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The DigitalGlobe constellation collects over one billion km2 of high-resolution imagery per year—building and refreshing the most comprehensive and up-to-date high-resolution imagery library in the world as well as offering tremendous tasking capacity. In January 2013, the major two U.S. commercial remote sensing satellite firms, DigitalGlobe and GeoEye, completed their merger, retaining the DigitalGlobe name. On 06 August 2010, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency awarded $7.3 billion in contracts to two U.S. commercial remote sensing firms in support of the EnhancedView program.

WorldView-4, the newest high-resolution, highly accurate satellite to join the world’s leading constellation, represents an investment in the future, and in continuing to help solve real-world problems.

The G-EGD program provides the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and its customers with current, unclassified, high-resolution imagery in support of operational planning, emergency response and situational awareness. G-EGD’s NextView-licensed orthorectified and orthomosaicked products are ready to use and available both online and offline, include a nearly cloud-free foundation imagery base layer, continuous delivery of global imagery strips within 18 hours of collection, and quick-turnaround or “rapid response” images of high-priority geographic locations. On-demand access is available for any device that can connect to the Internet. With the Global Daily Take, more than 1M sq km of new ortho imagery is ingested into the system daily.

The G-EGD content is provided to end users through the EV WHS. This platform allows users to access the G-EGD content using a web browser (My DigitalGlobe); via OGC Services, or EarthService (Google Earth). Access via OGC Services Compatible with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant government or commercial applications and online portals such as FalconView, ArcGIS, SAGE, and Gaia. An intuitive, browser-based tool for users to search for imagery locations, view content, and request and manage feature downloads and virtual mosaic “mashups” that can be exported and saved in multiple formats. A browser-based imagery selection tool compatible with KML-based Earth viewers such as Google Earth, ArcGIS Explorer, and World Wind. Users can chip and download imagery in multiple formats.

Feature WorldView-1 GeoEye-1 WorldView-2 WorldView-3 WorldView-4
Operational altitude 496 km 681 km 770 km 617 km 617 km
Spectral characteristics Pan Pan + 4 MS Pan + 8 MS Pan + 8 MS + 8 SWIR Pan + 4 MS
Panchromatic resolution (nadir) .50 m 0.41 m 0.46 m 0.31 m 0.31 m
Multispectral resolution (nadir) N/A 1.64 m 1.85 m 1.24 m 1.24 m
Accuracy Specification (nadir) 6.5 m CE90 3 m CE90 6.5 m CE90 3.5 m CE90 4 m CE90
Swath width 17.7 km 15.3 km 16.4 km 13.2 km 13.1 km
Average revisit
at 40°N latitude
1.7 days < 3 days 1.1 days 1.0 day 1.0 day
Monoscopic area coverage
(30° off-nadir)
111 km x 112 km
(6 Strips)
45 km x 112 km
(3 Strip)
138 km x 112 km
(8 Strips)
69 km x 112 km
(5 Strips)
66.5 km x 112 km
(5 Strips)
Single-pass stereoscopic coverage
(30° off-nadir)
51 km x 112 km
(3 Pairs)
15 km x 112 km
(1 Pair)
63 km x 112 km
(4 Pairs)
28 km x 112 km
(2 Pairs)
26.6 km x 112 km
(2 Pairs)
Weight class 2500 kg
(5500 lbs)
1955 kg
(4,310 lbs)
2800 kg
(6200 lbs)
2800 kg
(6200 lbs)
2600 kg
(5700 lbs)

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