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Tactical Event System (TES)
Tactical Event Reporting System (TERS)

The Tactical Event Reporting System (TERS) is a worldwide distribution system currently made up of the Tactical Receive Equipment and Related Applications (TRAP) system, the Tactical Information Broadcast System (TIBS), and the Joint Operation Tactical System (JOTS). Within two to four minutes of launch, the theater commander is provided tactical missile launch warning data, including the place of launch, time of launch, type missile, and a course azimuth. This warning information can be used to alert friendly forces (defensive weapon systems such as air defense systems) and attack systems. TERS has transitioned into the Tactical Event System (TES).

The Tactical Event System (TES) uses the same communications architecture used by TERS, but provides more timely and more reliable missile launch warning. TES warning messages originate at different ground segments which each contribute different but complementary detection and processing capabilities. The components of TES are the Air Force Attack and Launch Early Reporting to Theater (ALERT), Army/Navy Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS), and the Navy's Radiant Ivory National Systems Tactical Detection and Reporting (TACDAR). Together, these elements ensure theater forces receive assured and timely warning of theater ballistic missile (TBM) launches.


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