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RCVR 3A (R-2332( )/AR)

Most of the current DOD aircraft inventory are scheduled for integration with GPS JPO-procured 3A and MAGR. These receivers are fully mil-qualified and have undergone extensive developmental and qualification testing.

Although the 3A receiver was developed in 1985, the receiver continues to perform well in the field; the receiver has only received a modest upgrade and is considered to be of “older technology.” It has 5 channels with which to receive & process satellites; the larger the number of channels, the faster the receiver computes the first fix and updates position. The Time to First Fix (TTFF) is important to the speed (or dynamics) of the host platform. The three primary functional shortcomings of the 3A receiver are that it is not field reprogrammable (in other words it must be returned to a depot for upgrade), it does not implement an enhanced anti-spoofing function (recognition and avoidance of deception - intentional or unintentional signal interference), and lastly it is large, heavy and contains many outdated/obsolete components. The depot at Warner Robins-ALC provides sustainment support for the 3A receivers and will continue in that role for the foreseeable future.

The current fielded legacy 5 Channel, Airborne GPS Receiver 3A (R-2332J/AR) receivers require upgrade or replacement to comply with the mandate from the office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to field Selective Availability / Anti Spoofing Module (SAASM) capable GPS receivers by October 2002. In coordination with the GPS Joint Program Office (SMC/CZ) in Los Angeles, the Robins Air Logistics Center's Space and Special Systems Management Directorate [LKN] is leading a Joint Service study team to evaluate available options and alternatives for the R-2332J/AR GPS receiver. This is the most common military airborne GPS receiver with the largest number of military users (4,000 plus). The team is conducting market research and analysis for both receiver modification options and receiver replacement acquisition alternatives. The purpose is to evaluate whether to upgrade the Global Positioning System (GPS) with a Security Anti-Spoofing Module (SASM) or to replace the Legacy 3A Receiver.

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