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Austrian Space Agency (ASA)

Austrian Space Agency (ASA) Vienna On 1 January 1987 Austria became a full member of the European Space Agency (ESA). Since 1 January 1994 Austria is also a member of the European Meteorological Organisation EUMETSAT. In 1998 the annual contribution of the Federal Republic of Austria to ESA amounted to about 31.6 M€ (435 million ATS); in 1999 about 31.8 M€ (438 million ATS). The contributions to EUMETSAT in these two years were 6.2 M€ and 7.2 M€ (85 and 99 million ATS), respectively. According to the terms of references of ASA the main tasks are as follows:

- to co-ordinate projects in the field of space research and technology in Austria and abroad, as well as within the framework of international agreements and organisations;

- to establish and maintain contacts with foreign institutions engaged in space research and technology;

- to advise the Austrian Federal Government on matters concerning space research and technology in line with Austrian interests and requirements and taking into account international developments in this area;

- to process and distribute information and data on space research and technology to all interested parties in Austria, as well as to publish relevant documents;

- to promote the training of specialists in the field of space research and technology, in co-operation with university institutes and research organisations within Austria and abroad;

- to carry out public relations activities, in particular organisation of relevant meetings;

- to promote the awarding of contracts to industrial and scientific institutions in Austria;

- to act as secretariat for the 'Advisory Committee on Space Research and Technology' of the Austrian Federal Government.

- These activities are carried out without ASA-owned research facilities. It is ASA's task to support and promote the activities of existing scientific and industrial institutions in the field of space research and technology.

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