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Terrier-Orion - DTI Associates

The Terrier-Orion is a two-stage, spin-stabilized sounding rocket. It uses a Terrier Mk 12 Mod 1 engine for its first stage and an improved Orion motor for its second stage. The Terrier Mk Mod 1 is a surplus U.S. Navy missile motor; Orion is a surplus U.S. Army missile motor. The Terrier-Orion is 10.7 meters (35.1 feet) long. The Terrier stage is 46 centimeters (18 inches) in diameter, and the Orion is 36 centimeters (14 inches) in diameter. The Terrier-Orion can loft payloads weighing up to 290 kilograms (639 pounds) to altitudes up to 190 kilometers (118 miles).

A more powerful version of the Terrier-Orion rocket uses the Terrier Mk 70 motor as its first stage. This version was used for two FAA/AST-licensed suborbital launches performed by Astrotech Space Operations/DTI at the Woomera Instrumented Range in Australia in 2001 and 2002. The second flight, in July 2002, successfully flew the HyShot scramjet engine experiment.

DTI Associates of Arlington, Virginia, now markets and offers integration services for the Terrier-Orion after purchasing all intellectual property rights to the rocket from SPACEHAB in July 2001.

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