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Deep View Satellite Imaging Radar

DARPA's Deep View (formerly entitled the "Space Object Identification System") radar upgrade program will build a ground-based system that can provide high resolution images of small satellites in the same deep space orbits covered by the Space Surveillance Telescope. A very high search rate with the Space Surveillance Telescope. and the ability to zero in and characterize satellites with Deep View radar -- these are two valuable new tools to reach for leak-proof "attribution-based architecture."

The Deep View program will develop a high-resolution radar imaging capability to characterize objects in earth orbit. A special emphasis will be placed on imaging small objects at orbits ranging from low earth orbit (LEO) to geo-synchronous orbit (GEO). The system will be based upon a large aperture imaging radar system redesigned to operate at very high power over very broad bandwidth at W-band. Key technology development will focus on: (1) transmitters capable of providing the required power to image at deep-space ranges over full bandwidth, and (2) an antenna design that maintains the necessary form factor over a very large aperture. The capabilities emerging from this program will enable the classification of unknown objects, such as space debris, as well as the monitoring of the health and status of operational satellites.

Deep View completed preliminary design review in May 2002. DARPA established an MOA with the Air Force for this program in August 2004. The Deep View technology is planned for transition to the Air Force at the conclusion of Phase III, which is anticipated to be completed by FY 2010.

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