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SB-WASS - Air Force Program

On 5 September 1988 a refurbished Titan 2 launched a single satellite from Vandenberg (1988-078), with a similar launch on 6 September 1989 (1989-072, USA 45). These satellites were initially identified with the NOSS program, but this identification was complicated by the absence of the expected sub-satellite triplet, as well as the fact that these satellites were at a higher inclination that the previous NOSS launches (85 degrees, versus 63 degrees), an inclination which, for orbital dynamics reasons, would preclude the station-keeping required by the sub-satellites. Nonetheless, these satellites were almost certainly signals intelligence payloads of some description.

In the late 1980s, the Air Force contracted with Martin Marietta to convert a total of 14 Titan 2 ICBMs into Titan 23G launch vehicles. At that time, six of these launch vehicles were for "classified users." Two of these have already been used to launch the SIGINT singlets previously discussed. Most interestingly, three of the remaining four Titan 23Gs initially ordered for the "classified user" have been made available to the SDI Organization, which plans to use at least two of them for the Clementine deep space test spacecraft. This suggests that the singlet program has been terminated following the third launch, which would probably take place within the next year or so.

It may be speculated that this decision was associated with the review of intelligence satellite programs conducted by incoming Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey, which also resulted in the formation of the new Central Imagery Office.

TRW was the prime contractor for this program.

The USAF Cancelled SBWASS Radar

(See the Parcae SIGINT Titan-II Payload)

Parcae Titan-II Payloads

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