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AN/PSN-10 Small Lightweight GPS Receiver (SLGR)

6,000 SLGRs were procured during the early 1990s to satisfy immediate and urgent demands for a miniaturized version of the Manpack. The sets procured using NDI procedures were commercially available 1-, 2-, 3-, and 5-channel receivers which operated using only the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) signal (they cannot decode the Precise Positioning Service (PPS) signal which provides enhanced protection and accuracy for authorized users). Their small size, limited battery drain, and low cost (at the expense of PPS-accuracy) were highly desirable to satisfy the urgent needs of mobile military units. Selective Availability was turned off for this operation. Their availability for use in Desert Storm made a major contribution to US/UN Forces’ operations and proved the value of GPS in supporting modern warfare. The SLGR was manufactured by Trimble Navigation, Sunnyvale, CA.

The AN/PSN-10 Small Lightweight GPS Receiver (SLGR) was distributed during the Operation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm era to provide GPS capabilities to deploying ground forces and aircraft. Over the past six years, the SLGR has been replaced by the AN/PSN-11 PLGR in nearly all ground mobile units and the SLGR warranty has expired. Today, the SLGR is only authorized for service in certain aviation units registered with PM, GPS. PM, GPS contracted with Trimble Navigation Ltd. to remanufacture a number of SLGR into a military version designated the AN/ASN-169 Standalone Airborne GPS Receiver (SAGR). These sets provide GPS capability to non-modernized Army aircraft. The SLGR and SAGR are very similar in appearance. No ground unit is authorized to retain a SAGR under any circumstances.

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