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Coalition Infrared Data Processing (CIDP)

The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) technical assessment focused on the ability of each selected Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) trial to satisfy their interoperability objectives by providing data to and receiving data from external interfaces, as well as using standard communications ports, protocols, and data formats. JITC assessed the Coalition Infrared Data Processing (CIDP) during the two-week CWID 2007 execution. Developed by the Space and Missile Center and Missile Defense Agency, CIDP demonstrates use of overhead non-imaging infrared sensors to expand the missile warning function historically provided by the DSP system: battlespace awareness (battlefield activity and bomb damage assessment); indications and warning of changes in the battlefield (force redeployment and precursors to attack).

CIDP participated in CWID and successfully met CWID Integrated Planning, Integrated Operationsnd Integrated Intelligence objectives by using Space Based Infrared sensors to expand the Missile Warning (MW) function and send data to U.S. and UK Command and Control (C2) Systems. The data included Battlespace Characterization (BSC), battlefield activity, bomb damage assessment and Indications and Warning (I&W) of battlefield changes (force redeployment, precursors to an attack). The U.S. C2 systems that received input from CIDP were Global Command and Control System-Army (GCCS-A) and Global Command and Control System-Joint (GCCS-J). The UK C2 system was the Incident Command System (ICS).

Classifying the majority of the data that CIDP delivered to these systems was limited to a higher 4-eyes classified domain and was scrubbed before moving data to the all-eyes classified domain via air gap. This trial's technical assessment was only on the initial data delivery to the 4-eyes C2 systems (GCCS-A, GCCS-J, and ICS). The message data was originally generated in TAB37 format. However, when testing with GCCS prior to CWID execution, technicians discovered that they had to configure the GCCS systems with a serial connection to receive the TAB37 message format.

While GCCS can process other message formats directly over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/ (IP) (TCP/IP), it was not possible with the TAB37 formatted messages. As a result, messages were sent over the network via TCP/IP, and converted to serial before sending to GCCS. The data flow from source to GCCS was: CIDP generates TAB37 message à Juniper Netscreen 208 (firewall) à NetGear Fast Switch à conversion to fiber à CTF gateway router à Site gateway Router à Ethernet à Juniper Netscreen 5GT (firewall) à Ethernet to serial converter àserial to GCCS and ICS. CIDP performed all data exchanges successfully and GCCS and ICS received, processed, and displayed all data correctly.

While the trial's technology already exists and is currently fielded, CWID provided the opportunity to demonstrate a new use for the space-based infrared sensor system. Coupled with other intelligence sources, CIDP helps warfighters make more accurate and timely decisions. It also allows the warfighter to better track what is occurring on the battlefield, improves information flow and speeds up the decision-making process.

CIDP also supports a potential application at the tactical level for urban fighting. Low signature IR data can directly apply to battlefield awareness in a counterinsurgency environment for such possible events as car bombs, firefights with heavy weapons and extensive destruction, and determining mortar attack point of origin. Other uses include CSAR applications and miscellaneous low-signature threat detection.

The CIDP trial set out to provide coalition warriors and decision makers with simulated, overhead non-imaging infrared (ONIR) information to assist Battlespace Awareness (BSA), Targeting Intelligence (TI), Blue Force Tracking (BFT) and Battle Damage Assessment (BDA). This information is valuable in the information-to-command decision chain as it provides a comprehensive IR view of the area of regard and facilitates the appropriate response to changing battlefield conditions. Warfighters unanimously agreed that CIDP met this goal.

CIDP provides an intelligence cross fix of events pertaining to and involving heat sources. This information is valuable for localizing search and rescue and/or coordinating attack vectors to engage enemy positions. However, in order to use this product in theater, one would have to request access of services prior to any event. This could limit CIDP's ability to be a valuable resource in circumstances that require immediate evaluation such as SAR, unless there are modifications to how the services are accessed.

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