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Defense Advanced Global Positioning System Receivers [DAGR]

The hand-held Defense Advanced Global Positioning System Receiver [DAGR], being developed in partnership with the GPS Joint Program Office in Los Angeles CA will replace the Precision Lightweight GPS Receivers (PLGR, pronounced "plugger") of which about 78,000 are currently in Army field units. PM GPS currently has the money to field an estimated 66,000 DAGR's between 2001 and 2005 - however, the tally of requirements from the field is for 250,000 units. DAGR will include the same GPS position, velocity and time information currently available with the PLGR, along with new "user-friendly" features such as a graphical user interface in which the user's location is indicated on a digitally displayed map. While the PLGR weighs 2.75 pounds, the DAGR weighs less than 2 pounds.

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