2009


Lapan's RX-250 were being launched regularly between 1987 to 2005.


In 2008 Lapan successfully flew two RX-320. These 320 mm diameter rockets were launched on 02 July and 30 May 2008 at Pameungpeuk, West Java.



The RX-420 rocket can reach 100 kilometers at a speed of four times faster than the speed of sound. Specifications missile are a diameter of 420 mm, a liftoff weight of 1000 kg, 6200 mm length, propellant type of solid-composite, time of firing of 13 seconds, 205 seconds flying time, maximum speed of mach 4.5, predicted to reach 101 km, 53 km altitude input. The load: diagnostic, GPS, altitudemeter, gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, processor and battery. It fully used local materials. This is to prevent the occurrence of embargo from other countries, when the country used material for the rocket problem with Indonesia. The materials of this rocket can be purchased in the market.

Lapan carried out a stationary test on RX-420 on 23 December 2008 in Tarogong, West Java. Last year, the agency launched two smaller 32-cm diameter RX-320 rockets, also from the base in Pameungpeuk. Static testing of the test rocket RX-420 was the first in the framework of preparation of the launch in 2009. Static test results were the firing of the RX-420 for 12.29 seconds to reach a thrust on average 9.6 tons. Viewed from the performance, the RX-420's performance is better than the Japanese Kappa rocket that launched the 1960s. The RX-420 missile was tested at the launching station Cilauteureun, Pameungpeuk District, Garut regency, West Java.

The country's space agency successfully launched an unmanned rocket on 02 July 2009, one small step in a plan to get a satellite into orbit by 2014. Toto Marnanto Kadri, the head of the Aerospace Electronics Technology Center at the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan), said the RX-420 rocket successfully lifted off at around 8 a.m. from a launch pad in Pameungpeuk, several kilometers from the town of Garut, West Java. "This is an experimental rocket. We launched it to measure our work and record information such as rocket trajectory data, height, launch position and so on," Toto said. "This is part of our efforts to develop rocketry." He said data from the launch would be particularly valuable for the agency's efforts to build its first satellite-deploying rocket, which is scheduled for liftoff in six years.

Lapan Chief Adi Sadewo Salatun said the launch had gone well. He stated that Lapan had managed to gather all of the key data from the launch's first 10 seconds, information referred to as the "golden data." The rocket, with a diameter of 42 centimeters at its widest point, is the largest rocket launched in the country so far. It fell to Earth after just a few minutes after liftoff, when its fuel ran out at a peak height of about 50 kilometers. The 6.2-meter rocket carried a GPS device, an accelerometer and a temperature sensor. With a 70 ° angle of elevation the RX-420 can reach a height of 53 km and 101 km distance.

The rocket launching plan will be extended in 2010 by launching combined RX-420-420 and in 2011 for combined RX-420-420 - 320 and SOB 420.


Rx-420 is an important stage in the Lapan plans to launch its own independent satellite. Rx-320 to Rx-520 is the main propulsi rocket orbit micro satellite. But the funding situation of LAPAN as of 2008 may require a lower-class RPS, not the micro-satellite class (50 kg) rocket with the RX-520 as originally planned, but a nano-class (5 kg) rocket with the RX-420.

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