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The Titan Linkabit LST-8000(v)T is a portable/transit case TRI-BAND terminal that will give the user the capability of communicating over commercial satellites in the C and Ku Bands as well as accessing the Military DCSC Satellites in X-Band. This Tri-band system that will give the users the capability to access worldwide C, X, and Ku band Super High Frequency (SHF) satellites while still maintaining a high degree of portability, flexibility, and diversity to the community of military users. It provides secure SHF communications at C, Ku, and X Bands with automatic satellite tracking, supporting data rates up to 512 kbs in C-Band, 1.544 Mbs (T-1) in X-Band and -9.4 Mbs (E-2) in Ku band. It is compatible with multiple PBX, vocoder, faxes, and analog or digital devices for remote operation. This highly transportable system is portable in two-man transit cases with an aggregate burden of 720 pounds and 27 cubic feet.

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