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Responsive Space Program (RSP)

In late 2003 the Air Force Research Laboratory, Contracting Directorate, on behalf of the Space Vehicles Directorate, Integrated Experiments and Evaluation Division, Kirtland AFB, NM, awarded a sole source contract to MicroSat Systems, Inc. (MSI) for the Responsive Space Program (RSP) using the Techsat 21 Bus.

The history of RSP is embedded in the TechSat 21 effort. TechSat 21 is an Other Transaction for Prototype (OTA) issued under VS-00-01 BAA, Technical Area Number 10, Microsatellite Formation Flying, synopsized on 17 Dec 1999. Due to funding issues and change in program direction, the OT is being converted to a FAR Cost Plus Fixed Fee, completeion type contract. The objective of Techsat 21 was to show demonstration of formations of microsatellites flying in close proximity to perform missions otherwise performed by larger, monolithic satellites.

The objective of the Responsive Space Program (RSP) is to rapidly design, build, test, and field an operationally relevant microsatellite system; reduce timelines for development, test, launch, and checkout; and provide a responsive capability to the user.

The objective is to: Build, and deliver a microsatellite bus, using available excess hardware, within nine months; and, leverage previous government investment on the development of small, low cost satellite components and systems. There will be options for two additional microsatellite buses. This contract is meant to build upon the effort developed under the VS-00-01 BAA, Technical Area Number 10, Microsatellite Formation Flying, for Other Transaction for Prototype, awarded Jul 00 to MSI. The period of performance for the effort is 20 months, to also include integration, testing, launch and six months of on-orbit operations, with an anticipated start date of Nov 2003. The option periods will not be more than 18 months each. A contract will be awarded to MSI, provided other sources cannot furnish the services at equivalent terms.

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