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AN/TSC-152 Lightweight Multi-Band Satellite Terminal (LMST)
AN/USC-59 Lightweight Multi-Band Satellite Terminal (LMST)

The Lightweight Multi-Band Satellite Terminal (LMST) Program tri-band super high frequency terminal program provides smaller, lighter, modular, more flexible terminals to meet the theater deployable communications (TDC) requirement to provide initial long haul communications for bare-base deployment and augment communications as deployment matures. The (LMST is a transportable, tri-band (X, C, Ku) communications terminal designed for use with the Theater Deployable Communications (TDC) package. LMST operates worldwide with any spacecraft of the DSCS II, III, NATO III, IV, INTELSAT, EUTELSAT, PANAMSAT, and DOMSAT payloads. The LMST is a completely redundant system in a single carrier mode but has the capability of operation simultaneously over two different satellites.

There are two configurations of LMST terminals: one is housed in a trailer with onboard power source and the second is packaged in transit cases without a power source.

  • The Trailer configuration (AN/TSC-152) uses an organic pop-up 8-foot offset-fed antenna to minimize terminal set-up time. Redundant 10 kW diesel generators, mounted on the trailer, provide for self-sufficient operations.
  • The Transit Case configuration (AN/USC-59) has the same capabilities as the trailer configuration except it utilizes an 8-foot offset tripod antenna and requires less than 65 percent of the standard 463L pallet in transport mode. The baseband equipment can be remote operated up to 150 feet from the antenna system.

The Air Force initially procured seven (7) trailer terminals and three (3) transit case terminals through US Army Communications - Electronics Command (CECOM) in Ft Monmouth. On 04 February 2000 Harris Corp., Government Communications Systems Division, Melbourne, Fla., was awarded an $8,582,157 modification to firm-fixed-price/time and materials contract for nine trailerized configuration terminals and nine pack-up kits.

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