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Multi-Band, Multi-Mode Terminal (M2T)

The Multi-Band, Multi-Mode Terminal(M2T) Program will provide the Air Force and other Department of Defense (DoD) users with a state-of-the-art UHF DAMA SATCOM terminal. The Government anticipates the M2T to be based on a Non Developmental Item (NDI)/mature technology approach. The purpose of the M2T program is to provide an interim capability to meet user needs while the long term solution of a Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) is being developed. The (JTRS) cannot meet the near term needs of the users due to the length of its development program before production. In order to satisfy the requirement as early as possible, the Government expects the Contractor will produce, document, test, qualify, certify, and deliver M2Ts using an NDI-based solution. The requirements in the ASPC ORD 003-93 III will be satisfied as much as possible using the selected Offeror's NDI-based capability. The minimum requirements for the M2T will consist of those in the Technical Requirements Document (TRD). Additional capabilities may also be included in the selected Offeror's NDI-based terminal. Upon contract award, the additional features in the successful Offeror's NDI-baseline will be incorporated into the TRD which will then become the technical contract baseline for the M2T program.

The Government's main objective is to procure MBMMRs according to FAR Part 12 using a "best value" approach as defined in AFFARS Appendix 5315. Since the Government considers delivery of production M2Ts on or ahead of schedule to be critical, the Contractor will be provided a monetary incentive for early delivery of production terminals. M2T is a terminal that, at a minimum, meets all requirements of the TRD. Key, minimum required features of the M2T are: Embedded Half-duplex RF UHF SATCOM dedicated and DAMA compliant (MIL-STD-188-181B, -182A, -183), Embedded COMSEC (KY-58, ANDVT, KG-84, Embedded DAMA Orderwire Encryption), Voice and Data Communications, Minimum 25 DAMA/SATCOM presets per mode, and HAVEQUICK/II and SINCGARS will be considered on a best value basis.

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